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Chinas Social Credit can Throttle your Internet

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posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 04:40 PM
Image that, you are a bad driver so in turn you get super slow internet speed!
Ok, I laughed at that for a moment, but c’mon!

Other potential punishable offenses include spending too long playing video games, wasting money on frivolous purchases, and posting on social media.

Uh Oh 👀
Guess I’d be getting slow internet speeds!! LOl
Some other punishments include

Restricting travel
restricting luxury purchases

The upside
Lower utility bills and interest rates.
I feel we kinda have this in the US with insurance rates.

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Yes it certainly doesn't look good mate and more info below on impending digital caste systems and enforced cybernetic behavioural control grids.

Think slow internet speeds will be the least of people's problems.

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 05:07 PM
The article says that it is still voluntary. Who the F' would volunteer to possibly have their
dog confiscated and a travel ban imposed?
Of course, it is China. Volunteer probably translates to "voluntold".

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 05:22 PM

Other potential punishable offenses include spending too long playing video games, wasting money on frivolous purchases..

I wonder if they'll be able to counter those↑ horrific offenses by maybe spending some time doing community service, or donating money to charity*, to balance things out...

I'm not saying I would ever consider doing such things, but I'm curious if those might be options.

Charity* = Whoever is in charge of determining the social credit score.

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: BrokenCircles

My question is why allow video games and frivolous stuff on the market?

Government should receive a bad credit score for allowing a frivolous market to take root, and double that with the fact the frivolous stuff created polution that was allowed by the government...

Wow! This could be fun!

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: coamanach

My question is why allow video games and frivolous stuff on the market?

Because everyone should have the right to spend their own time and money however they please.

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 05:46 PM
it's really worrying all this talk about china's 'social credit score' with digitial ID that includes one's health/financial data .
If that comes here it's the end of life as we know it.
It won't be worth living anymore. We'd be prisoners without having committed a crime while the true criminals remain free and just become more powerful and wealthy

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: BrokenCircles

I agree, but I meant in the context of credit score. They start by allowing you a little freedom and remove it progressively, or punish you for using your freedom. If it's bad, why allow it then?

It smells like THX-1138. Or 1984. Or Farenheit 451. Along those lines.

I personnally give a 1 star out of 5 of rating for the entire credit score system.

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

That's my thought; not civilization ending, but humanity's one, yes, in a big way.

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 06:00 PM
And the entire commie technocratic control scheme was implemented by none other than our local hero and complete pervert Bill Gates.

I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with his current world dominating aspirations of vaxpass.

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 06:20 PM
Yeah, bill gates should be sat facing the corner with a dunce hat on until his boots fill with piss.

a reply to: Mandroid7

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 06:31 PM
What is hard to fathom is the fact that the whole world sees the CCP as an example of what they don't want their own countries to become, as we continue to transfer all power to China and watch them grow.
There will come a day when there's no turning back.

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 07:11 PM
Gee. I have a landline phone too far from AT&Ts hub and I can't boost the speed anymore or it gets all messed up. So maybe the distance from the little building and the change from fiber optic to wires going over the river and back to fiber optics is caused by China's social score. I will have to relay that good news to AT&T so they can use it as an excuse for us country folks.

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 07:46 PM
If I pay my ISP x amount for y mbps, and they throttle it artificially because I just happened to fart on a bus, you can bet there will certainly be a stink...

I wish china would just build a really big space ship and go live on mars.

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 10:55 PM

edit on Sat Dec 25 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2021 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: Wizzz0001

In China you're voluntold.

posted on Dec, 26 2021 @ 07:09 AM

originally posted by: coamanach
a reply to: BrokenCircles

My question is why allow video games and frivolous stuff on the market?

oh, you mean do as Australia does? only allow video games they deem acceptable to be sold in Australia, or to even be able to be played on consoles sold Australia (so you just can't buy a game they do not approve of, and bring it home).

i ran into this several years ago buying a video game in the Philippines. they do things a bit differently at most stores in the Philippines. in the case of things like video games they will ask to open in, at which point they check that all manuals and such are init. as well as having you inspect the CD for damage and scratches before paying for it. (and do so for most things, almost always opening things and checking that they work up front, be it a TV, fan,computer mouse, headphones, even test light bulbs for which stores actually have special sockets they can just put the light bulb in quick without needing to screw it in to test). well on that day because like most non white countries, they really can't tell white people groups apart from each other since we all look the same to them, they asked if i was from Australia, and thus had an Australian game console. i told them no, and then out of curiosity of a WTF moment, i asked why that would matter. and was told that that game (i think it was Grand Theft Auto, but if not some other normal game played in North America), could not be played on a console from Australia, and it was illegal to take to Australia. something the store company had been having problems with resulting from Australians buying the game and it either not working on their machine, or they got in trouble when they bought one of the outlawed games and tried to take it home, since so many Australians go to the Philippines. now i have personally bought games in the Philippines region coded to North America, Asia (and boy does Asia have so many games for standard game consoles like Play Station, not available anywhere else), and even coded for the UK, and never once had an issue playing them on a North American, or Asian bought console. but apparently that is not the case for a console from Australia, which can only use Australian region coded games.

posted on Dec, 26 2021 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

China will eventually become a nation of Zombies, programmed, controlled, chip implanted, told what to do and what not to do, self policing, networked AI moderated Zombies.

Don't pity them, they willingly and slowly run over two year old little girls in the street and walk past them after they are injured by the driver who just drove away leaving them in the road to be killed by the next driver who also cant even be bothered to steer to avoid them were they are lying injured on brightly lit streets because they don't want to get involved.

Don't pity them, they do whatever a cannibal communist party that ATE there people when it STARVED THEM TO DEATH during the cultural revolution tells them to do.

Don't pity them, they Left Little baby girls to die in the cold of starvation and exposure or murdered them outright because they wanted little boy's and now even though they still place little or no value on a female life they have not enough woman in there nation.

Do not pity them, they will steal from you and blame you for letting yourself be robbed as if you deserve it for being gullible enough to be robbed.

Do not pity them, if you are NOT Han they do not regard you as even a human being and will gladly steal your organs and use you as slaves.

But be weary of them, they are the most likely conduit through which AI will eventually try to take control of the human race, the same technology will be used by our OWN elite and be no less evil in it's implementation but in there case the transition from a (Barely) human Chairman to a fully automated and soulless machine telling them what to do will likely not even be noticed except by the party members whom it will purge first promoting there underlings to take there place while keeping them strictly monitored AND implanted to keep control.

Social Credit Score, who are the morons using this, well in the west our own credit agency's are starting to use it and yes it is utterly evil and corporate control of every aspect of a person's life through the back door which is very little different to Chinese Atheist communism in the final equation.

Hell machine intelligence would use that to take control of the world as well AND turn it's victims into cannibals, machines AND Atheist Communist party's do not have ethic's, they do not have morality and to them the rest of the population are just disposable cattle to be bred, controlled, culled, eaten.

But remember many Chinese are not so bad, many Chinese are also NOT Han though Han are the majority after there ancestors butchered, enslaved and wiped out most other Ethnic Chinese group's, Cantonese are one of the must numerous NON Han and they are second class citizens in China even though they are fully Chinese, but NOT in the sight of the HAN.

Though like anything I am stereotyping there are likely many decent Chinese Han as well and many other tribes call themselves Han in order to be accepted by the dominant and very racist against non Han and other ethnicity's majority Han Chinese.

edit on 26-12-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2021 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Image that, you are a bad driver so in turn you get super slow internet speed!
Ok, I laughed at that for a moment, but c’mon!

Other potential punishable offenses include spending too long playing video games, wasting money on frivolous purchases, and posting on social media.

Uh Oh 👀
Guess I’d be getting slow internet speeds!! LOl
Some other punishments include

Restricting travel
restricting luxury purchases

The upside
Lower utility bills and interest rates.
I feel we kinda have this in the US with insurance rates.

Things like this also happens in the US. Both the state and private companies can do all kinds of things.

For example you can have your driver’s license revoked if you're late paying child support, and conservative Youtubers have had their credit cards stopped.

posted on Dec, 26 2021 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: nugget1

China's actually pretty late to the game, this kind of things has been happening in the US for years. Just ask anybody whose been late paying child support. You can have half your life switched off by the state.

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