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9571 New Cases of Covid in Ontario Yesterday and Surprise Surprise........

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posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 07:16 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
Covid is an airborne disease. It's in the air.

This is a chemical attack. Keep your eyes glued to the skies.

Anyone notice any military aircraft flying overhead in last 24 hours?

a reply to: The_Truth_Seeker

yeah whatever happened to contrails?

it seemed to be big for a bit

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: The_Truth_Seeker
7,425 of those case are in fully vaccinated people and 356 in partially vaxxed. So 81.3% of those case people were vaxxed (or partially vaxxed) compared to 18.7% of the people having no vax.


Among the cases reported today are 1,536 unvaccinated people, 356 partially vaccinated, and 7,425 fully vaccinated. 254 cases were reported with vaccination status unknown.

And the 7 day average of Covid case:

The seven-day average incidence rate by vaccination status is 31.9 cases per 100,000 unvaccinated people, 29.4 cases per 100,000 partially vaccinated people, and 32.4 cases per 100,000 fully vaccinated people.

So more than 2/3 of the case in the last week, people were fully or partially vaccinated. [sarcasm]Oh Yeah. That's really gonna convince me to get the vaccine. Not[/sarcasm]

When more people are vaccinated as in patients than the unvaccinated ought to give anybody a moment's pause, even in the ICU it's closer than they usually advertise.

Anecdotally a co-worker twice vaccinated is now on their second case of COVID, they report this second case is much worse for them than the first.

Seven Days later hospitalizations and ICU hospitalizations are up, but the totals shouldn't be enough to stress the hospitals unless there is something else going on, Ontario has a population of 14 million people

edit on 2-1-2022 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 12:49 PM
Breaking news. Lockdown is back for another sequel, gyms and bars closed, mandatory QR code vaccine passports in effect and kids stay home for online school for first half of January. Its absolutely bonkers here. I live in Toronto, huge numbers vaxxed and massive campaign going on by our municipal government to boost everyone and vaccinate kids. And yet, people are still afraid of getting Covid. I feel like I live in the twilight zone. My kids school had 2 cases of COvid in 2 years and there are parents that are afraid to send their kids to school. WTF.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: headcheck

I will tell you. The Omigawd Variant Hysteria just hit my workplace an hour or so ago. If I take the HR email at its literal word, I should be sitting here fully masked and no closer then 6ft from everyone else, and since this restaurant is a group gathering and many people show no symptoms, I shouldn't go back after lunch. Rather I should call HR and tell them I believe I may have been exposed. This means I will have to test with kits no one can find.

I should repeat this after every instance of public interaction I have.

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