A recent movie introduced Hans Heinze, a character that was known as Euthanasia-Heinze.
here is an article about him:
1939–1945: Medicalized Mass Murder, Children first
“Eugenic Extermination” “Children’s euthanasia” a murderous program, unique in the history of mankind, that targeted infants, children,
and young adults as the means for actualizing a social Darwinist vision of society. By systematically murdering children, scientists sought to
eradicate pathological phenotype — “eugenic extermination.” Not until 2000 did historians document 30 killing stations, misleadingly labeled
Kinderfachabteilungen (“special children’s wards”) which were established in existing medical or other care facilities. The first victims of
systematic medical mass murder were handicapped German children who were murdered by physicians and nurses. “Physicians’ participation
was always both voluntary and deliberate, they retained ultimate authority to order or decline a killing once authorized from Berlin.”.
(Lutz Kaelber. Child Murder in Nazi Germany: The Memory of Nazi Medical Crimes and Commemoration of Children’s Euthanasia Victims at Two FAcilities
(Eichberg, Kalmenhof), Societies, 2012)
The mass murder of handicapped German children and adults was planned, organized, and implemented by the secret Reich Committee under the Office of
the Führer which was the preeminent body dealing with racial hygiene and population policy in Nazi Germany.
Its members belonged to the elite
within the medical establishment. The SS had no part in the T4 so called “euthanasia” action. It was entirely carried out by health care
professionals who facilitated the conditions for medical murder and heinous experiments; health care professionals implemented and actively took part
in every phase of medical mass murder. The selection phase began with a State decree ordering doctors and midwives to fill out a questionnaire
reporting all newborn infants and young children under age 3, who showed signs of specific mental or physical abnormalities or handicaps.
The questionnaire, couched in language using euphemisms to create the impression that the objective was a scientific survey to aid children with
serious medical conditions, was essentially used as a death warrant. The children were selected on the basis of those questionnaires by three
“medical experts” (psychiatrists) — Dr. Hans Heinze, Dr. Ernst Wentzer, and Dr. Werner Catel — who decided which children to kill. The program
was expanded to include children under age 17. They were secretly transported to one of 22 killing wards where 27 doctors murdered the children.
(Friedlander. Origins of Nazi Genocide, Table 3-4)
Dr. Hans Heinze, also named "Euthanasia Heinze"
Professor Henry Friedlander points out that from the moment
the questionnaires were filed, throughout the entire process — of selection,
observation, evaluation, killing, and dissection — the children were wards of the Reich Committee.
Once a child was assigned for euthanasia, it was virtually impossible for a parent to intervene.
The first children’s killing ward was set up at Brandenburg-Gorden by Heinze, and served as a model for others; the killing method used was
primarily overdose injections of barbiturates, morphine, or the antiepileptic drug Luminal. In some cases, exhaust fumes from trucks were used to gas
groups of patients. Some handicapped children were taken from parents against their will and “cared for” in a boarding facility. The parents would
be told later that thei child died from natural causes; they were never told that doctors had murdered their child.
These children were probably the first group of Nazi victims who were chosen by physicians for a scientific interest and killed “on
The determination of possible hereditary transmission of each illness was to be correlated with postmortem examination of their brain.
(Sally Rogow. Hitler’s Unwanted Children: Children With Disabilities, 1998)
The academic medical community exploited the sudden availability of human subjects slated for extermination. Every human captive of the Nazi state was
considered to be a potential subject for inhumane research.
Every victim murdered in a “euthanasia” killing center, a concentration/death camp,
or Gestapo execution chamber was a potential object for experimental exploitation.
Hallervorden accumulated a large collection of these murdered children’s brains. He then seized the opportunity afforded by the T-4 mass murder of
psychiatric patients at Brandenburg:
“I heard they were going to do that and so I went up to them: ‘Look here now, boys, if you are going to kill all these people at least take the
brains out so that the material can be utilized’. . . . There was wonderful material among these brains, beautiful mental defectives. . . . They
asked me: ‘How many can you examine?’ and so I told them an unlimited number
— the more the better. . . . They came bringing them in like
the delivery van from the furniture company. The Public Ambulance Society brought the brains in batches of 150–250 at a time"
(Harmut Hanauske-Abel. Not a Slippery Slope or Sudden Subversion: German Medicine and National Socialism in 1933, BMJ, 1996)
Psychiatrist Dr. Hermann Pfannmüller, medical director of Eglfing-Haar, a children’s killing center, developed a special slow starvation diet for
“useless eaters”; providing him with an opportunity to observe and collect data on the effects of malnourishment and progressive starvation:
“we use a more natural method of starvation: We do not kill . . . with poison, injections, etc. . . . No, our method is much simpler, and more
natural, as you see.”
He further explained that “the sudden withdrawal of food was not employed, rather gradual decrease of the rations.”
(Michael Greger, MD. Nazi Doctors)
The parents were deceived; they were told the children would receive advanced therapeutic interventions; those who resisted were pressured, coerced
and threatened with loss of custody of their healthy children. Henry Friedlander reports that physicians in the killing wards were anxious to fulfill
their quotas because the staff of a “productive killing ward” received a financial bonus.
“The physicians in the killing wards did everything in their power to prevent parents from removing their children.”(Friedlander, The
Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution, 1995)
Whereas a public outcry led to the formal suspension of the T4 adult killing operation in 1941, medical personnel continued to murder children and
adolescents in what has been termed “wild euthanasia” during which large numbers of patients were killed (the exact number still is not known) by
overdoses of medicine or planned starvation. One example was the Bavarian state hospital at the city of Kaufbeuren, which served as a T4 transfer
institution for patients designated for extermination from all over Germany; it later served as a center for “wild euthanasia” (including a
children’s killing ward). The staff at Kaufbeuren continued to murder patients even after Germany’s surrender in May 1945. The last child murdered
by the head nurse of Kaufbeuren was Richard Jenne.
(Lindert J, Stein Y, Guggenheim H, Jaakkola JJK, von Cranach M, Strous RD. )
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