a reply to:
Meh I think that's a lame excuse.. I can name way more black singers then white ones. The main difference is most black singers go it alone. Where
as a majority of white are band.
So unless your simply amazing as an individual singer you don't get the same attention as bands do. Because your relying on your singular value.
When you look at a singer like Whitney Houston. She's a legend, she was gorgeous with stunning vocal range, that girl had it all so she went
You look at 50c he was sexy had some nice vibes.
You look at seal, really amazing voice. But not much to look at. So seal falls off due to lack of sex appeal.
When solo singers/musicians don't have the sex appeal mixed in with their music they fall flat 99% of the time and often only have 1hitters.
This alone is what made "bands" so famous. When you look at backstreet or nysnc back in the day they had a man type for everyone in the group, same
to be said for spice girls. So those types made more money in the long run because not just of their music but the allure.
You have the opposite story with someone like Gwen Stefani who started in a band(no doubt), and was held back because her band wasn't as much on the
appeal. But she was.
Only people who do not understand the music industry would ever say that. Idk who Kenny G is, but he ain't as famous as he thinks he is.
But I will tell you this, I know who Carlos Santana is, Prince, Will, Ricky, etc etc etc. So his race ain't got nothing to do with who listens to
his crap.
Then again I just don't give a crap about saxophone musicias.. it's like trying to play an orchestra on a flute to me. But I will tell you I know
Stevie Wonder.
I had to Google that guy, just to learn he is a sax player. So he hella ain't that good. In fact no one knows who the hell he is in my house hold,
with 12 people around the table. Closest I got "heard the name before no idea who he is or what he does.".
edit on 25-12-2021 by BlackArrow
because: (no reason given)