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Queensland covid life: And some advice.

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posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 08:12 PM
So I live in QLD, won't get into specifics. but I'm very much north of the southern border where things are hot and tropical this time of year.
Great weather for getting some sunshine and fighting any coofs you might have. If you have them that is.

As many of you may or may not be aware, our borders recently opened up to allow a good influx of people from southern, colder 'hot zones', the covid was given 4 unhindered days to find a way into the State and take hold then new 'mandates' and rules were brought in.
(No seriously tell me the open borders then new rules wasn't done backwards. Rules then border makes more sense surely?)

Any way, long story short, a lot of restrictions have been put on the unjabbed. If you're not jabbed you can and will be barred from locations including and not limited to government facilities and private business, with a few exceptions deemed as 'essential services'.
So the 'unvaxxed' as the social media and MSM likes to call us can still go buy food and hoard toilet paper the same as the normies can.
Oh but you need to be masked, except for when you don't. Many counter-intuitive contradictory to law rules.

Like I cannot go to the zoo, because the Otters and Kangaroos might catch the coof from me. But I can go 'unvaxxed' to the local swimming pool, and share and contaminate H20 with a bunch of other random people. Not sure if we have to wear the mask in the pool though?

I cannot go to the library, or visit grandma dying of old age, um, I mean of the covids in Hospital unless double 'vaxxed' but I can go to the hospital for medical treatment unvaxxed. Probably have to mask though. I can also go to the Gym, and sweat and sneeze all my nasty unvaxxed covid all over the gym equipment. But mask? Meh, chin diapers and ill fitted incorrect for virus spread prevention masks aren't a thing.

That's about the long and the short of life currently in QLD, a place with a 99.999% survival rate with only 7 deaths out of 5+ Million people over the last 2 years. Where waaaaaay less than 1% of the population have allegedly caught the coof. Or have been at least suspected of it. Any way. Numbers. Science. Excitement?

We also successfully managed to fire 4000 in the QLD medical work force from the front lines they've been on for the last 2 years despite amazingly managing to avoid getting covid. Better safe than sorry I guess. Don't want them giving that 92 year old terminal cancer patient the coof now. Ignore the properly fitted medical grade masks they've been wearing. We cannot take chances, but yeah also masks work.

(Yeah I know ya'll aint sick of that 7 deaths 0.0001% thing yet. Broken record what?)

So anyhoo...

Here's my story of life since the 17th of December in the 'Sunshine State' of Queensland. Wonder how it got that name? Sounds like a great name for a place to fight the varus huh? A place full of vitamin D and solar bleaching type stuff. Where you spend a lot of time outdoors soaking up the rays. Kind of place flu's and colds don't like. Sorry... where was I?

Oh yeah, living like it's late 2019 in 2021. Man that's been a long 2 weeks. It has been 99% flat here the last two years, with an odd spike or two despite increases in vaccine uptake, but better to be safe than sorry I guess. (Happy 2nd Birthday Covid-19)

So new rules came up, and me being me, and not being 85%+ of the general public, I decided to look into them. Seems important as I have some legit medical issues and well we should always know the rules and how they impact us so we make sure we don't breach them and get a large fine that will get thrown out of court if you can afford to fight it.

We must all do our part and be vigilant. Be properly informed. Yes?

I am a good citizen. So I get reading the website. If only to inform my fellow comrades and patriots of their duties if not myself.
When a new 'strain' appears I read up on how virusy it is. How likely it is to kill your grandma, and what I can do to keep her and the children safe.

Sites like:
Queensland COVID-19 statistics


Public health and social measures from 17 December 2021


Mandatory face masks

I carefully read. What is this on the last link?

Exceptions from wearing face masks
There are some exceptions to wearing a face mask, including:

  1. children under 12 (I've seen many young children wearing masks...)
  2. travelling in a private vehicle, either alone or with only members of the person’s household (I've seen plenty of people alone in cars with masks on...)

  3. a person eating, drinking or taking medicine
    (So sit at a restaurant with a plate of food or drink in front of you for 2 hours indoors and you can take your mask off.)

  4. where visibility of the mouth is essential
    (I need to see it to put this thing in it sweetheart.)

  5. where a mask needs to be removed to clearly communicate
    (Talk to the lip reading deaf mask free. Or anyone who cannot understand your mask mumble)

  6. a person with a particular medical condition or disability
    (This one will become important later.)

  7. performing work where clear visibility of the mouth is required, e.g. a speech therapist in a hospital or healthcare setting.
    (lispy, stuttery kids can spit up the coof on you unhindered)

  8. a resident of a residential aged care facility or a shared disability accommodation service (This is subject to any policies or requirements of a facility or service)
    (Those most vulnerable don't have to wear the mask lol.)

  9. a prisoner in a corrective services facility or a detainee in a detention centre (This is subject to any policies or requirements of that facility or centre)
    (because nobody wants to get shivved over a mask.)

  10. a person undergoing medical treatment
    (cool, I like to breathe when getting ingrown nails removed.)

  11. if a person is asked to remove a face mask for identity purposes
    ( Remove the mask for the nice policeman, so he can fine you for not wearing a mask)

  12. if wearing a mask creates a risk to a person’s health and safety
    (I can't breathe, better take it off.)

  13. in an emergency or when required by law
    (Make sure you swallow mask free in case you choke

  14. in any circumstances when it’s not safe to wear a mask
    ( I don't want to be mistaken for a armed robber at the petrol station.)

  15. if you are an air crew member or airport worker who is not interacting directly with passengers.
    (Just interact with your co-workers and other airport staff mask free. Having a good union matters.)

And while I haven't linked it I recall not too long ago their being a 'mask' page last time they did the mask thing that listed even more reasons you didn't have to wear a mask. Maybe they've removed it or it's still there but as I have no link I will not refer to it further. The above is enough.

To be continued....

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 08:12 PM
So medical reasons? hey I have legit medical reasons. So I don't need to wear a mask. Better check what proof I need to show I am exempt. I may need that government tracking app with the QR code reader? Or vaccine passport.

Let me keep reading..... maybe the FAQ like part? After all I want to do everything above board.

What's this? Even has a link to get more info from at the end.... goes to the Human Rights Commission Site.

Do I have to provide a medical certificate to prove I can't wear a mask due to my medical condition?

You DO NOT need a medical certificate to prove you have a lawful reason for not wearing a face mask.

Find out more information about COVID-19 and human rights.

Let's look closer, to the HRC site we go. To get more details.

Do I need to show proof of my medical condition or disability if I’m not wearing a mask?
There is no requirement under public health directions for you to have a medical certificate or other documentation to prove you have an exception because of your medical condition or disability.

However, if you feel this would be helpful for you, you might want to talk to your GP or other health provider about issuing you with a medical certificate for you to present if asked.

Different considerations apply in employment situations. The Commission is unable to provide information on industrial law and obligations to provide a safe working environment. See the Safe Work Australia website and Business Queensland for more information. However, under Queensland anti-discrimination laws, it is not unlawful for an employer to request or require another person to provide information about a medical condition if the person making the request can demonstrate that it is not in connection with, or for the purpose of, unlawfully discriminating against the other person on the ground of disability.

Cool, so essentially my medical info is my own damn business and nobody else's. Not yours, not the police, not the store workers, not ScoMo's, nobodies! I do not have to prove my health status to you.

So sorry I'll say I am exempt from masks and it's none of your or the governments business as to why. But I can volunteer that information freely and get medical proof if I wish too.

But if you try to force me to disclose it or punish me for my choice YOU might be breaking the law.

So okay, I'm not 'vaxxed', and I do not have to wear a mask or explain to people why. Great. I won't be a douche to people about it though. Nobody likes a 'Karen'. And that is not my style. I'm just gonna go about my business and mind my own and hope others do the same.

I have the government sites on my phone ready to go. To show anyone who may challenge my right and legalities to be where I am doing what I am doing. I shall calmly explain to them the situation and hope for the best..... I'll happily avoid places I know are unessential to me. I mean I can buy my video games and movies online. Not going to the cinema does not bother me, Only go out for what I actually need any way, doctors, food and other groceries, to see friends and family, gas for the car, chemist for meds. And if requested to leave a store or business both private and public after trying to reason with people. I will. I know being a jerk and yelling about my 'rights' won't end well for me regardless of right or wrong and if a they want me gone, no doubt police will show up to remove me or worse. I'll deal with that later if need be. Easier to do if I'm not arrested or beaten. Being civil and calm is not hard. So let's go live with the 'new normal'

So how's that been going for me?

So the last 4 days I've been going to several different supermarkets no mask and no problem so far. Same for a few other places. Like gas stations and even the transport department.
Same for my friend who has been staying with me with his family that came up from Victoria.
Phone in hand, government sites ready to go.

Get funny looks from the mostly masked people, but nobody has said boo, or asked me to explain myself, same for the various other people also wearing no masks. Supermarkets staff here, like the bigger names stores tend to tell staff to never confront customers over things not worth getting abused over. So most will leave you alone. Hell they won't even do anything about shop lifters, their jobs don't pay enough and their lives aren't worth it. With two exceptions. Both were security guards.

They're hiring them to be their enforcers.

Transport department, taking my friend and his wife there to change their licenses and vehicle registration to local. Guard asks me where my mask and my friends were, we all said we're exempt, he only asked me, 'Do you have trouble breathing or something?' I say "No, and while I don't have to tell you, I am High Functioning Autistic and have some other medical issues." He says "OK", and in we all go.
No proof or vaccine passes asked for.

My friends do what they need to do no problems and unhindered.

Next a local mall where my regular supermarket is, mate and I have gone to get some groceries. Mall guard comes up, guy looks like he's pushing 70 and comes up to my belly button. (I'm 6' 7") He aggressively stand in front of my friend and asks where his mask is, my friend says "I'm exempt". Guard looks at me and asks the same, I reply the same, "I am exempt" and I just walk off. Guy looks like he had no idea what he should do but lets us go. No asking for proof or trying to eject us.

Shopped for groceries unmolested.

Done shopping and I am waiting for my friend to check out his own groceries, same guard comes up and asks again where my mask is. I again then tell him. "You already asked me that 5 minutes ago. I told you I am exempt."

But then I decide to bring out the phone with the sites above. I ask him to give me a moment of his time, and then show him the site, make it clear that he see it is the official government site, that it's legit. And then tell him it's important that if he is going to enforce these new 'rules', then he and others like him really need to understand the actual laws behind it.

Show him what I have posted above, what the government says. Make it clear I am not here to start trouble and I just want to make his life easier and maybe educate a few rubber neckers in the immediate area. He was honestly clueless about the rules, and surprised by what they say, didn't even know kids under 12 can be mask free FFS.

He too then implied it was all stupid and then deflected to 'Even the cops probably don't know this'.

Again he went on his way and I went mine.

So far I've been obeying the laws, being civil and going about my business while ensuring the only person deciding spit for me, is myself and no one else. Thankfully I've been free to do so so far. Heck more people without masks in the gas stations I've seen than with, kind of the reverse of the supermarkets.

Many businesses, their staff isn't going to do the governments job and enforce this at the risk of their own safety.

Point is you do still have a say in how you live your life. But you gotta know the rules and do it properly. But most of all you just have to DO.
Get educated no matter where you live about the laws, rules and mandates affect you.

Any way I had more to say, but got to go. Maybe QR Codes and apps next. When I return.
edit on 21-12-2021 by AtomicKangaroo because: I'm free. I will live. There are no strings on me.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

good lost post so far

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 08:26 PM
I shouldn't laugh but your post was amusing and shows the ridiculousness of the situation.
7 deaths,wow.
Every good communist knows that propaganda isn't about truth or lies but humiliation.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

Do you mean this page

This is my personal choice, which I actually use;

c: is a person who has a physical or mental health illness or condition, or disability, which makes wearing a face mask unsuitable;

The mental condition I have is that I cannot tolerate stupidity. Stupidity, such putting on an unsterilised face nappy with unsterilised hands, then taking the nappy off and putting it in an unsterilised pocket, then taking it out of a pocket and putting it back on, then taking it off, then putting it back on, then taking it off ....... and so on, all the while believing that they are protected from catching anything that can pass straight through what they're putting on in the first place.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

Luv the satire and truthiness! Thought I read somewhere one of those deaths was a kangaroo.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: myselfaswell

I still don't understand why there aren't biohazard containers situated outside every place of commerce. Surely those masks are a bio hazard according to normal rules after being worn by an infected person.

I mean we have sharps containers in bathrooms for biohazard waste, it's not like it's a new idea.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 10:40 PM

originally posted by: litterbaux
a reply to: myselfaswell

I still don't understand why there aren't biohazard containers situated outside every place of commerce. Surely those masks are a bio hazard according to normal rules after being worn by an infected person.

I mean we have sharps containers in bathrooms for biohazard waste, it's not like it's a new idea.

Because it's not about public health. It's about the politics of obedience. Etienne de la Boetie wrote about it in the 1550s. Look it up and read it, you'll find nothing has changed in over 500 years, it's only about 40 pages and easy reading.

Politicians do things that make them appear to be doing something regardless of the outcome, except for things that are likely to affect their reelection chances.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 10:44 PM
a reply to: litterbaux

Come on man. We all know the Covid is fake and just a jab and grab psyh-op.
Just play the rules, remain jab-free, and tra la la.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: myselfaswell

Does being a moron help politicians in Australia get re-elected?

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I think that it's an infornal requirement for the job to start with to be honest. At the very least you've got to have a belief that you've been given a divine right to rule. That maybe the same thing, sounds similar.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 11:21 PM
Hey AK,

I’m in Hervey Bay, I read your post, it was like you were following me and taking notes 🤣,
I don’t want to play the game either but am careful to choose my moves wisely.

I get a few strange looks from the masked, and always get a few winks and a smile from the unmasked.

I have diagnosed COPD, and I noticed that breathing difficulties comes under the exemption, but I do not have an exemption but do have chest X-rays and a print out stating COPD.

I will not be carrying that around with me obviously.

Anyways Godspeed, FWIW.


posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 01:13 AM
a reply to: Scubalicious

Best wishes brother. Keep looking out for yourself, because right now no one else is.

And yes, choose the hill you die on wisely. Fight the fights worth fighting, withdraw when there is nothing to be gained. Always stay safe first and foremost.

I am not going to relinquish control of my life for something that has literally been a nothing burger for me over 2 years any more than the flu has been in the past. Especially won't be dictated to by people who do not know me and my life.

I harm no one and I be considerate of others. I only ask for the same in return. Nothing more. If people want to mask and vax, more power to them. But I want to be able to make the same decisions for myself. I am prepared to live with the potential consequences. And well I have to die one day. Could get hit by a bus tomorrow. Statistically that's more likely in QLD than catching the Covidz.

Living in fear of the sky falling every minute of every day is not living.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 01:20 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: myselfaswell

Does being a moron help politicians in Australia get re-elected?

Yes, and it is the same in every country. By morons, for morons. Red Vs. Blue, morons run for office, and it's morons who elect them. Just the morons at the top are a wee bit smarter and know how to socially engineer the morons at the bottom to do what they want. They know how to dangle a turd in front of the masses and convince them it's a carrot.

These rigged systems and how most of the world is run and how the majority allow it really hurts the brains of people like myself. But it seems the majority of morons are either truly unconsciously blind to what is right in front of them, or they're good at pretending they are.

Let's face it, like any animal humans are very easy to manipulate if you know how they work. So yes, morons morons every where. We're all morons to some degree. Even me.

So any wonder the worlds moronic?

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 01:26 AM
a reply to: myselfaswell

yep thanks, that page.

While I am called 'Uber Functioning' by most high functioning Aspies, I too am playing my mental/intellectual disability card. Wish I didn't have to, because I function well, I'm just a bit 'eccentric' to most people.

But hey I'm just playing their game by their rules and I'll use whatever tools are available to me. They cannot complain when people call their bluff and play said game.

When we give up, they win. Because for me there is a war of sorts going on at the moment between the so called 'elite' and the peasants. I genuinely believe they're trying to crush our morale right now for whatever reasons, and control over us is one of those reasons.
edit on 22-12-2021 by AtomicKangaroo because: typo

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 01:34 AM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

I'm in Fortitude Valley, Brissy. It's gone full retard here.....on the plus side, the red pilling has hit home and even the most ardent lefty understands that there is no consistency with covid policy and all politicians are lying assholes.

The United Austria Party will win the next election, its well and truly over for Liberal and labor cults, that chapter of Australian political history is finished.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 01:48 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

good lost post so far

Thanks hope the follow up post added to it.

Update though, when I left earlier I had an appointment with a 'disability employment provider'.

So first I go to the supermarket to grab something. Woolies at a mall I mentioned earlier with the short old guard.

Young guy in security uniform with vest and mask comes up to me. Looks like he's 18. "Excuse me where's your mask?"

Phone in hand, I reply "I am medically exempt." then proceeded to tell him that sadly I had no legal requirement to prove my claims unfortunately nor am I required to carry such evidence. But he cuts me off and just says "ok, you saying medical exempt is good enough for me.' and off I go to make my purchases unmolested.

Now here is where it gets hilarious.
I arrive at my appointment with my 'disability' employment provider. Go in and every person, all women, because they seem to lean towards female in these jobs, not a single one wearing a mask.... in an enclosed space. Indoors.

So I sez. "Hey ladies, why no masks? I'm medically exempt, how about you?"
And they all reply, including my unmasked case worker sitting about less than a meter away across the desk, "We're double vaxxed." and I kid you #$%^ing not, some of them made a pointing/jabbing motion at the spot where they no doubt got the injections. LOL

But I was like, "yeah but even vaxxed you still have to wear the mask unless medically exempt or something. It does not stop you from catching or spreading the coof-19. You should all have your masks on. Except me, because I'm exempt."

They all looked confused as hell when what I said slowly sunk into their heads and one by one you saw the lightbulbs go off. Yes, you can still get the covidz and spread it if vaccinated and even vaxxed you still gotta obey the rules. I jokingly said I wouldn't tell anyone if they didn't. Because well if the powers that be think you are breaking the law you can get some hefty fines. Business not covid safe can and will be shut down.

Not so effin' funny now is it ladies? Well for you. I'm lmfao over here.

It's a good example of what I said on another thread earlier. The vaccinated think they're untouchable now. That they haz their freedoms back and well guess what you don't! And that's the problem. They then go out and act like everything is normal. Don't mask in the work place. Go back to ignoring social distances. Get touchy feely again, ignore all the rules and then act surprised when all the new cases are vaccinated people lol. While unvaxxed, unmasked little me is doing my best to obey at least the hygiene and social distance rules and trying to avoid getting covid, like I would with a cold or flu. More chance those vaccinated people I interacted with today could give me covid than me give it to them.

Even vaccinated if you show covid symptoms you will still be quarantined. But only for a week now. As long as you're not covid. Because then that quarantine will be extended. Yes, even if vaccinated. But hey chances are supposedly lower that you'll die.

Most people are like the women at APM, they just don't think about it. It's sad.
edit on 22-12-2021 by AtomicKangaroo because: typos and stuff. cos I am a human and humans are dumb.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:19 AM
edit on 12/22/2021 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:56 AM

originally posted by: AtomicKangaroo
a reply to: Scubalicious

Best wishes brother. Keep looking out for yourself, because right now no one else is.

And yes, choose the hill you die on wisely. Fight the fights worth fighting, withdraw when there is nothing to be gained. Always stay safe first and foremost.

I am not going to relinquish control of my life for something that has literally been a nothing burger for me over 2 years any more than the flu has been in the past. Especially won't be dictated to by people who do not know me and my life.

I harm no one and I be considerate of others. I only ask for the same in return. Nothing more. If people want to mask and vax, more power to them. But I want to be able to make the same decisions for myself. I am prepared to live with the potential consequences. And well I have to die one day. Could get hit by a bus tomorrow. Statistically that's more likely in QLD than catching the Covidz.

Living in fear of the sky falling every minute of every day is not living.

I have absolutely nothing to add too that ! Well bloody said 👏

🤝 no elbows here mate 🤝

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 08:26 AM
Interesting read, I think you hammer home a good point (that struck me personally a few days ago) ... be prepared and carry a cheat sheet.

a piece of paper bearing written notes intended to aid one's memory, typically one used surreptitiously in an examination.

I don't think one size fits all cos we all have different rules in different places. But absolutely, it should be the "non-violent" weapon in our pocket. And you've proven it's worth entirely, just read a couple of things off your cheat sheet and those who are challenging you should back down. Whether you print out onto A4 paper or use your phone, just have some of the information as written by "those in charge" to hand.

Also: Print some memes, stick them in your apartment building communal areas, float some copies down the pub, tie some to light poles in the street. As the op semi-hints, sometimes it's just changing ONE mind that is important. If you can make one person leave a conversation on a different line of thinking than they started - you absolutely did your part in the eyes of an "unclean" like me

edit on 22-12-2021 by markymint because: img fix

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