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Is The Mark of the Beast Being Rolled Out??

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posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 11:51 AM
Seems to me that this might be what Bible prophecy scholars have been talking about for years.

Just wondering. Thinking out loud

edit on 20-12-2021 by Lebanon808 because: Forgot something

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edit on Wed Dec 22 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: Lebanon808

Thinking out loud

What are your thoughts? Not too loud please...

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: Lebanon808
Damn sweeds.

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: Lebanon808

Just saw that.

A little more..
They want to have your current up to date Covid shots, booster... etc etc.

Eventually, this technology will become standardized allowing you to use this as your passport, public transit, all purchasing opportunities, etc.," said Todd Westby, the 32M CEO at the time.

Don't get me wrong, having this location and data tracker Chips in my dogs is great.


posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 12:51 PM
Stockholm....where have I heard that before.....

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 12:52 PM
Hmm, a network connected chip that only "displays" information it downloads. There is no way that could be intercepted or redirected to my phone to say any thing I want. *nods convincingly*

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 01:06 PM
The mark of the beast is 666, it’s a tattooing a literal 666 on your forehead and wrists to buy things. This will happen in Armegeddon.

Imagine world war 3, the world is decimated by nuclear war, mass famine, the only meat 🍖 available is human meat, people start tattooing 666 on their foreheads and wrists to buy and eat human meat, they know what it’s signifies, they don’t care, they would rather save their life than lose it for Christ’s sake.

In all this evil and hell, a man emerges claiming there is no God, that he is God and we are all God, promising peace and performing wonders to end the madness, in this great deception, a man from the cloud emerges, that is Jesus, this anti christ is killed, and God judges the world, the living and the dead.

None of this is happening right now, but world war 3 is very possible. If Russia and China and North Korea plan a surprise attack, leading to nuclear Holocaust. You most likely won’t be around for the madness, and that’s a good thing.

Right now are the warnings signs, the climate in chaos, that will only get worse, to biblical proportions, and the plague, right now the world is covered in coronavirus, the only thing worse is another virus, they say there are over 8 variants, of the virus, you could argue the world is under siege to 8 viruses. And counting.

There’s also a possibility that a whole new virus emerges that is even more deadly.

edit on 20-12-2021 by Randomname2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 01:14 PM
So, every time we take a shower, do we have to jump in a tub of rice to dry it out like a cell phone?

Putting something foreign into the body is not a good idea. Look how a sliver stimulates inflammation.

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 02:00 PM
I see a black market for fake implants. They go on like tiny bandaids.

Also there will be people stealing them form the dead and even living if it is valuable enough.

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: Lebanon808

We have a lot of biblical prophecy being fulfilled right now. I believe we are seeing "the great falling away" of the church, the beginning of sorrows leading up to the times of the Antichrist being introduced, and the Beast (Antichrist) system being set in place.

We don't have the Antichrist revealed and in full power yet so we can't have his mark yet but I agree with many that we are seeing precursors.

They are conditioning people for the mark as well as the beast system. I believe the real thing could happen in the very near future.

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: Illumimasontruth Correct

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 02:32 PM
I thought it was drivers licences, or credit cards, or cellphones. Wonder what it’ll be this week? A tattoo maybe?

I already have a pentacle (not pentagram) tattoo, i’ll let everyone know if it starts glowing.

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: Illumimasontruth
a reply to: Lebanon808

We have a lot of biblical prophecy being fulfilled right now. I believe we are seeing "the great falling away" of the church, the beginning of sorrows leading up to the times of the Antichrist being introduced, and the Beast (Antichrist) system being set in place.

We don't have the Antichrist revealed and in full power yet so we can't have his mark yet but I agree with many that we are seeing precursors.

They are conditioning people for the mark as well as the beast system. I believe the real thing could happen in the very near future.


my reading of Revelation & the Mark is that the middle-of-the-week (3 1/2 years until AC is Revealed...

at the time the AC gets a mortal head wound but recover-from-death -->

the False Prophet orders an 'image' to the AC be created & given Life and that everyone must worship the (still alive) by accepting a Mark - Name - Number on their right hand or forehead to buy-sell-etc.

by that Mark they show loyalty to beast/AC and join the cult to get peace & freedom via the 'Mark'


so the present vaxx passport is not mark...but might be fore-runner of a future Mark/Name/Number required of all people needing jobs/money/foods/medicines/travel/freeedom from lockdowns etc.
edit on th31164003398820592021 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: Illumimasontruth
a reply to: Lebanon808

We have a lot of biblical prophecy being fulfilled right now. I believe we are seeing "the great falling away" of the church, the beginning of sorrows leading up to the times of the Antichrist being introduced, and the Beast (Antichrist) system being set in place.

We don't have the Antichrist revealed and in full power yet so we can't have his mark yet but I agree with many that we are seeing precursors.

They are conditioning people for the mark as well as the beast system. I believe the real thing could happen in the very near future.

Sad thing is that so many people don't see or believe they're being conditioned.

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 03:42 PM
New technology bull$hit. It’s the same thing they put in dogs and cats.

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: Randomname2
i just watched a video on Bitchute about this exact topic and now i cannot find it. The video specifically looked at numerous bibles over the years and the oldest bible ( I think from before 1000 AD) and the passage said the Mark of The Beast was taken inside you and not necessarily a marking.

If you take that translation the vaccine could very well mean the mark. The other topic of the video discussed how wording and other information from the bible has been intentionally changed or hidden which i think most of us are aware.

edit on 20-12-2021 by Charliebrowndog because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 04:02 PM
This entire pandemic reeks of Mark of the Beast. Look at New York City, Austria, Australia already. The unvaxxed are the unmarked.

Do you really think you’re going to see this coming? Do you really think there will be a warning? Revelations was the warning.

Believe what you want but when people by the millions lined up to get there temperature checked with a laser thermometer, that are advertised to be used on the forehead or wrist, and then they rolled out an experimental vaccine that people flocked to take for 99% non lethal virus. It should make you step back and look at it as a whole.

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: Lebanon808
Oh my! They're a bit late with that aren't they. According to the majority of ant-vaxers on ATS the first vaccination held a tracking chip. As well as a magnetic compound, a kill switch that they could turn on anytime, a major kill compound that the vaxed were supposed to die in the middle of October, but that fell through so now the mass dieing is supposed to be over next year, a genetic altering compound, a compound that makes you infertile and a chip that has all your personal information on.
Now which one does anyone want to put up a post on? Take your pick.

edit on 20-12-2021 by crayzeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: Lebanon808
What element in that proposal identifies the recipent as a follower of someone simulataneously dominating the world and deliberately persecuting Christians to the point of death, which is what the mark of the beast does?
And what element in that proposal is contrary to the laws of God, as might be expected from the mark of the beast? (Don't say "Loss of democratic liberties", because democratic liberties are not part of the laws of God).

The way to identify the mark of the beast is to wait for the beast to begin acting as one, and then see what identifies his followers.

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

It would be really nice if you could locate that video. I don’t guess Bitchute has a history of all videos you have watched?

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