First off, I am not vaccinated. Let me also follow that up with I am not an "ant-vaxxer"; I have all of my shots, my kids have all of theirs. I simply
do not trust anything that I have to be bribed to take and have crammed down my throat daily on msm. Also, my father-in-law had a massive stroke two
days after his Moderna shot, a friend now has Bells Palsey, and another has an inflamed heart. None had pre-existing conditions, but you don't dare
say anything because "...iT's JuSt A cOiNcIdEnCe NoT tHe VaX..."
Secondly, I am 45 years old and have a few "underlying health issues" but am otherwise pretty healthy.
But I digress.
Day 1 (Nov. 19, 2021)
Test Positive for Covid
Massive headache
Fever (101)
Chills/ aches
Couldn't stay awake
Day 2
Overall run down and fatigued
Fever at highest 103
No other symptoms really
Day 3
Fever broke (never returned)
Days 4 & 5
Felt a little bit better, no other symptoms besides fatigue
Day 6
Stuffy nose and chest congestion start
Smell and taste senses disappear
No fever
Fatigue improves
Dreams start getting very weird during sleep.
Day 7
Chest congestion worsens
Lost my appetite
I go to the ER as a precaution.
Chest X-ray reveals start of pneumonia.
No doctors or nurses in hazmat suits, no face shields...nothing extravagant... just a paper mask. Mind you this is at one of the busiest hospitals in
North Eastern US (Mass General- Boston, MA).
I was too far along for antibody treatment, but my oxygen was "ok" at around 95-96%.
I was given an albuterol inhaler, told to drink fluids and to obviously return if things got worse.
The doctor told me that days 5-7 can be the worst for symptoms and that most people (like me) can start to feel better around day 4 or 5, then they
overdo it, and can get hit really hard.
At this point, I had to ask the doc why things weren't what they seemed?. Why no suits, where are the overwhelming amount of patients, the packed
covid wards, etc.
His response to me was..."have you ever had the flu?...based on what I've seen its basically like the flu".
Not going to lie...I was pretty stunned.
Days 8-12
Basically all the same symptoms Coughing (a lot), tired, no appetite. Lost about 25 lbs.
Day 13
Both lost senses return
Day 14
Cough begins to improve Have a 2nd Chest X Ray - given the all clear "normal lungs"
Days 15 & 16
appetite starts to return
Day 17
Return to work without any restrictions
Fast forward a bit -
Day 28 - lingering dry cough and slight shortness of breath after exertion. Otherwise - like I never had it.
First off - this is my and only my story - I'm sure some people have it a lot easier or a lot worse.
Second - while it absolutely SUCKED, it wasnt as bad as I feared - and from the doctors/ nurses reactions, is not as bad as the msm is making it
out to be
Lastly - whether or not you believe in this, believe the severity, are pro-vax, anti-vax, or unsure-vax------
Be well my ATS friends
edit on 18-12-2021 by LrBc1275 because: (no reason given)