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The Dutch going in full lockdown over Omicron

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posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: Smigg

If you weren't paying attention a bunch of religious nutters in old Toyotas just handed their ass to them and then there's the Houti's in Yemen handing the Saudis armed with all Batmans toys a flogging

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: Smigg

Exactly, people are so blinded by the constant push of the official narrative and that it's all due to the unvaxxed, that the war is really a war between the people. The governments are doing a great job diverting the attention away from themselves..

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: Rolicia
a reply to: Smigg

Exactly, people are so blinded by the constant push of the official narrative and that it's all due to the unvaxxed, that the war is really a war between the people. The governments are doing a great job diverting the attention away from themselves..

And the division was sown into western society well in advance of the release of covid, making covid a tool in which to transition us from the old into the new.

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: Smigg

Ever heard of Ghandi non-violent non co-operation is what drove Britain out of India,the new world order relies on accurate information so if everyone gave them bs info it all seizes up, there is a lot you can do without killing people

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Rolicia

The cure for this ridiculous scamdemic is simply destroying the people paying the politicians and media. At this point in time, the jabs are failing and killing people. The politicians, media and big pharma don't want to take the blame, so they keep making up crap trying to pretend the deaths and systemic diseases are the result of new "variants." It's all a lie and in simple terms, if you execute the liars, the lies will stop (after a proper legal trial of course, just define legal in "mad max" world).

Cheers - Dave

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: khnum
a reply to: Smigg

Ever heard of Ghandi non-violent non co-operation is what drove Britain out of India,the new world order relies on accurate information so if everyone gave them bs info it all seizes up, there is a lot you can do without killing people

Well Khnum I personally will never take the jab, and I'll fight to the bitter end as I'm sure you will too.

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 04:09 PM
You know, I wondered the same thing, but the more I speak to people, specially those who did take the vaxx, the more it became clear that these people feel powerless. They feel like there’s absolutely nothing they can do about it. Most of them even acknowledge the fact that something ain't right, yet they keep following the “rules”, and do what they’re told by our politicians and their propaganda outlet, without questions or refusal.

Why? Because changing it would mean going to war! Because no amount of votes will change it, the votes will simply disappear, or magically change. Peaceful protests just wont cut it, they designate a place and a time for your to protest and proceed to ignore you. Or did you think that the government(s) will stand by and let even more, and even worse, riots break out? They learn quickly from their mistakes. The fact of the matter is; people don’t feel threatened enough yet, not enough to go all-out ballz-to-the-wall anyway, because that’s what it will take. Full scale joint hostile take-over.

What people do feel however, imo, is the feeling of moral duty and obligation, “because I do it for my grandmother, my children, co-workers or because practically everyone else does it”, take your pick. They must also feel pressure from family, friends, neighbors, employers, and so on. And, although they haven’t said so, they know full well that this is something beyond our own governments control, this is global. Whatever, or whom ever, we’re up agains, it is a powerful beast with the advantage of a very thick armor (security forces), a forked tongue, and it has many heads (global elites). Cut one, and another returns in it’s place.

It takes a diamond to cut and shape another diamond, and in many cases it takes fire to fight fire, and so it is my believe, that only the rising of yet another “beast” can topple the current one. One who manages to break through the current beast’s indoctrination, one who reaches the hearts, minds of people, one who’s able to inspire and motivate. Standing up is one thing, moving forward, and on, however, needs guidance, leadership and organizing. The anti-beast is needed.

a reply to: Rolicia

edit on 18-12-2021 by 2Faced because: I wrote this without a mask, and Epstein didn’t kill himself.

posted on Dec, 19 2021 @ 02:08 AM
a reply to: 2Faced

Yeah, in the NL, elections have been postponed during the entire covid plandemic. Also, during this time, there was a scandal (recently and not involving covid) that forced the sitting coalition to resign and reform.. to be replaced with

wait for it...

(Drums for building expense)

The exact same coalition of political parties and politicians..

(Badum tissss)

This ain't a fight we're going to win through politics..

edit on 19 12 2021 by Rolicia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2021 @ 03:11 AM
Measures and urgent advice applicable from Sunday 19 December 2021
*Everyone should stay at home as much as possible and avoid busy places.
*Always stay 1.5 metres apart.
*Receive no more than 2 visitors aged 13 and over per day. On 24, 25 and 26 December and on 31 December and 1 January the maximum number of visitors aged 13 and over is 4 per day.
*Visit no more than 1 household a day.
*The maximum group size outdoors for people aged 13 and over is 2 people. There can be more than 2 people in a group if everyone in the group lives at the same address.
*Educational institutions and out-of-school care (BSO) are closed until at least 9 January 2022. There are some exceptions. On 3 January the government will decide in what form education will resume from 10 January.
*All hospitality venues are closed, except for delivery and takeaway.
*All non-essential shops are closed, except for click and collect and returns.
*Essential shops, such as supermarkets and chemists, can open until 20.00. Face masks must be worn. The maximum number of shoppers is one per 5 square metres.
*Certain locations, such as petrol stations, pharmacies, libraries, driving schools, notaries’ offices and lawyers’ offices can open for their normal hours.
*All locations where non-medical contact-based professions are carried out, such as hairdressers and beauty salons, are closed.
*Cinemas, museums, theatres and concert venues are closed.All indoor sports facilities are closed, except for swimming lessons. *Outdoor sports facilities can open for all ages between 05.00 and 17.00. People aged 18 and over can engage in sports outdoors, alone or in groups of 2. They must stay 1.5 metres apart. Children and teenagers aged 17 and under can play sports outdoors and can take part in matches and competitions within their own club.
*Events are not permitted, except for funerals (no more than 100 people), weekly markets selling groceries, and professional sports matches and competitions (no spectators).

posted on Dec, 19 2021 @ 03:51 AM
so.... wat is the propper way to handle this ore any other virus ????
hear everyone saying wat is wrong but less wat to do...
who has the magic word???????!!!

one solution is keep away from eachother and distribute fully sealed clothing to every person on earth !

edit on 19-12-2021 by ressiv because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2021 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: ressiv

Or maybe just let natural immunity do it's thing..
With a mortality rate after infection of 0.7% of the original strain, and the Omicron variant being much milder even, there is no justification whatsoever to completely lock down the entire country or world even.

Protect the weak, protect the elderly, use common sense, and let life go on.

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