posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 09:04 AM
Hi Folks.
Not sure this is the correct place for this post, but I figured that I might as well try here to contact the folks in the know.
I have been rolling around on ATS for some time, reading and posting here and there, but not really doing anything useful. I find myself becoming
very interested in ancient civilizations and the possibilities.
I have been out on the web looking around, but there is a confusing amount of material out there ranging from scientific to aliens from the planet
munimula and their secret, mystical crystal doodads.
Many years ago, I read a book called "Morning of the Magicians", thought that was really interesting. And so, I guess I am asking for assistance or
suggestions to get started in reading with a possible eye toward investigating ancient culture and possible civilizations.
Any pointers or pointed questions that will help me get going in an intelligent fashion would be most greatly appreciated, and gratefully received.
Thanks in advance.