a reply to:
The ROT begins at the top of society.
The richest take there corporations and jobs to tax havens outside there nation, corporations take control of the government through bureaucratic
corruption and incompetence, vested interests that do not have the future of a nation or it's people at heart syphon the best a nation has into there
own bank account's.
The Romans did it through the corruption of there own leadership and the growing power of there provinces which led to Rome becoming irrelevant
before the Visigoth's sacked it, the empire had even split in a Roman form of Secession into the eastern and western Empires, the Eastern continued
for another thousand years after Rome itself was sacked it's capital being Constantinople.
Hard times do not breed hard people they breed desperate people, they breed inequality with growing division between the rich and the poor, the rich
are the ones that think they are entitled and the poor are ever more poor.
The British Empire was largely an administrative rather than a military empire and along with the French empire it dissolved but never fell, it
dissolved because that is what the US wanted and we were flat broke after the lend lease which we had to pay back to the US, this excess money in the
US economy then drove the US economic boom of the 50's and 60's which drove up prices of goods as people had more money to spend and in a barter
system were supply and demand dictate prices the result was that wages had to go up to keep pace.
In the US AND the rest of the west this led to greed and corruption that eventually took over our government's.
Subsidies to company's were scrapped by corrupt politicians in many western nations because the US had demanded them to do so under the old argument
that they were anti competitive and harmed US exports to those nations, trade tariffs were dictated and negotiated, often a one sided negotiation and
those that refused to harm there nations by scrapping subsidies to there company's found that the US and others slapped huge import duties on them -
to level up the playing field and since the US was the biggest market back then that was a big deal.
Even though they already pulled the strings the world bankers got even more powerful, governments got even weaker and the people in job's refused to
accept pay cuts because the price of goods in there economy's were still rising, this led to several recessions all avoidable and all due to
corruption and bad leadership.
Eventually in the aim of scrapping borders for business most right wing and even some left wing governments scrapped or reduced to almost nothing
tariff's on imports as well as whatever subsidies they still had for there own business, this left the only option for some of them to partially
renationalise publicly and nationally important business that could not compete and to then run them at a loss to the tax payer, this happened more in
other nations and I have no knowledge of the US ever doing so.
From the 1970's onward Job's bled to the Asian job sector, there was at that time not really much of an economy to exploit over there so the
corporate elite built one, the Communists of China whom had eaten there own people during the cultural revolution were quick to catch on to the fact
that they could use there enslaved population as slave labour and modernise there nation off the back of greedy westerners with little or no sweat for
Industrial towns and city's in the west became jobless over night, city's that had been thriving since the 1800's were suddenly full of people with
no way to pay there rent's, proud neighbourhoods became slum's, Drugs which had been a mild problem in the 1960's became an epidemic problem as people
ran away from there bleak and HARD lives.
But those that have will always look at those that do not and see it different, it's called rose tinted spectacles over here.
The truth these ARE hard times.
And it was not easy times that made them, it was corruption and greed because some people can never have enough.
I used to see the analogy between the collapse of ancient Rome (which is a mostly fictional point of view) and the current decline of western society
but in fact there are very few genuine parallels to draw upon.
Roman elite poisoned themselves using Lead to pipe there water, seal there jars, FLAVOUR there food and add colouring to it, they ended up with so
much lead in there body's it caused imbecility, they were replaced by the colonial elite whom took over Rome with the disappearance of the
patrician's, regional governor's lived like mini emperors and Rome was run on the back of a slave economy, even when Christianity became the dominant
religion (Albeit a centralized and very different form of Christianity to what had existed up until then) of the empire Slavery continued, Rome was a
SLAVE Based economy with up to 4 to 8 slaves for every free man in many regions, though after the revolution and near defeat of Rome by the slaves
under Spartacus they had been given a few more rights such as the right to retire and a pension paid by there owners it did not go away even after the
fall of Rome but continued in one form or another right up until the 1800's.
It was Christians whom quoted the bible, if you have two coats and your brother has non give unto him the one you are not using, the son of man has
no place to lay his head, go sell all you own and come follow me, build up your treasure in heaven, the story of Ananias and Sapphira (Christian
church as a Kibbutz style commune).
It was Christian reformists in the west that worked to give people right's and freedom, many died doing so.
The first WESTERN Socialism though Marx ideas had influence later began with these Christians and indeed the Christian take on socialism that had
nothing to do with the ATHEIST and SECULARISTS versions that grew into the evil and corrupt state corporations that owned there own people we know of
as twentieth century communism.
Here is another take on it, HARD TIMES DESTROY NATIONS, especially when they come on the back of easier times.
The Camels are indeed on the horizon but for different reasons than you think, growing power in militants hands, weakening western power and the
looming threat of western and eastern powers weakening one another that will create a power void into which they will leap.
You want the truth, as long as the current political scum bags rule our nations, as long as our media is controlled by corporate tycoons and social
engineering secret service agency's, as long as our opinion is not our own but someone else's that they have indoctrinated us into, as long as our
food and water and air is laced to dumb us down and make us more pliable we will continue to decline.
It is not that we are weak it is that we are ASLEEP and think we are awake.
But by all means bring back the hard times, time when men were lucky to live into there 40's, when woman were lucky to survive there first child
birth and in which most children died before they reached adulthood, strong people indeed.
Children working down mines at the age of four or younger with no education, running behind early industrial weaving machine and being killed on an
almost daily basis to fix problems with those machines.
Those empire of old were cannibals that fed on there own people.
It is far more complex than you or I used to believe.
edit on 17-12-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)