originally posted by: Asktheanimals
a reply to: VulcanWerks
Distraction, diversion. Keep people fearful, busy, preoccupied. Outside stimuli 24/7. EMF waves, altered air, water, food and weather. All with extra
chemicals which we could add to the vaccines, fertilizer and pesticides permeating the people and the planet.
Discourage learning, demean past generations and don't teach history, make group obedience the central focus for all society. There are definitely
central tenets to the damage done to us completely aside from the theft of the government, the economy, monetary system and all new technology.
That is one massive mountain to overcome but sad fact is we either climb and overcome or get crushed and forgotten for having sat still. We must come
together in spirit to make anything change.
I read this and my consciousness hurts for humanity.
I think we’re doing it wrong, collectively. The resolution comes from within - and that’s the secret. That’s what people can’t know.
The people need to wake up. What I mean by that is they need to realize they’re better than they think, they have the ability to do amazing things,
aren’t defined my their mistakes, need to follow their heart and not their head and they need someone to allow them to do that. Not a cult or a
mosiah but a partner - someone to help them be them.
That’s proved by how everyone, I mean everyone, loves their children. Even people who do unspeakable things to their children deep down love them.
It doesn’t make actions right - but that’s true if you really think about it. Yes, there are outliers who are bad, but they’re not
representative of humanity. Humanity isn’t the oppressive thing many make it out to be.
I can’t say thank you enough to ATS for helping my journey over the years, in this light. The mind opening experiences, debates, thoughts and
musings that are the wheat against minimal chaff is amazing. Thank you, sincerely.
And I apologize it my evolution wasn’t pretty. Or, if my evolution was defamatory or negative. I never meant to besmirch anyone. This is my
second user name after I took a break from here and wanted a clean start.
My soul hurt at the time and I left. It hurt because good people lost sight of things. It hurt because I know all of the prominent members of this
board by their posts and they didn’t listen to me - and the outcome of the election that I worried about and vocalized happened. I felt as though
In anonymity I actually observed people who “get it” and watched some of their commentary be simply terrible to our collective cause.
Even when that commentary was directed at me, that blindness was so hard to engage with. It made me hurt for those people because, in the weird
Internet way, I cared about them. I still do. We might not see eye to eyes but you are still my cohorts, my counterparts (and points!) and high minded
I don’t say that to sign off. Rather, you all collectively (DBCowby remains my favorite and ironically I’m probably within 200 miles of him) have
done so much for me I’m going to pursue my life’s purpose - I’ll keep my day job but start something that isn’t about being an empire - if I
can transform 10 people’s lives I’ve done more than most.
Thank you all for helping me on my journey to self-recovery and I’ll share the output of that with all of you.
Be who you are and be well.