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Sports in Canada and Covid News

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posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 06:33 PM
Not sure how many hockey fans here on ATS, but Canada is once again taking center stage with their covid restrictions and protocols.

Ontario just announced yesterday that all major sports teams in Ontario will be cutting attendance down to 50%, effective immediately. This includes the Maple Leafs and Ottawa Senators (NHL), Raptors (NBA), Toronto FC (soccer) & Argos (CFL).

With Omicron numbers soaring, MLSE is getting stricter with its mask requirements on the heels of the province’s announcement of reduced capacity — to 50% — at live sporting events, including Maple Leafs and Raptors games at Scotiabank Arena.

“As was being planned prior to today’s capacity announcement, MLSE’s venue operations team will implement an enhanced mask protocol within the venue beginning with Saturday’s Raptors game called ‘Operation Mask Up (or out)’ that requires all attendees to strictly adhere to all mask-wearing protocols or risk ejection from the building,” MLSE said in a statement on Wednesday afternoon.

Then today, just two hours before the Montreal Canadiens game vs the Philadelphia Flyers, the premier of Quebec announced fan attendance will be canceled for tonights game due to COVID.

Could you imagine flying into Montreal to see a game, only to be told just a few hours before puck drop that they are not allowing fans in because of COVID? People are livid haha, as they should be.

At the same time, Doug Ford is telling everyone to please "roll up your sleeves one last time":

Anyways. Nothing new I guess. I'm sure everyone here saw this coming, but still sucks to see. I'm sick of seeing empty arenas lol. Sports is nothing without the fans

edit on 16-12-2021 by JahIsGucci because: spelling and grammar

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: JahIsGucci

I wonder if they'll do the same thing in America. The National Football League just announced that 100 players (mostly vaccinated) are out with Covid and won't be playing.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: Deetermined
a reply to: JahIsGucci

I wonder if they'll do the same thing in America. The National Football League just announced that 100 players (mostly vaccinated) are out with Covid and won't be playing.

So weird that all the people with vaccines and boosters are the ones continuously getting covid . If I wasn’t an ignorant moron I’d think there’s something up with that.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: JahIsGucci
Could you imagine flying into Montreal

edit on 16-12-2021 by burdman30ott6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: Deetermined
a reply to: JahIsGucci

I wonder if they'll do the same thing in America. The National Football League just announced that 100 players (mostly vaccinated) are out with Covid and won't be playing.

Seriously doubt it, they got money to make up.

Hospitalizations will have to seriously spike so far well less than 50% the ATH

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: JahIsGucci

Edmonton and Calgary have both had a tough time getting the stands full of fans.

People are unvaccinated and p!ssed off.

Then there are the vaccinated that can go but are too skeerd.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 08:10 PM
I can only find 1 Omricon death in the UK 2 days ago the worldwide reaction is worthy of a Monty Python sketch,fear and surprise,suprise and fear...

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 08:13 PM
Bad move by Doug Ford. Driving people away from sports forces them into malls. Packed malls is big breeding ground for virus.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: JahIsGucci

.... ‘Operation Mask Up (or out)’ that requires all attendees to strictly adhere to all mask-wearing protocols or risk ejection from the building,”....

I wonder what they would do if someone was all by themselves, minding their own business, without wearing a mask, and somewhere high up and way back in the upper-level seating....

Would security really go up to that person and drag them out of there, even though they weren't near anyone at all except for those bastards that came to drag them out....

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: JahIsGucci

100% Vaxxed, and still hitting a high percentage of the team.

The Calgary Flames are now up to 18 players in the NHL's COVID-19 protocol.

Remember : Safe-And-Effective™ !!

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: Deetermined

I think, The Bulls it was have had some games recently canceled. The first of the season, if I recall correctly.

I don't really keep up with it much, but I only heard of 2 publicly that denied, Wiggins maybe, and Kyrie. Most teams have had atleast small outbreaks amongst them
edit on 12/16/2021 by TheLead because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:06 PM
Playing fantasy football this year, it's beyond frustrating having to constantly shuffle my roster due to players out with COVID (first-world problems, I know..)

It makes absolutely ZERO sense that so many players are being held out and more than ever, I'm convinced it's all a sham.

3 points to ponder:

1 - Most NFL players are vaccinated (blows up the myth of an effective vaccine but totally SELLS boosters)
2 - If the tests were positive, these players wouldn't be out for only a week if they did indeed have the virus
3 - If this virus affects the respiratory system as many report, there is absolutely that at least ONE of these positive players would be back playing. They'd be sidelined for much longer I would suspect.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: TXRabbit

Could they be mostly false-positives?

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: BrokenCircles

I think the protocol requires multiple tests throughout the period but anything is possible with this nightmare
edit on 16-12-2021 by TXRabbit because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 10:15 PM
Covid Daily new deaths per million in Canada by province. 19 total deaths in the whole country, if they are gonna restrict and lockdown with totals like this, your masters will never open up again. Au revoir adieu Canada libre... Oh! Canada glorious and unfree who stands on guard for thee

Now compare America's top 20 states with the most suspected COVID deaths in the last 7 days

edit on 16-12-2021 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: putnam6

That's why covid is a mental disease. It can only be cured by seeing a shrink.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: putnam6

Despite what OP might have you believe, things are mostly open for business in Canada. Yes - they put a 50% cap on arenas with capacity over 1000, but that's pretty much it. Schools are open, businesses are open, bars are open, restaurants are open, malls are open, gyms are open, etc. etc. Most of us didn't "lock down" whatsoever. I haven't missed a day of work since the pandemic began, and I work from work.


posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: Deetermined

The NFL just changed some of their rules which will allow players that tested positive to play if they have two negative tests within 24 hours of each other. They are issuing other social distancing guidelines in the facilities etc. Of course this is only for the vaccinated. If you are unvaxxed then the rules don't apply to you from what I gather. I didn't pay close attention to all the changes because I couldn't hear it over my laughter on the radio.

It is interesting they want everyone to be vaxxed for safety but the players that are vaxxed but show up as positive have more "rights" rights than the unvaxxed. The move, to me at least just reinforces it was never about player safety but pushing an agenda and when the threat of game cancellations and revenue loss reared its head the goalposts were changed to protect their money.

Between this move and the news coming out that the NFL was funding organizations that pushed for police defunding just reinforces my decision to stop watching the NFL.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 09:44 AM

originally posted by: joejack1949
a reply to: putnam6

Despite what OP might have you believe, things are mostly open for business in Canada. Yes - they put a 50% cap on arenas with capacity over 1000, but that's pretty much it. Schools are open, businesses are open, bars are open, restaurants are open, malls are open, gyms are open, etc. etc. Most of us didn't "lock down" whatsoever. I haven't missed a day of work since the pandemic began, and I work from work.


Well, all that matters is you are happy...

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: putnam6

Well... winter vacation starts today - 2 weeks paid time off. I've got a work party tonight, going to the market and seeing live music tomorrow, playing indoor golf a couple times next week, cooking turkey for my family next weekend and visiting my bro in montreal the following week. So yeah, I'm happy - thanks for your concern. You can drop the doomer attitude, we aren't living in a fascist state.

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