posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 07:26 AM
So I said "Enough of this, it's my turn to pilot."
I shoved Wally out of the control seat.
"If we're gonna get back then we'll need to get aggressive and put this thing on the lawns of Night Stars stronghold. Means we gotta do another round
of the system, flick off Jupiter again. You, Wally, (pointing me finger at it) I know you built this but you're treating it like a baby. Forget it
mate. You've done well but I'm sick of strapping into the cot. It's my turn, give me a go."
I glanced at Cedric on my right and again point my finger at his figure. (Can't put it any other way). "I'm doing this. Strap yer selves in. Wally!
get in the cot!" I yelled.
I calculated the orbit of Jupiter, set the vector.
Now this is where I messed up. I selected "Boom" instead of "Gentle" on Wally's confusing back to front control panel. I forgot he was a left paw.
I don't remember much after that. Wally and I blacked out. It was Cedric that in all probabilities, saved us. Might be his exoskeleton.