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Fauci Admits That Covid Vaccines May Actually Make People ‘Worse’ “...Not Be The First Time"

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posted on Dec, 15 2021 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse
(again had to truncate title so I could post this.)

The lying mainstream media, and the liars factcheckers are claiming this is not true, even though we have the video of Fauci actually stating this.

Fauci Admits That Covid Vaccines May Actually Make People ‘Worse’: “It Would Not Be The First Time"

Actually, he didn't say it would make people worse.

He said vaccines would make the pandemic worse.

The goal of releasing the virus was depopulation. Fauci was in on the development of some virus in China, as we all know now, and has been proven.

If you want to depopulate you would create a virus that kills mainly useless eaters, (elderly and people with health issues) leaving the young and healthy mostly alone with some acceptable collateral damage.

Then create a vaccine that appears to protect those that take it, but actually makes transmission and the pandemic worse to kill even more people. Especially the costly elderly and people with health issues.

Then FORCE as many people as possible to take the vaccine to ensure massive mutations to kill even more people.

A simple, worldwide plot so heinous that even Hitler wouldn't have thought of it.

(Logical conjecture of course, since I don't want the FBI, DOJ, breaking down the door of this little old lady in the wee hours of the morning)

edit on 12/15/21 by The2Billies because: Honest, just a theory, and some formatting

posted on Dec, 15 2021 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: network dude

so he didn't say it?

He said it, but he wasn't talking about any vaccines available today. OP got this from a reddit thread yesterday in which OP got dragged for presenting that as something he said recently. It didn't work there, but you sll seem to be falling for it here.

do I now. Well, he did say it, and yes, based on the date he said it, this was before the vaccine was released. But that doesn't change the part where he said it, nor does it change the facts that seem to point in that direction. Just because he's a douche bag, doesn't mean he can't be right.

You seem to think you are a bit smarter than you are.

posted on Dec, 15 2021 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

He said it, but he wasn't talking about any vaccines available today. OP got this from a reddit thread yesterday in which OP got dragged for presenting that as something he said recently. It didn't work there, but you sll seem to be falling for it here.

Yes he was saying that "if it happened" it is possible the vaccines can make people worse from COVID-19. And guess what? The evidence PROVES the vaccines are making things worse...

The large majority of people being hospitalized and dying are the vaccinated, and 79% of the people who have Omicron are fully vaccinated...

As for "Redditt" what the heck are you talking about?... I did not take this from redditt, and i have not posted any of this at redditt... I saw the video in bitchute, and then found the entire youtube video and posted it here when another member asked for it...

In this video Fauci states that a year after making the vaccine we have to see what the evidence says, and the evidence says the vaccines and boosters are making things worse, which Fauci admits in that video as possible.

in the past Fauci himself stated that to know whether or not the vaccine can cause long term side effects a decade of trials is needed. Yet just a bit over a year later we already know the vaccines/boosters are making things worse.

Your idol dr Death Faucci admitted in this video that the vaccines could make things worse, and that's what the vaccines and boosters have been doing. Your attempt to dismiss this speaks loudly to either your inability to think for yourself, or to the fact that even when your idol is caught you attempt to cover for him for some strange motive...

As for your claims that I posted this in Redditt?... I did not, and you are making false accusations about the messenger, meanwhile you keep trying to derail the thread because you got hurt your idol is nothing but an evil pos.

edit on 15-12-2021 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

posted on Dec, 15 2021 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: The2Billies

Actually, he didn't say it would make people worse.

If you listen to the video in the first link, he says "..., if it happens, this would not be the first time the vaccine made people worse."

originally posted by: The2Billies

He said vaccines would make the pandemic worse.

By extension if the vaccines make people worse the vaccines/boosters makes the pandemic worse, and other doctors, virologists, bio-weapons experts have actually stated the same thing almost from the start of this so called pandemic which has a really high rate of survival.

BTW, there is evidence the vaccines make COVID-19 worse for healthy people as well, and studies point to vaccines causing more hospitalizations to male children than the virus itself could cause.

76% of September Covid-19 deaths are vax breakthroughs

UK: People Over 30 Rates of Covid Infection Per 100k Are Higher Among the Vaxxed Than The Unvaxxed.

Dr. Lee Merritt:The COVID Vaccine Program has Killed More Young Active Duty People Than COVID Did

Boys more at risk from Pfizer jab side-effect than Covid, suggests study

The lying media, and the Dr. Death Fauci bots have waged war against simple and inexpensive treatments proven to be effective against this so called pandemic.

For example.

German Meta Study: An Aggressive Vitamin D3 Campaign Could Have Avoided Most COVID-19 Deaths

Many of us have written about Fauci's link, and Obama's/Biden's link to outsourcing such biological weapons experiment to China since about July- October 2020 before it started being announced more readily in any media.

The virus did escape Wuhan before they engineered it to be more lethal and infectious to humans than it was, which is why they had to exaggerate the deaths from COVID-19 by counting people who died of other medical problems, including in motor vehicle crashes, if they just had COVID-19.

Then the same people, like Fauci, and the lying media waged a war against inexpensive and easy treatments that have proven to be very effective against COVID-19. Vitamin D3, Zinc, Hydrochloroquine, Ivermectin, etc, etc.

edit on 15-12-2021 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse
a reply to: carewemust

Thank you for that link.

BTW, the CDC has admitted that 79% of Omicron cases are among the FULLY vaccinated, and only 21% of Omicron cases have occurred to unvaccinated people...

By Joseph Curl • Dec 14, 2021

About eight out of 10 people who have caught the Omicron variant of COVID-19 were fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Just 20% of COVID-19 cases caused by the Omicron variant, based on an examination of diagnoses from December 1-8. There were 43 cases attributed to Omicron; 34 were among people who had been “fully vaccinated.” What’s more, one-third of the 34 had also received a third “booster” shot. Just one of those suffering from Omicron was briefly hospitalized.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, an immunologist and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who serves as President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser on COVID-19, now says “the early data indicates that Omicron may not pose as great a risk of serious illness as the Delta variant, but stressed that further information is needed before he can definitively confirm that,” the Mail reported.

CDC: Only 21% Of Omicron Cases Occurred In Unvaccinated People

Omicron Variant Found in More Vaccinated People in U.S. as Resistance Concerns Persist

So, it seems possible that the vaccines/boosters themselves caused the mutation of Omicron like French Nobel Peace Prize Luc Montagnier stated.

What you people keep conveniently missing out with all this data, is that the majority of people are, vaccinated. In the UK, it's the overwhelming majority. So OBVIOUSLY there will be higher numbers of cases in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. It is not and does not claim to be a method of avoiding catching it; it minimises the harm if you do catch it.

Honestly it's laughable watching you people trying to have Eureka moments with widely published and understood data. Stick to YouTube videos.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

More research should have been done?

This was an event planned by eugenicists. Their goal is NOT the public health. Their goal is population control and other sinister ends, including wealth and control.

Plandemic is the word.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Thanks for the reply.

It is all clearly part of a coordinated plan by the "rich and powerful" to depopulate while they appear compassionate and caring and not at all like the evil people they are, far far worse than Hitler could even dream up. That is why Facui and others created this virus in China, that I firmly believe.

That is why they try to stop people from using medication that help the sick. That is why they are attempting to force everyone to get the vaccine, they want as many people dead as possible. Why? To save the planet for themselves.

Except who will be their servants when the people are all gone. Who will run the power plants? Who will run the water lines? Who will be able to repair or produce new appliances, like refrigerators? They forget that. They will have to farm for themselves and get dirty. They and their trophy spouses will have to clean and go to the river to scrub laundry. Their children will have no healthcare, because healthcare workers will be dead, and schools that train them closed. I hope every single one of them and their families end up with what they deserve, this scenario above and they realize they perpetrated the greatest evil ever set on mankind. For what? To save the planet, they kill billions of humans, when the planet goes through natural cycles of extreme hot and extreme cold all by itself, without mankind. They are self absorbed idiots that rival what Satan could have thought of when it comes to evil.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: fencesitter85

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse
a reply to: carewemust

Thank you for that link.

BTW, the CDC has admitted that 79% of Omicron cases are among the FULLY vaccinated, and only 21% of Omicron cases have occurred to unvaccinated people...

By Joseph Curl • Dec 14, 2021

About eight out of 10 people who have caught the Omicron variant of COVID-19 were fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Just 20% of COVID-19 cases caused by the Omicron variant, based on an examination of diagnoses from December 1-8. There were 43 cases attributed to Omicron; 34 were among people who had been “fully vaccinated.” What’s more, one-third of the 34 had also received a third “booster” shot. Just one of those suffering from Omicron was briefly hospitalized.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, an immunologist and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who serves as President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser on COVID-19, now says “the early data indicates that Omicron may not pose as great a risk of serious illness as the Delta variant, but stressed that further information is needed before he can definitively confirm that,” the Mail reported.

CDC: Only 21% Of Omicron Cases Occurred In Unvaccinated People

Omicron Variant Found in More Vaccinated People in U.S. as Resistance Concerns Persist

So, it seems possible that the vaccines/boosters themselves caused the mutation of Omicron like French Nobel Peace Prize Luc Montagnier stated.

What you people keep conveniently missing out with all this data, is that the majority of people are, vaccinated. In the UK, it's the overwhelming majority. So OBVIOUSLY there will be higher numbers of cases in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. It is not and does not claim to be a method of avoiding catching it; it minimises the harm if you do catch it.

Honestly it's laughable watching you people trying to have Eureka moments with widely published and understood data. Stick to YouTube videos.

What you "other people" keep conveniently overlooking is the goal post moving constantly occurring, and the fact that the vaccine WAS NOT initially pitched as a counter-measure to prevent serious health outcomes.

First it was marketed as a magical elixir to prevent acquisition of COVID. This was straight away debunked, and then that is when the term "breakthrough" began surfacing in the media, as a euphamism or alternative way of saying "yeah, when we told you that you wouldn't get COVID if you took this shot...turns out that wasn't true."

Next it was marketed as a preventative measure against *spreading" the virus. Short memory individuals have likely already forgotten being implored by the MSM and sycophants to get vaxxed because "you don't want to kill gramma!". Once again, this was shown to not be fully accurate, as multiple incidents where population subsets that were comprised of nearly 100% vaccinated individuals incurred outbreaks. But how can this be....we were told that the vax prevents transmission? Again, not factual.

As the walls closed in, the pivot was to that, the value proposition of the vaccine was not ending up in the hospital if one is vaccinated. But you yourself don't contest that vaccinated are still "catching it" and ending up in hospitals.

So now we are left with, "if you get vaccinated, you won't die from the virus". BUT, one problem, and this goes back to chart shown by Electric Universe....the mortality rate for those under 60 years old is under 1%.

So then WTF is going on here with the mandates and vaccine push?

Is any of this getting through?

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 10:27 AM
Wow.. 8.6 BILLION vaccine doses have been administered!!

Is the Pandemic over yet? Should be reduced to common cold and flu levels by now.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 12:18 PM
That’s his form of gloating and confession
Yet nothing will happen because
Faucci,Gates and the great reset gang
Already corrupted everything around their spheres of influence…

History repeats and its doing so now.

reply to: ElectricUniverse

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 05:29 PM
Now Fauci is saying that they may have to use a little forcefull persuasion.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

Had nothng to do with covid this was efore the covid shots were used. The discussion is why testing of vaccines is important and that testing would delay a covid vaccine.

Zuckerberg: “One of the questions I’ve heard from a number of people is: Doing the safety trials obviously is incredibly important because you want to make sure you’re not injecting people with something that could be harmful. But once you have that, why not push harder on rolling it out more aggressively, even if you don’t know how effective it is? What’s the public health rationale and thinking behind needing to prove it’s extremely effective before rolling out something that you know is safe?”

Fauci: “OK, That’s a good question. The initial safety study, Mark, is to see if I inject it in the arm, does it have some sort of idiosyncratic or bad reaction? There is another element to safety, and that is if you vaccinate someone and they make an antibody response, and then they get exposed and infected, does the response that you induce actually enhance the infection, and make it worse?

And the only way you’ll know that is if you do an extended study, not in a normal volunteer who has a risk of infection, but in people who are out there in a risk situation. This would not be the first time if it happened that a vaccine that looked good in initial safety actually made people worse.

There was the history of the respiratory syncytial vaccine in children, which paradoxically made the children worse. One of the HIV vaccines that we tested several years ago actually made individuals more likely to get infected. So you can’t just go out there and give it unless you feel that in the field, when someone is getting infected and exposed, being vaccinated doesn’t make them worse. That is why you got to do a trial.”

Fauci was not telling Zuckerberg the COVID-19 vaccine would make you more likely to get infected with COVID-19, or get worse, as Twitter users claimed. Rather, he was saying historical evidence has shown the importance of safety testing any vaccine before releasing it on the market.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

I really think they should play the Benny Hill theme whenever this guy talks. It really works, just watch any video of Fauci with this playing in the background.

edit on 16-12-2021 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

This has everything to do with COVID since trial test was rushed

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

Zuckerberg: “One of the questions I’ve heard from a number of people is: Doing the safety trials obviously is incredibly important because you want to make sure you’re not injecting people with something that could be harmful. But once you have that..

(Me pretending to be an ethical Dr. Fauci in another universe)

"Let me stop you right there Zuck! 'Doing the safety trials' and ensuring SAFE development of vaccines is an ongoing continuing, process with built-in feedback loops that can often take 10+ years to reach a point where any modicum of confidence or statistical comfort can be reached where we feel like we 'HAVE IT'. And let's just keep in mind that as the world population climbs towards 8bln people, and the anticipated scope and reach of this medicine, it's important that we not skip any steps, because nothing like this, on this magnitude, with these rushed parameters of R&D, has ever been attempted in the history of mankind. Even the development of the mighty polio vaccine was many, many years in the making"

"So I didn't mean to cut you off, were saying?"

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 07:59 PM
The vaccine isn’t bad for everyone.

The vaccine is bad for some people.

These are statements that even Fauci would have to agree with.

These statements are true for any number of vaccines or other things.

The one size fits all approach is not the right one for virtually ANYTHING medical.

Yet, here we are.

And here I am with not one but two autoimmune issues after getting jabbed.

It is NOT right for everyone. I’ll take my chances with the vid, thanks.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: SleeperHasAwakened

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: network dude

so he didn't say it?

He said it, but he wasn't talking about any vaccines available today. OP got this from a reddit thread yesterday in which OP got dragged for presenting that as something he said recently. It didn't work there, but you sll seem to be falling for it here.

So because he said it in the past, it isn't true?

Getting "dragged" (?!) on Reddit is IMO a badge of honor; you catch the most flak when you're directly over the target.

This looks to me like, based on when it was recorded, Fauci hedging his bets if "Project Warp Speed" ended up being catastrophic, i.e. it was the early days of the vaccination "program" and he wasn't sure which way this was going to go.

Now, after the other shoe has dropped, and after the politicians have seized on this is enact their digital passport programs, there's no way you'd hear Faucci utter anything of the sort, and if he let such a remark slip out, it'd be sanitized straight away.

"LAhriman" is making up claims simply because he/she doesn't want to admit the facts presented here.

I was not dragged to "Reddit" and I have not posted anything about this at Reddit, or anywhere else..." So LAhriman is simply lying about me...

As for this statement from Fauci "not working..." LAhriman is just making up more BS.

Fauci states: "This would not be the first time, if it happened, that a vaccine that looked good in initial safety actually made people worse. There was the history of the respiratory syncytial virus vaccine in children, which paradoxically made the children worse. One of the HIV vaccines that we tested several years ago actually made individuals more likely to get infected."

And again, all the evidence is proving that the COVID-19 so called vaccines and boosters, are making people more likely to get infected, and more likely to die from COVID-19.

LAhriman just can't cope with these facts for some strange reason...

edit on 16-12-2021 by ElectricUniverse because: add, correct comment and bold excerpts.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:49 PM

originally posted by: fencesitter85

What you people keep conveniently missing out with all this data, is that the majority of people are, vaccinated. In the UK, it's the overwhelming majority. So OBVIOUSLY there will be higher numbers of cases in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. It is not and does not claim to be a method of avoiding catching it; it minimises the harm if you do catch it.

Honestly it's laughable watching you people trying to have Eureka moments with widely published and understood data. Stick to YouTube videos.

What you, and some others, don't seem to understand is that the same is happening in every country in which the vaccines have been forced on people...

The large majority of hospitalizations and deaths are among the vaccinated, despite lies from Fauci and other liars.

This is not just happening in England. It is happening everywhere.

The vaccines/boosters are making people worse, and the vaccines are increasing the lethality of COVID-19 all over the world...

Countries like Africa, which has no COVID-19 vaccine mandates is doing much much better than countries in which the vaccines have been introduced and forced upon people.

November 19, 2021·6 min read
COVID-19 is gone, when did you last hear of anyone who has died of COVID-19?” Ndou said. “The mask is to protect my pocket,” he said. “The police demand bribes so I lose money if I don’t move around with a mask.” Earlier this week, Zimbabwe recorded just 33 new COVID-19 cases and zero deaths, in line with a recent fall in the disease across the continent, where World Health Organization data show that infections have been dropping since July.
But there is something “mysterious” going on in Africa that is puzzling scientists, said Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University.
Africa doesn't have the vaccines and the resources to fight COVID-19 that they have in Europe and the U.S., but somehow they seem to be doing better," said Wafaa El-Sadr, head of global health at Columbia University.

Scientists mystified, wary, as Africa avoids COVID disaster

The more "boosters" from COVID-19 people get, the higher the chance that more and more healthy people will succumb to COVID-19. People's immune systems are being overloaded with these so called vaccines/boosters. The more boosters you get, the more overloaded your system gets making your immune system weaker, and weaker until people's bodies can't handle COVID-19 anymore and succumb to it.

Actual virologists and other experts, including bioweapons experts, have all stated this for many months now.

For example, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, who has a PHd in virology, has been in vaccination programs all over the world and has never been anti-vaccine stated that these vaccines are not the ones needed to fight COVID-19. He has stated that the vaccines/boosters are inhibiting healthy people's NK (Natural Killer) cells. Which are the cells from a healthy person which kill viruses.

Many, many other virologists, bioweapons experts, and many other doctors have been saying (that the vaccines/boosters are making the pandemic worse) the same thing for a very long time.

edit on 16-12-2021 by ElectricUniverse because: add, correct comment, add excerpt and link.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 10:34 PM
This video tells the tale....of post-vax with many charts...

Saviour or Death?

This unique “almost no talking” video covers the COVID post-vaccine situation all over the world. Set to music with photographs from around the world, more than 30 countries are covered.

Featured nations – Israel, Seychelles and Fiji

Asia – Cambodia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand
India Region – Bangladesh, Bhutan, India
South America – Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay
Western Europe – Portugal, UK
Eastern Europe – Bosnia, Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary
Caribbean – Curacao, Trinidad & Tobago
North America – Canada, USA

BONUS: Australia, China, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, and Sweden are also covered. California in the USA is covered in more detail. Sections include:

– Why Taiwan, Australia & New Zealand have done better than the rest of the world

– Climate Change meets COVID. Learn about how weather & environmental factors such as sunlight & air quality, affect case & death levels. Pinpoint explanations provided.

– We will revisit Sweden to understand how they have done “worse” than their other Scandinavian neighbors.

– Discover the reason behind the highest deaths per capita county in California

– An unconventional look at China to see why they have done relatively well.

– A secret about all these variants you hear about in the news

– Find out about the effectiveness of using multiple vaccines in a country

– Learn about why countries around the world peaked in cases / deaths on the SAME day

– Learn what kills viruses & bacteria quickly and how to maximize it in your own life

It’s a global tour in around 20 minutes with an optional near half hour of bonus information. Tired of hearing or reading about COVID? No complicated explanations here.
edit on 16-12-2021 by dontneedaname because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-12-2021 by dontneedaname because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-12-2021 by dontneedaname because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: dontneedaname

You know, i said this many many months ago and even posted several research papers which seemed to indicate that the spike protein itself can cause COVID-19. The same shills in the forum that come out when there is a new "vaccines are not safe" thread came out in force claiming this is not true...

Your video helped me find another Dr., Byram Bridle, a Canadian immunologist and vaccine researcher, whom was given a government grant of $230,000 to research COVID-19 vaccine development, and his research concluded that the spike protein itself does causes COVID-19 causing organ damage and it is distributed all over our bodies, it doesn't stay at the injection site, and is present in almost all organs.

We Made A Big Mistake' - COVID Vaccine Spike Protein Travels From Injection Site, Can Cause Organ Damage - Children's Health Defense

The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness

I also posted in another thread that after an elderly man was given the vaccine he died from COVID-19 and the autopsy showed that he tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 in almost all organs in his body, but his olfactory bulb had no signs of SARS-CoV-2 which means he did not get COVID-19 by inhaling it, but in fact he got infected by the vaccine...

First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2

Everything I have said/written about this virus has come true.

edit on 17-12-2021 by ElectricUniverse because: add, correct comment and add link.

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