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Democrat Governor Declares COVID-19 Emergency ‘Over’

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posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 02:49 PM
Well it seems that even Democrat politicians getting near to the mid term and knowing how bad the Democratic party is doing, are making their own decisions and have their states go on with their lives.

I applaud Colorado Gov. Jared Polis for this, decision but I am afraid big pharma and CDC is not going to like it.

Then while he is going to put the burden of guilt on the unvaxed if they get sick, we have to remember that vaxed are getting sick too, Soo are they also at fault for getting sick?

Well no soo, because like Jared said, "they are rare cases" yeah right, Mr. Jared.

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis declared the COVID-19 pandemic “over” and at this point, it’s the unvaccinated’s “own darn fault” if they get sick from the CCP virus.

“Everybody had more than enough opportunity to get vaccinated,” Polis told Colorado Public Radio last week. “Hopefully it’s been at your pharmacy, your grocery store, a bus near you, [or at] big events. At this point, if you haven’t been vaccinated, it’s really your own darn fault.”

Polis, a Democrat, said that he won’t be implementing another statewide mask mandate due to the Omicron variant of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus. Since it was discovered several weeks ago, one Omicron death has been confirmed so far in the United Kingdom.

“Those who get sick, it’s almost entirely their own darn fault,” Polis added. “I don’t want to say that nobody [will get the CCP virus if they are] vaccinated, but it’s very rare.”

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 02:59 PM
Our elected leaders across the nation have been voluntarily taking their cues from the CDC, but the fun part is when they respectfully decline further guidance and the CDC is forced to accept the reality they have no authority to punish or police the community without legislative approval. That's what governors are for.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
Our elected leaders across the nation have been voluntarily taking their cues from the CDC, but the fun part is when they respectfully decline further guidance and the CDC is forced to accept the reality they have no authority to punish or police the community without legislative approval. That's what governors are for.

You are spot-on, states rights who knew? right, well those pesky colonial forefathers did one or two things right

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Is just hilarious, the end of covid is very near, no as a virus, we are smart enough to know that covid has been with us as in nature and will be with us forever now that man had a hand on it.

But the scaremongering campaign and the push for experimental jabs is going to decline as the states will no longer support them.

As with everything life goes on, we have learn something from this whole pandemic, we better be watchful because government like ours and even with our own constitutional rights, will step all over those right in the purse of Tyrannical powers.

We also are distrustful of big pharma and their lap dogs more than ever.

edit on 13-12-2021 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: marg6043

The Colorado governor knows he needs Colorado businesses and ski resorts open to full capacity this holiday season, bet he has investments and advisors telling him the same thing.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Oh, I am sure that his benefactors have something to do with all this, money talks BS walk.

I can not wait to see how the rest of the democrat run states are going to do now that Colorado is turning their back to the covid scaremongering.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: putnam6
a reply to: marg6043

The Colorado governor knows he needs Colorado businesses and ski resorts open to full capacity this holiday season, bet he has investments and advisors telling him the same thing.

Its surprising this year seems like there are a lot less tourist shopping in Old Colorado City and Manitou Springs this year than last year when everyone was totally paranoid....not sure why the drop this year.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: marg6043

People are getting fed up. My ultra-liberal town had a protest as the local high school was going to cancel extracurricular activities over a "outbreak". The parents got mad and the officials backed down. What is funny is the officials response was more stringent than what the CDC even recommends.

It is like we are living in two different worlds. I drove south over Thanksgiving and once I got out of IL, it was like Covid didn't exist. Vast majority of places I went in KY, TN, and GA were not masked. The only masks I really saw were the employees of the large corporate establishments. Almost no customers or people walking around had on masks.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Good for Colorado, and their governor, and he is correct, people have had ample time to get their vaccines and health affairs in order.

edit on 13-12-2021 by Bicent because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

You should come to my neck of the woods, covid is old news and has been for a year, Florida is the same, no covid scaremongering over there I use to love going to Florida during the hype of the pandemic just to feel normal. I live in GA.

When so call officials got a test of how to oppress the people and get away with it, it became rampant. is time to say "no hell no" the only reason this "officials" are in power is because the people gave them the power.

Time to take it back, enough is enough.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: Bicent

Exactly and amen to that, people have the choice and should theirs to make, no using tyranny to get away with more than just pushing people for jabs, it became much more than that.

Politicians love to be tyrants and play dictators, but the people never forgets.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 04:33 PM
I agree, the people are sick and done with COVID.

Just not in the way he thinks it should be.

edit on 13-12-2021 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: marg6043

He's receiving insane pressures to retract his position. The Biden administration is willing to hurt the people of Colorado, if need be.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: marg6043

He's receiving insane pressures to retract his position. The Biden administration is willing to hurt the people of Colorado, if need be.

Did they blackmailhim yet

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 05:19 PM
I've seen this play out before; it's just politics as usual.
Democrats KNOW they have to dial back the covid assault in order to stand a chance of reelection. Soon, they will be telling people what they want to hear; promises of lower taxes, higher wages, government hand-outs for all. Sadly, it will probably work in a lot of states, along with the dirt-smearing of any opponent.
With the big money backing the Democrat party, it's going to be hard to sell a Republican candidate when Dems are using more money, the media mouthpieces and promising the sky as a reward- not to mention you won't need ID to vote in a lot of places, but hang on to those papers- you'll need them if you want to get into a restaurant, concert, sports venue, etc.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I am sure the biden kill the nation bill will be withheld to the states are falling out of the agenda, Colorado is not in the list.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: ColoradoTemplar

originally posted by: putnam6
a reply to: marg6043

The Colorado governor knows he needs Colorado businesses and ski resorts open to full capacity this holiday season, bet he has investments and advisors telling him the same thing.

Its surprising this year seems like there are a lot less tourist shopping in Old Colorado City and Manitou Springs this year than last year when everyone was totally paranoid....not sure why the drop this year.

Saw somewhere that crime in Colorado was on the increase but I think a lot of states are seeing that.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: ColoradoTemplar

Its surprising this year seems like there are a lot less tourist shopping in Old Colorado City and Manitou Springs this year than last year when everyone was totally paranoid....not sure why the drop this year.

Most likely because denver stores have mostly relaxed on the mask BS. I'm sure last year people flocked to El Paso county as well as the mountains to run from the mandates instead of staying and resisting them.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Yeah crime in Denver is ridiculous.. catalytic converter theft is rampant and the open drug scene is getting way out of hand. I have probably 30 or 40 junkies living on the streets within a few blocks of me. I'm not even in the thick of downtown where they take up whole blocks.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: SoundisVibration

That is how things are in democrat run states, they love to keep their core voters homeless and dependent on substance abuse, I am sure they give them a mail out ballots already mark and a stamp in the envelope.

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