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Should I take CoQ10 even if I have no history of - diagnosed - heart issues?

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posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 02:44 PM
I'm overweight, and depending on your definition could be close to obese. THough no one would ever state that - at least in America. 5'11" 200-210 lbs? Only the last few years have I been this heavy. Weight 5 years ago was in the green healthy.

5'11" - 28 or right before the obesity color begins. Late 40s - age wise.

So I recently read the GREAT CHOLESTEROL MYTH.

Because of that I realize my VEGETABLE OIL consumption has caused me to gain weight by affecting my breathing. So I've started OMEGA-3 supplements and VItamin B-Complex. They've really helped. [Already eliminated most sugar. Not much of a sweet tooth these days. Still eat carbs...but vegetable oil I've identified is the main culprit]

Already use olive oil at home, but cutting down/eliminating processed foods that have the bad oils - sunflower, soybean, cottonseed, safflower, corn. Canola I also try to get rid of. STicking to palm or coconut or avocado.

So...I wonder, would it be of benefit to take CoQ10?

I understand Statin use affects CoQ10 which affects my father...but I don't take any pharma drugs.

edit on 13-12-2021 by dontneedaname because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-12-2021 by dontneedaname because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 02:52 PM
From what I have read, CoQ10 is helpful as we age.
I've started taking it, IIRC 100mg per day. 6 days a week.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: dontneedaname
Already use olive oil at home, but cutting down/eliminating processed foods that have the bad oils - sunflower, soybean, cottonseed, safflower, corn. Canola I also try to get rid of. STicking to palm or coconut or avocado.

Ugh... just lose them all. Cook with butter and lard, and eat lots of healthy saturated animal fats.

Problem solved...

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: dontneedaname

Doctors have both sides of using statins , some say the do not work at all etc. What really matters is the level of good cholesterol HDL. Some say cholestrerol level 5 is bad but if you have more than half of good cholesterol HDL and less bad cholesterol LDL you are good. My kid has cholesterol at 5,1 HDL is 3,7 and LDL 1,4and doctors say it is excellent. HDL cholesterol works as cleaning bad cholesterol out of the system. Total cholesterol as it reads do not say the whole story.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 03:59 PM
be honest with yourself:

why do you believe in pharma?

while pharma is reporting about world depopulation...

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: dontneedaname
Already use olive oil at home, but cutting down/eliminating processed foods that have the bad oils - sunflower, soybean, cottonseed, safflower, corn. Canola I also try to get rid of. STicking to palm or coconut or avocado.

Ugh... just lose them all. Cook with butter and lard, and eat lots of healthy saturated animal fats.

Problem solved...

Yes, I do use grass-fed butter....but if you eat processed foods only have so many choices. I've sworn off non-olive oil chips. Found a PALM OIL alternative to Ritz Crackers - which use one of the worse ones. Was just at Trader Joes and found a tortilla chip made of cassava and avocado oil and some flax of some sort in it.

Tried FLACKERS - their ok, but quite expensive.

Then there is eating out as well - which one can assume is an unhealthy oil most of the time.Thus the OMEGA-3 supplementation is especially needed.

I wouldn't call saturated animal fats healthy...other effects. Emotional effects from food as well. Just relatively better.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 05:26 PM
I gained weight 3 times, and every time it was worst than the time before, and ended up at 250 for 6 feet high.

I did 2 things to loose weight; I cut bread, potatoes and pasta, but only for supper time. Since It was the time of the day I spent the less energy, I simply cut the supper, or only taking proteins, like chicken, red meat, pork or fish. And cheese.

I began eating breakfast again, because when you start the day without eating, your body WILL make fat reserves in case you do it again, so your body doesn't starve. Multiplied by a few years, yeah, that's a lot of fat to gain.

The first month, it doesn't seem that anything happens, but by the second month, you'll lose around 3 pounds a week, easily.

I am now at 190 and steady. But I want to lower it to 180.

And, this suprises everyone, when I lost all that weight, I was drinking 2 liters of coke per day. And not even diet. Regular ones, haha.

And, only use either butter or peanut oil as it will make smoke at a higher temperature. But I'm thinking of changing for beef fat instead in the coming weeks.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 05:28 PM
I am obeying what the ancients did when it came to health. Use food. I realized I had about 100 supplements and felt awful and was obese. I was not on any pharmaceuticals like you but knew I was heading there like everyone else does.

I began to basically just eat fruits and veggies. Didn’t count the calories. Ate as much as I wanted. I would eat sardines a few times a week for omega 3. Would eat natto for vitamin k2. Eat a lot of beets for heart health (nitrates). Eat broccoli sprouts for high sulfurophane. Limited dairy to maybe once-twice a week and ate high quality eggs a few times a week for choline. Drank warm water and raw honey in the morning most days to invigorate the blood. The only supplement I take is vitamin d (10k IUs 3x per week)-because there isn’t much sun here right now.

Felt much better. Lighter. In the flow. And the weight came off.

“Let food be thy medicine”-Hippocrates.

Let food be your supplements to health. Nature will heal your body if you dedicate yourself.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 07:19 PM
For those who are making diet changes, how many are drinking caffeine?

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: dontneedaname

I've known 7 healthy friends that have just dropped dead from heart failure over the years including one of my best friends who played for the Buffalo Bills. The young man who was going to me my son's best man dropped dead, heart failure. The friend that did become his best man, his dad dropped dead.

When I had my lung infection in 2012, I had a heart seizure - and it only felt like I had a cold. The point being, there is no reason not to take it.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: dontneedaname

I never stopped drinking coffee despite my diet change. I did cut in half the amount of coffee I used to put in a cup, that is now I only put half a tea spoon, and taste is the same. No more heartburns though!


I see people also talking about the heart and I had high pressure for a while. Doc wanted to put me on meds, but I used what is called "La Technique Nadeau."
You can find it on youtube. These are fairly old videos, the exercises will seem trivial and useless, but doctors who know of it, it is a local thing, know that it is really good for the heart. That may explain why it's free and unpromoted...
The man who developped those 3 exercises was told his heart was finished and inoperable. He died 25 years later, still smoking like a chimney, haha.
The exercises are really smooth and you only need to do about 2 minutes of each.

But I did modify one. If you go watch them, there is one where you move your arms as if swimming. I added moving my legs as if climbing stairs at the same time. It really works your heart!
Even healthy people should do them.

I'll never not recommand La Technique Nadeau.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: coamanach
a reply to: dontneedaname

I never stopped drinking coffee despite my diet change. I did cut in half the amount of coffee I used to put in a cup, that is now I only put half a tea spoon, and taste is the same. No more heartburns though!


I see people also talking about the heart and I had high pressure for a while. Doc wanted to put me on meds, but I used what is called "La Technique Nadeau."
You can find it on youtube. These are fairly old videos, the exercises will seem trivial and useless, but doctors who know of it, it is a local thing, know that it is really good for the heart. That may explain why it's free and unpromoted...
The man who developped those 3 exercises was told his heart was finished and inoperable. He died 25 years later, still smoking like a chimney, haha.
The exercises are really smooth and you only need to do about 2 minutes of each.

But I did modify one. If you go watch them, there is one where you move your arms as if swimming. I added moving my legs as if climbing stairs at the same time. It really works your heart!
Even healthy people should do them.

I'll never not recommand La Technique Nadeau.

Thanks for the response. I seldom drink caffeine anymore - no tea, coffee, soda, yerba mate, guarana, nor chocolate. If I do need some, it's a very low caffeine tea - Gold Peak is often the lowest - 25mg / bottle. But in the past 5-7 years, I've gone months without anything. I can usually go weeks without anything now.

Caffeine use increases willpower ability, but it comes at a price. It's a pesticide used by plants to ward off insects.
It attacks our nervous system and causes paralysis over time I've learned. Among other also masks damage - for it's a pain reliever.

My system of change is based off EMOTION removal, not the creating of new habits. Not sure if that makes sense. So hard for me to resist certain old foods...which is why I need appropriate substitutes.

Ok...back to CoQ10.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: dontneedaname

I didn't know that about coffee. I'll look into it.

I see lots of people hooked on the ones served in restaurants like Tim Hortons, but I only drink a few coffees after work, when I'm home.

I get what you say about addictions. I've cut almost 90% of my soda intake in the last month, finally. And also cigarettes.
Like coffe, nowadays, I'm only smoking when at home, and even then, I'm less inclined to light one. So I'll stop. For once in my life, I don't mind stopping it.

The only chocolate I take now has to be 85 to 90% pure. I love the cherry like after taste and the natural sugars in it when you let it melt slowly on your tongue. Don't care about anything else chocolate, except for brownies. It's a sin for me...

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 09:42 PM
If you're over 50, sure. If you're under 50 and have a crappy diet, sure.

PSA... if heart health is a concern, look into Linus Pauling's thoughts regarding vit c ...especially his findings in the last years of his life. He thought most arterial sclerosis was caused from a basic chronic vit c deficiency.

He thought the cholesterol theory was flawed, since the blockages occurred in the areas of highest pressure- pointing to a brittleness in the arterial wall, rather than congealing cholesterol.

As vit c primarily makes connective tissue, it would strengthen the walls and prevent cracks. He thought the cholesterol build up was from the body trying to patch the cracks in the wall to prevent a bleed out and then running amok.

Basically, the current RDA for vit c is too low and he thought 3 (to 15!) grams of vit c per day was warranted, though any is far better than none. He thought the combo of c and the amino acid lysine could help reduce the blockages, as well.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 10:49 PM

originally posted by: coamanach
a reply to: dontneedaname

I didn't know that about coffee. I'll look into it.

I see lots of people hooked on the ones served in restaurants like Tim Hortons, but I only drink a few coffees after work, when I'm home.

I get what you say about addictions. I've cut almost 90% of my soda intake in the last month, finally. And also cigarettes.
Like coffe, nowadays, I'm only smoking when at home, and even then, I'm less inclined to light one. So I'll stop. For once in my life, I don't mind stopping it.

The only chocolate I take now has to be 85 to 90% pure. I love the cherry like after taste and the natural sugars in it when you let it melt slowly on your tongue. Don't care about anything else chocolate, except for brownies. It's a sin for me...

"a few coffees" is still a lot, unless you are drinking decaf (Which I have on occasion). Caffeine is harder to stop than coc aine I've read. I've never tried coc aine, so I can't talk about that too much - though I did have g/f who was addicted to it and was in rehab, I can speak from that angle - outside the USA.

How I've nearly eliminated caffeine, is by a very different method. Not for public consumption right now. Someday...
Caffeine is also ubiquitous unlike coc aine and is socially acceptable obviously. It's everywhere. Getting rid of it over the short term is one thing, long another. Best of luck with that.

check out CAFFEINE INFORMER website too.

Try this for caffeine non-cheerleading view. Non-Starbucks / Coke view.

Well..dark chocolate is better then sugar filled chocolate..but I'm not sure on the caffeine content of light vs dark. Would have to look that up.

posted on Dec, 14 2021 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: dontneedaname

You should not be asking medical question on a ct site....or online at all.

Go ask a real doctor in real life preferable a doctor that knows your medical history.

posted on Dec, 14 2021 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: dontneedaname

You should not be asking medical question on a ct site....or online at all.

Go ask a real doctor in real life preferable a doctor that knows your medical history.

Most doctors are junk and pHARMa tools.

More than 50%...probably 80% at least are just vax/pill/test pushers with little value add.

You can read books (Some from doctors) / websites and learn a lot more. And some trial & error.

There are good doctors, but overwhelmed by crappy ones.

You know the history of know the history of QUACKERY.

posted on Dec, 14 2021 @ 03:30 PM
Good info here, thanks all!

posted on Dec, 14 2021 @ 11:24 PM

The history of the word QUACK.

posted on Dec, 15 2021 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: dontneedaname

Why do you want to take CoQ10?

Are you on a statin?

There's some evidence that CoQ10 levels are depleted by statins.

My advice would be to stop the statin (you only have about a 1% chance of gaining a health benefit from a statin) and then you don't need to take CoQ10.

The health benefits from CoQ10 supplementation are questionable to say the least, and your own body produces it anyway. So, waste of time.

Unless you plan on taking a large daily dose for the rest of your life. Even then, the company that manufactures it will probably derive more benefit in profit than you will in health.

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