I made a thread a few weeks ago asking our fellow ATS family to do a random act of kindness for a stranger during this holiday season.
I’m not trying to self promote or brag here or anything. I just want to inspire others to do the same.
But today at the grocery store there was an old lady with a Walker getting ready to put her goods on the conveyor belt.
As mentioned, she was old, and small, a bit hunched over and struggling as it was.
She had all her stuff piled up on her Walker.
I saw she was going to have trouble lifting her case of water onto the belt so I said let me get those for you.
I put all her stuff on the belt for her and she thanked me for helping her.
The cashier rang her stuff through while I watched the old woman struggling to bag her own stuff.
She opened her wallet and I didn’t mean to, but I noticed she had a $100 bill and a $5 bill.
The cashier told her the total was $40.55.
The old woman pulled out a large magnifying glass and looked at the $100 bill she pulled out, I guess to make sure she was paying with the adequate
And that was all I needed to see…
I got close to her, told her to put her money away and that I was going to pay for it all.
It was beautiful to see her face light up. I could tell she was smiling under her mask and she said, “No, no your not!”
I said “ Yes, oh yes I am” and I turned to the cashier and I said I’m going to pay for her stuff.
The woman pulled me close and hugged me and said out loud “this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
I said back to her “I certainly hope not! You deserve so much more”
The cashier, a young girl, pulled out her phone and took a picture of the woman hugging me.
I could tell the woman had walked to the store. She was all bundled up because there’s about a foot of snow on the ground here.
I asked the woman, are you going to be okay pushing all that stuff home on your Walker. It’s real slippery and slushy outside.
She said she would be just fine and she lived nearby.
I was going to offer her a ride home as well.
And I know that can be dangerous this day and age, but I had my 13 year old daughter with me, plus I just paid for her stuff, so I’m sure she knew I
wasn’t a threat.
She reassured me she would be good to get home, and she thanked me once again and said I hope you have a very merry Christmas.
Now, like I said, I’m not bragging, but I do hope to inspire others to do a random act of kindness for someone.
And I try to do at least one a day. At this time of the year, a little can mean the whole world to someone.
I was thinking about the woman on my drive home and turned to my daughter and said remember how she said me buying her stuff for her was the nicest
thing anyone has ever done for her?
I really hope that she only said that out of shock and that a $40 gesture of humanity really wasn’t the nicest thing ever done for her.
I then told my daughter, you need to always respect your elders. They have been through a whole lot over their years and probably deserve a break as
often as possible. Always try to help others. We are lucky in this world.
She smiled and said I know dad.
Please, share your random act with me.
I want to read about it.
Or maybe someone did an act of kindness for you, and your in debt one random act of paying it forward.
Let’s hear it and spread some cheer!
edit on 11-12-2021 by Macenroe82 because: (no reason given)