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Demaryius Thomas

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posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 06:32 PM
I am struggling to find anything detailed on Demaryius Thomas death. He was said to be struggling with seizures for the last year or so.

I should probably go and check to see if he got a concussion around this time last year. I was hoping to find some information but the search result had no results.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 06:39 PM
From scouring my favorite football forum...

"Ex-NFL star Demaryius Thomas has died at the age of 33. Police tell us they found DT deceased in his Roswell, GA home tonight. Early indications are it was a medical issue. No foul play suspected. Rest in peace."

"Thomas died at the age of 33 on December 9, 2021, from medical complications following a vehicle crash "

"His family members suspect that he had a seizure while alone in his home.
It sounds like since the car accident he has been suffering from reoccurring seizures.
Obviously it’s too early to be certain of anything, but those are the initial reports."

Talented athlete. Sad news for his family and friends

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: randomthoughts12

As the above post mentions, he had a really bad accident (close to where I live, actually) from which he never recovered. It's really uncommon for a car accident to end in a fatality so much later than the event, though, isn't it?

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: TXRabbit

The car accident is what was left out of what I saw. Thank you.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: randomthoughts12

Was he "vaxxed"?
...asking because he was probably recently "vaxxed".

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: zosimov
a reply to: randomthoughts12

As the above post mentions, he had a really bad accident (close to where I live, actually) from which he never recovered. It's really uncommon for a car accident to end in a fatality so much later than the event, though, isn't it?

It depends on what the injuries are. Some things you never really fully recover from. There is a guy on YouTube who does reviews of medical cases. He goes by chubbyemu, and you can tell in the end how well the people made it through. Very rarely does he ever say they made a full recovery. Assuming they live, they almost always make *a* recovery.

Here's a case in particular where his misadventure killed him, but it took some time for it to do so.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: zosimov
a reply to: randomthoughts12

As the above post mentions, he had a really bad accident (close to where I live, actually) from which he never recovered. It's really uncommon for a car accident to end in a fatality so much later than the event, though, isn't it?

I had a 32 year old cousin that died 12 years after the car accident that initially caused his injuries.

Do idea if it's common, but personally know it happens.

RIP Mike.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 08:07 PM
Great talent...Big and Fast for a Wide Receiver.


posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 08:14 PM
Give me a break. This website once had intelligent people.


posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 08:14 PM

edit on 10-12-2021 by DaCook because: Double post

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: DaCook

What a pretentious comment. Anything on the topic?

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: Ghostsdogood

I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. Very sad and too young to go (also terrible that it was due to one bad moment so many years previously)

Thanks for the info, kets as well.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: ketsuko
That’s frightening. In my youth, particularly in college at 19…I was fairly insecure and pounding weights. I was particularly strong in flys…on a bet I decided to do 100?reps of 75lbs…I tore something perhaps fascia from my neck, across the top of my head…hearing a “pop”

I had a momentary pass out, in the most excruciating pain imaginable. I couldn’t do any lifts of any kind thereafter for quite some time without re experiencing the injury.

OP- Tragedy to be taken so young. We should all be thankful for everyday, we never know when we will be called home.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: DaCook
Give me a break. This website once had intelligent people.


posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: BlueJacket

In the case of this kid, he had exacerbating factors at work that most of us wouldn't have, but even so, you never know what you might be upsetting when you push yourself too far.

My point in posting it though was to point out that it only takes one injury of any particular type to set you up for a chain of events that can lead to complete failure and even death.

It could be argued that Christopher Reeve was likely killed by his injuries sustained in that fall from horseback that paralyzed him. He got sepsis from a pressure ulcer that developed as a consequence of the paralysis, and his family believes he died from an adverse/allergic reaction to an antibiotic used to try to treat it.
edit on 10-12-2021 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2021 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: DaCook
Give me a break. This website once had intelligent people.


Yea, I think it started to go downhill in early August of 2013.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT
He would have been vaxxed closer to after the accident I would think. Most reactions in my data have been within the first month. Not sure about boosters. So was not thinking vax.

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