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Pfizer CEO being doing anti science speak

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posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 09:00 AM
He says you must get booster to eliminate the virus because or else you will get the virus and the virus will mutate and possibly somewhere down the line a super horrible variant will come along and wipe out planet Earth so get booster and bring me money. This is anti science speak.

Virus becomes more transmissible but less lethal as they mutate. More lethal variants are out competed by more transmissible variants. This is what happened to common cold viruses which used to be very deadly in prehistoric times. Case in point, MERS is very deadly, but very not transmssible. 229E and Omicron is very transmissilbe, but very mild. Precisely we don't ever need vaccine for common cold viruses that have been around for quite long.

Pfizer CEO says omicron appears milder, but could lead to more mutations

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 10:26 AM
Im believing some dosages were bought on consignment, thus the vaccine companies have to eat unused vaccines once they expire

Looks like it varies but even frozen it's just six months... I can easily see where there is a deal where they don't get paid as much if vaccines aren't used. Thus the new directives and them now saying you can mix all the vaccines together

about 6 months ago didn't Biden order 330 million doses?

In late February, the FDA said the Pfizer vaccine, which was approved for kids aged 12-15 in mid-May, could be stored at standard freezer temperatures for up to two weeks. A few months later, Pfizer CEO Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said the company was working on a new version of the vaccine that could be stored for six months in normal refrigerator temperatures.

The Moderna vaccine similarly depends on freezing temperatures to maintain viability. The vaccine must be kept at the same temperature as the Pfizer vaccine: between 2-8 degrees Celsius (or 36-46 degrees Fahrenheit). It will remain stable at these temperatures for three months (originally, the company said it could only last 30 days at those temperatures). At room temperature, the vaccine will remain viable for up to 12 hours.

At freezing temperatures, the Moderna vaccine can be stored for up to six months.

edit on 8-12-2021 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 10:51 PM
Read these in order as listed and let me know what you think this concludes guys. chDaily_TrendMD_0 ....Note the part about IL6

So I get that increasing l-glutamine in the body lowers the risk of covid forming from the virus.

So It seems that although the insulin is elevated a bit, the muscles use it better and it essentually lowers insulin resistance because of that. And by that, it actually helps to reduce type two diabetis which is a risk factor from the virus turning covid? Glutamine is actually found in meat and some veggies, but certain preparation processes in processing and cooking can convert it to glutamate which is more inflammatory and increases risk factors. So this is one of the ways highly processed foods causes problems to some people.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 11:15 PM
Reported by the WHO on November 24 we now just 2 weeks later know all these things about OMNICON sorry but you belong in the back of the turnip truck if you believe these people after 18 months of bs

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: Jeremyhuex

The Pfizer SOB/CEO is counting on the stupidity of the public. He watched Covid change Americans overnight from HATERS of Pharmaceutical companies, to REVERING Pharmaceutical companies.

I wonder if the Pfizer and Moderna and Johnson-Johnson CEO's are colluding to get their messages out in a coordinated fashion? The Moderna guy was pushing their Booster 3 days ago.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Wow. You should own/author a wellness blog!

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: rickymouse

Wow. You should own/author a wellness blog!

Why do I have to own or author a wellness blog when I can comment on things here under pertinent threads others make?

I was asked by someone who has a site to be partners and discuss things, but she was parroting a lot of stuff that had been misapplied by the people making health stuff up....she is a friends of our family so I did not want to be constantly correcting her posts. She is a nutritionist who worked for the health department at one time, and I just did not want to be correcting her all the time. Foods contain multiple chemistries, evaluating the good and bad is time consuming, and what is good for one person is bad for another. Our epigenetics controls our metabolism which means some people cannot properly detox some foods while others can. The amount of enzymes and different forms of an enzymes vary from person to person. There is also companion foods that people have to eat together and that also varies depending on where that person came from and what their ancestors ate...again that is epigenetic alterations created by our ancestors environment.

Then you mix two different genetic pools, like a Finn marrying a Hispanic, and the food the kid needs to be healthy is different than what each parent needs to eat to be healthy....I cannot even figure out my grandkids, my daughter married a person from Guatamala originally, he is half spanish and half guatamalan. He needs either lots of green veggies containing nicotinic acid or hot sauce on his foods. But their kids have the finn/hispanic mix, they need hot sauce for some metabolic needs but also they cannot eat much because it causes other metabolic problems. I have tried to research the alterations, I can't test on myself because they are different. So it is hard to figure out how to fix their metabolic issues. That is just one of the differences between the cultures, there are many of these epigenetic mixes that are present, but that niacin thing is one of the major issues for my grandkids. My second oldest grandaughter has less of a problematic mix, she loves salads and is mostly healthy, her inherited gene snps match fairly well with her fathers in the niacin metabolic pathways. She chooses green veggies rich in nicotinic acid over the hot sauce though, but that would also work well for her. I had all their ancestry done to get their data so I could try to learn how to evaluate it.

Junk food and sugar does not go well with my grandkids genetics, but my daughter believes it is all right for her, so it is alright for her kids. The result is two of them had prediabetis and fatty liver at a young age. She changed to a healthier diet and the younger boy got lots of energy and was out doing stuff and ran to the store with his bike and hit a pot hole and went over the handlebars, he broke one bone in his forearm. So since the good diet made him more active, she switched back to junk food so he would not have the energy to go out and get hurt. At that point before that his sugar and fatty liver was improving in the blood tests, but after going back on junk food, he has been on diabetes drugs twice and they wanted to give him some meds for the fatty liver again. but he does not have any energy anymore so he has not broken anything anymore. My oldest daughter doesn't understand that the damage can be irreversible and at that point, I cannot help her anymore, no matter how much she believes I can.

Got carried away again, I will not be offended if you just read the first line, the rest of my stuff has to do with believing that decisions you made years ago can effect things years later. a little junk food once a week is not going to harm most people, but if you eat some every day it can cause problems.

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