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COVID Outbreak On US Cruise Ship Despite Fully Vaxxed Passengers

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posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 03:59 AM
I would have thought with all the crews and passengers stranded last year because of C-19 they would be having problems filling cabins on cruise ships; evidently there were 3000 people, because of their protective shield of a vaccine, who were unconcerned enough to book a boarding.

At least the ship was not required to anchor off shore while the authorities ran around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off trying to figure out what to do.

Despite every cruise line requiring passengers and crew to be fully vaccinated before boarding, a cruise ship returning from a sail across the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea with thousands of passengers onboard detected an outbreak of COVID-19, according to AP News.

Norwegian Breakaway, owned by Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd, departed from the Port of New Orleans on Nov. 28 and sailed to Belize, Honduras, and Mexico, with more than 3,000 people on board.

Ahead of returning to its homeport in New Orleans, the cruise line detected ten COVID infections among its guest and crew. Those who were infected were fully vaccinated and were forced into quarantine.

Governor John Bel Edwards, the City of New Orleans, and the Port of New Orleans were notified about the incident and contacted the CDC. The infected passengers and crew will either travel directly to their homes or self-isolate at an undisclosed location.
edit on 727thk21 by 727Sky because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Article on the news today there is a roaring trade in false certificates and apps.

and what ever else one needs to prove they have had the required jabs and

whatever else is necessary for proof.

edit on 8-12-2021 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 04:49 AM
Post Removed By Staff
edit on 12/8/2021 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

So, what's the point of the vaccine now? Thought that was "supposed" to protect you from it.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 05:11 AM
They will find some Unvaxed peasant Stowaways..



posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 05:17 AM
a reply to: Riouz5

Blaming it on unjabbed? You would think that the outbreaks would come from primarily Florida ports, using that logic, since we don't require the jab for cruises departing from here.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 05:19 AM
a reply to: cmdrkeenkid




posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 05:29 AM
this just proves we all need 29 boosters, 15 masks and to stay at least 6 horses apart till we flatten the curve in 3022.

stop being selfish, you murdererers..

bearded fauci said this 100 years ago.

edit on 8-12-2021 by jerich0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: eletheia

Called it!


posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 05:34 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: eletheia

Called it!


And you didn't even use quatrains, mr NostraRedneck..

but damn, sure did nail it.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 05:40 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: eletheia

Called it!


How did I miss that thread? That would’ve definitely gotten an All Hail Shakaka our worldly lord and savior comment. But yeah man nailed it. 👍🏾

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: eletheia

If someone could point me in the right direction for a fake cert, that would be greaaat.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 05:50 AM
a reply to: jerich0

"There was a young lady from Nice..."

Oh, wait... that's a limerick, not a quatrain... my bad.


edit on 12/8/2021 by TheRedneck because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79

You know how dead people can vote Democrat 4 times in the same election?

Well dead doctors can sign covid paperwork too, it’s magical like that 😀 🦄
edit on 8-12-2021 by Brotherman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

i think youd be locked away in a castle, for some modern limericks, back then, more than predictions..

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: jerich0

Modern? Some of the limericks I know are old as the hills.

Still funny, though.


posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: Chance321
a reply to: 727Sky

So, what's the point of the vaccine now? Thought that was "supposed" to protect you from it.

the vaccines were never supposed to "protect you" FROM the virus, it was always ONLY to protect you from getting as sick from the virus. it has never, and was never even supposed to be able to stop you from getting it, or passing it onto others. this is why the WHO and reputable sources have all along said EVERYBODY still needs to wear a mask even if vaccinated. it is only lying politicians (like Biden and Trudeau), their government controlled organizations, and the lying media that have spread the fake news saying that the "vaccines will stop the virus.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: eletheia

Yup, they are going to blame that with people with fake vax cards. It will bolden their push for vax passports and third party vetting systems. Get caught with a fake vax, get fined and fired. That’s what they want.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 06:23 AM
Covid stays in the air for three hours and on surfaces for three days... large ships have a lot of dead air space that are difficult to air out leaving the air it can be on a surface for three days.

Maybe they should have quarantined the entire ship before the cruise; since it is a special case it's an important finding... as the above three hours and three days are under normal conditions.

Not knowing the abnormal conditions? Only slows things down... heat it doesn't like meaning it likely stays centered around freezers and refrigerated cases or compartments longer... making food supplies that are refrigerated a higher risk since the duration is likely longer. Even though people work around those things as a normal condition it isn't a normal condition for the average population sample.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 06:51 AM
So 10 cases out of 3200 people? I know of 8 recently infected which included 1 death and 3 hospitalizations from a group of 20 unvaccinated that got together for a birthday party last month. Seems like the cruise was safer. I didn't see anything in the article that any of the 10 required hospitalization or died. If that's the case, the Vax appears to be working.
edit on 8-12-2021 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

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