originally posted by: Salander
I hope Trump and Paul will admit their errors.
Here's a good conspiracy for you
I voted for Trump. I went to the July 4th parade in 2019 even in DC.
By far the stupidest thing Trump ever did was create Operation Warp Speed. I was mad about it the night he announced it, and unless some top secret
information gets released that justified it, I am adamant it was a horrible idea.
The only way operation warp speed ever made sense was if the Gov thinks this is a bio weapon attack, but dont want to say that part out loud and get
into a real war.
Then instead of being honest with the world and saying what you are about to encounter is nothing like anything your body every fought before, they
used fear and the word vaccine (which most of use knew from day 1 was being used wrong). Maybe telling people the COVID pathogen itself causes
inflammation, stroke, and heart disease, but if you take this mild mRNA version of it we made, your body will fight it easier when it sees the real
bioweapon. Maybe the argument should have been, 'you are going to catch this, but if we make you sick with this first, you will most likely be ok'. Do
you think they would have said that if that is the truth?
Maybe they are all there in DC knowing China is releasing one strain after another in places like India where they have conflict and Delta broke out.
Now you got South Africa where the Chinese are buying up infrastructure, and you get Omicron. Now we have diplomatic ban on the Olympics with Joe's
best friends, and a couple of his bosses.
Maybe instead of telling everyone China is using this to get ahead and crush economies, they are trying to use fear to force everyone to get protected
about it.
Do you think our gov would tell us if we ever entered into bio warfare? It seems to me it would look a lot like what we are dealing with. If we did, I
would expect a huge power grab, and limited truth about it because our power to fight it would be limited, and most of the world would get sick either
This also matches up with China having what they claim is an actual vaccine that uses part of the code from the nucleus of the virus, and can stop all
variants because it does not rely on the spike. This is exactly what a country that made a bio weapon would have. A country like China would not only
use that to crush economies, but to get rid of their own citizens that cause them problems.