posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 08:33 PM
So the sneeze is actually our bodies way of expelling foul spirits or demons. In some cultures when someone sneezes they pinch at the bridge of their
noses to help pull the parasitic hell creature from their body. So of course over the years the response to a sneeze has become 'God bless You', at
least here in the US. Weird thing number one. Yea, us being the melting pot and all that we put together oddball crap that really has no
meaning..anyway, I digress..King Baby being the first person to hand someone a Kleenex that starts crying in a therapy session. Or the person who
can't wait to give condolences at a funeral, there is a surplus of attention and they want some of it. Point is..Does saying "God bless You" when
someone sneezes make you a histrionic attention vampire? I think it does, but you're programmed not to know.