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Does government even know?

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posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 10:24 PM
Everyone here seems to believe or float the idea that the government not only knows the truth about aliens, but that the government seem to be in some sort of a conspiracy with aliens. I ask what if the government knows that aliens exist, but doesn’t know what their intentions are. I cite the fact that fighter jets are scrambled to chase UFO’s. Why would the government who is allegedly in a conspiracy with these alien beings chase after them with armed fighters? I believe the government knows that aliens exist, but that’s as far as it goes. I think the government is just as confused as all of us here on this website. Any thoughts?

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 10:29 PM
I believe your wrong. lol. Good thing we are all entitled to our own opinions isnt it?

The Government would chase certain Alien Crafts for several reasons.

1.) It could be an alien craft that isnt permitted to fly in that area, or belongs to a race that isnt permitted to fly at earth at all.

2.) By flying where they are, they could be breaking some sort of agreement that was made between them, about where and when to fly.

There are all sorts of small reasons like this.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 10:40 PM
way more than is led on to. If they didn't know, they would not be the government, or the "powers that control them"...

Disinfo campaign, counter intelligence, false flags for spies to trip up on, cover stories for top secret X craft or actual EBE craft, they are key players inside.

As for the armed fighters, they are not so much chaseing after them as providing "escort", in case unauthorized craft are in the area. Those who are in control have way too much influence to not know more, how else are they able to stay on top.

It is not what they are telling us, so much as it is what they are not.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 10:43 PM
Most credible reports on the subject of UFO/ETs have earthly military in conflict with whatever they are, not in collusion with them. But why wouldn't our governments know more about the subject than we do? If they are shooting down UFOs and capturing live ETs, I would suspect all forms of interrogation are applied to captives even if there is a communications gap from language or physical communications differences. Even dead ETs provide physiological study opportunities from which much knowledge can be gained. Plus any information that could be gleaned from reverse engineering ET technology would be applied as well. If there has been any negotiations with ETs or even just simple statements or threats bandied back and forth, information can also be acquired that way. Its through these methods that I believe our governments know as much as they do about the subject and that they are certainly hiding it all from us.

Even if none of that was happening and all our governments had was film, video, and reports, I know they have tons that we have not seen. Aircraft gun camera footage, security camera footage at nuclear missile silos and military bases, high quality photographs, military space material, naval film and video, satellite photos, censored NASA material, radar returns, communications transcripts and recordings made during and after encounters, and other materials all are kept away from public scrutiny as well as most reports from military and civilian government personnel and whatever the secret policies are to continue the secret. There has to be gigantic warehouses of this type of information alone not to mention countless military scientific community theories made upon the examination of such information as to what exactly is happening. The knowledge base from basic evidence gathering and observation is going to be staggering in size and scope without the need to have physical ETs or UFOs stored away. Though I am sure they know far more than just this type of information.

[edit on 29-3-2005 by Frith]

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 11:56 PM
It makes alot more sense than a complex government conspiracie, I for one believe that the government cant do diddly, because they dont know anything about them.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 11:03 AM
I think that the goverment are aware of alien visitors and have for a long time but dont know what there intentions are and are terrified of whats in our atmospear, hence the denal that ufo's even exist. you just have to look at the smoking gun video to see that (alien craft comming into earths atmospear, huge flash and the craft speeds off before a misile hits it).

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 03:34 PM
What I understand from the organization of visiting races, and from my experiences with the govt, is that our govts know very well that the alien races are here. But the govts do not know everything about the aliens- they only know what the aliens let them know. Individual humans who work closely with the alien races know a great deal more about the aliens than the govts do. This puts these individuals at great risk for govt recruitment and/or harassment, so the aliens try very carefully not to allow their individual human contacts to possess personal physical evidence, or to know too much, and to warn them about how to go about telling others, if they choose to do that.

The visiting races have been offering their assistance to our leading govts for years. But our leading govts want to capitalize in every way possible on the alien races for the purposes of world dominance and power, and to be first and only on Earth to gain specific alien technologies. The main problem is that the leading govts want alien help and technologies for specific things that the aliens would "never" share them for, instead of those that the aliens are offering that will make life on Earth better for all humans. This means the govts have to force their control over the alien races. The only way the leading govts can control the alien races is by threat. The threats to the aliens are by public reputation, and to harm them physically whenever they show themselves. Worse and most effective, the threats are also in the form of blackmail, as harm to the individual humans who are known to work with alien life.

The only way the govts propaganda can maintain sufficient damage is to keep the publics in general disbelief and confusion over both the existence of alien life and the intentions and nature of our visiting races. Whenever true information becomes available, many untrue facts are added and distributed (leaked) through the grapevine which is lined with govt agents. These things are very easy to do because the people believe so blindly in their leaders, and although the people sense the cover-up, they have no idea of the magnitude or corruptive reasons for it. Things will remain this way only until enough more people in the public gain true personal knowledge of the alien races and then take the truth for themselves. The govts are never going to give it. This true public knowledge is exactly what the govts are trying to prevent by creating so much fear and confusion to bury the truth under, against the alien races.

Humans are incredibly prejudiced, we know that about us, and we know from our experience that it takes a long time for us to change our minds. A few of our visiting races in the past took convenient advantage of particular humans, and these stories have been greatly exaggerated professionally, and blamed on all of our visiting races for the purpose of keeping us apart. Even though all use and abuse has been ended by the organization of races, and is impossible here at Earth now, the people are still too scared to pick their heads up and see for themselves. The greatest part of that abuse was being done within agreements that the USA forced by threat upon two of our particular visiting races-- allowing alien abductions of humans for the purpose of creating hybrids, in exchange for alien technologies. But the aliens would not provide anything that could be used in any violation to anyone.

The agreements had to be ended as quickly as possible on both sides of it, and they were. The agreements were ended by the efforts of the organization of visiting races and with the help of many of the individual humans who work with alien life. The USA was not happy about it.

It has been very difficult for the alien races to find individual humans who have the abilities and the willingness to work openly with alien life. Most humans who have the opportunity, refuse, because of the stress and hardship alien contact can bring to daily life. Even when a person "wants" to, there is little support or understanding for him, while personally all around him there is a great deal of disbelief, ridicule and ostracizing. His job and health and happiness, and that of his family and friends, become on the line. At this point, just a few strange phone calls, or same the same vehicle seen following him around, is enough to force his final decision about working with alien life or speaking about what he has learned from the aliens.

The alien races are SCARY to humans. All the things they DO are scary. The way they look and talk and move are scary. Their technologies are so incredible and that is all scary too. The aliens don't have to do ANYTHING to be scary- all they have to do is stand there. But once we get to know them, we find out that all our fear is only in our own minds. If we keep listening to all the propaganda and don't find out about the aliens for ourselves, we are going to remain at the mercy of our leading govts until it's too late.

[edit on 4/6/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 05:35 PM
Could have said it better myself, EarthSister

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 05:38 PM
So why don't they come to meet me? I'm not afraid of them. I want to meet them. I want to change thoughts with them. I want to make contact.
Being I a human with an open mind for them why don't they come to visit me?
Take me to their planet, let's talk about life, about the world. Let's talk about us.
Why don't they?
I saw an Ufo. I have that feeling that there wasn't any human life form inside it, if you know what I mean. And it just hoovered above me, joking with me.
They don't want to meet me, so why not?
Are they afraid of me?

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by ProjectXYZ
Everyone here seems to believe or float the idea that the government not only knows the truth about aliens, but that the government seem to be in some sort of a conspiracy with aliens. I ask what if the government knows that aliens exist, but doesn’t know what their intentions are. I cite the fact that fighter jets are scrambled to chase UFO’s. Why would the government who is allegedly in a conspiracy with these alien beings chase after them with armed fighters? I believe the government knows that aliens exist, but that’s as far as it goes. I think the government is just as confused as all of us here on this website. Any thoughts?

I absolutely agree with you 100 %. While I do think they know more than the common man me or you, I would say it isn't much more. I am sure they are confused and have been trying to figure things out for a long time.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by pompano

Originally posted by ProjectXYZ
Everyone here seems to believe or float the idea that the government not only knows the truth about aliens, but that the government seem to be in some sort of a conspiracy with aliens. I ask what if the government knows that aliens exist, but doesn’t know what their intentions are. I cite the fact that fighter jets are scrambled to chase UFO’s. Why would the government who is allegedly in a conspiracy with these alien beings chase after them with armed fighters? I believe the government knows that aliens exist, but that’s as far as it goes. I think the government is just as confused as all of us here on this website. Any thoughts?

I absolutely agree with you 100 %. While I do think they know more than the common man me or you, I would say it isn't much more. I am sure they are confused and have been trying to figure things out for a long time.

Agreed as well.

Why would F-15s be sent up to intercept the very beings the govt is supposedly in cahoots with?

Unless there is more than one race observing us? good little green men and bad little cow carving green men?

Perhaps there has been some contact, but I think nothing to the extent of some of the ufo lore out there.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 07:30 PM
It's simple. The reason why they won't admit that ET's have been visiting earth for a long a$$ time is because that might lead to the leaking of TOP SECRET military air craft and technologies which our government doesn't want to get into the hands of other countries. That's the main reason I think...

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 08:27 PM
Not to start a flame war or even intending to insult anyone, or their intelligence, but there is no real "solid" evidence that aliens are here.

We have evidence of UFOs, whatever they may be, and in our "limited" experiential fashion we surmise that they are aliens. However, there is/are, no smoking guns or solid proof.

I would dearly love to be wrong and find a major conspiracy, and evidence that it is supported by evidence from people who aren't questionable or shady. Either way you go, and no matter how you justify, we still only have "logical" surmises and no real proof.

Government is a big confabulation of ineptitude. I seriously doubt there is a major conspiracy, because for every one dedicated supporter/worker of any conspiracy, particularly one that large, you have 20+ maroons who can't find their butts in a well lit room full of mirrors, trying to support it.

I very much want to believe that there is something, but not to the point of selling my soul for a series of hazy photographs, questionable video tapes, authentic paperwork with no currency, and some guy who owns a restaurant selling t-shirts, dolls, and alien momentos.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Centrixinal
Could have said it better myself, EarthSister

Centrixinal, I'm quoting your post because Earthsister's is very long. BUT, what you said too!
You're a breath of reason Earthsister.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 10:12 PM
Earthsister, nice post. I think if we look past the body and into the soul we will see the true nature of the being.


[edit on 6-4-2005 by cybertroy]

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 09:34 AM
First off, many of the intercepts cases were in the earlier days of the phenomenon. Sure, there are modern cases as well, but there are also a myriad reasons why an intercept would be sent. For example, let's suppose a British general just decided to fly in for a visit without announcing it. Do you think we'd scramble a few fighters if not expecting him? I'd like to think so...
That's just a quickie example, there are many, many more reasons that could be the cause here.

Also, it may be that we THINK we know their agenda, but are still suspicious of them. Given just the things we think we know (such as abductions, etc.) there is certainly cause to be suspicious of such beings, regardless of any agreements if there are indeed some.

There seems to be a lot of documentation supporting that we at least know something about their tech and their biology...but yes, there is next to nothing supporting us knowing anything of their agenda, whatever it may be. Still though, the government's info is far more than what we have now, and they also have the ability to provide PROOF instead of EVIDENCE, so of course it's still an issue...

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 10:43 PM
Definitely should be on the safe side. There is good and there is bad in the universe. So we can't blindly trust or blindly distrust any being.

I suppose it's just like communicating with people here on earth. You can sometimes sense when somebody is up to no good, or you can sometimes sense a genuinely good person.

So if you observe a being close enough you should be able to see what they are about.

We could be greeted warmly by vistors or scorched where we stand. So, we need to be alert and aware when dealing with outsiders.


posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
The alien races are SCARY to humans. All the things they DO are scary. The way they look and talk and move are scary. Their technologies are so incredible and that is all scary too. The aliens don't have to do ANYTHING to be scary- all they have to do is stand there. But once we get to know them, we find out that all our fear is only in our own minds. If we keep listening to all the propaganda and don't find out about the aliens for ourselves, we are going to remain at the mercy of our leading govts until it's too late.

I find it hard to believe that through Hollywood that any aliens would be scary! What could come to light that would be any scarier than what we have seen in film. Not to mention news reports of abductions, cattle mutilations, UFO's, the human race is ready to embrace the existence of aliens if they trully exist. I can't believe that ANY gov't can cover that up.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 11:26 PM
I believe that the government does not know a damn thing about ET's and they are totaly skeptical about their existance like us. But their is probally some shadow group that knows they exist and are studying their technology from the crashed ship at Roswell. But I doubt we are working with the bloody aliens, come on it would not be the morale thing to do. Would you bloody work with a creature that wants to enslave or anal probe YOUR race? I think not.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 11:58 AM

I find it hard to believe that through Hollywood that any aliens would be scary! What could come to light that would be any scarier than what we have seen in film. Not to mention news reports of abductions, cattle mutilations, UFO's, the human race is ready to embrace the existence of aliens if they trully exist. I can't believe that ANY gov't can cover that up.

Seeing something fictional on film, and facing the reality of it in real-life, is a completely different ballgame. If faced with an alien from the Aliens movies, I'm pretty sure I'd piss myself, curl up in a ball, and pray for a quick death!
(unless I had one HELL of a gun in my hand).... Metal teeth, armored hide, acid for blood, supernatural over man! game over!

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