posted on Nov, 30 2021 @ 05:49 PM
some product that can have multiple uses...
like the end of privacy in thoughts, memories.
SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Blackrock Neurotech, the leader in brain-computer interface (BCI) technology, has announced plans to
commercialize a BCI platform in 2022, with the aim of restoring communication function in patients impaired by disabilities caused by ALS, paralysis
and other spinal cord injuries. With this breakthrough technology, patients are able to create text -- simply by imagining themselves typing or
writing by hand.
The decoders enable typing speeds of up to 90 characters per minute, with 94% thought-to-text live accuracy and up to 99% accuracy with
post-processing auto-correction work. The immediate goals of this initiative are to demonstrate that patients experience increased independence,
improved quality of life, and the ability to return to the workforce with their use of the platform.
The eventual goal is to enable communication functions on par with that of an able-bodied person. The progress is truly incredible."
"We are thrilled that commercialization is now possible. Not only is there sufficient data to support the first applications, but more importantly,
patients are asking for the product,"
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