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Have you had contact with God?

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posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 07:43 AM
Have you had contact with God?

I am not talking about faith. I am talking about real contact.

Here is my story:

1st Contact: I was twelve years old and living in Red OaK, Oklahoma. I was sent to church every Sunday whether I liked it or not. I could see the small Baptist church from my house, across the train tracks. There was this old indian Baptist preacher who yelled his sermons out where it was almost impossible to understand. I always sat in the last row next to the exit door. As soon as he said amen and services were over, I would shoot out the door before anyone could stand up, except one time....

I am sitting there bored, starring at the walls and ceilings, shifting my weight from side to side when a large hand put its hand on my left shoulder. I immediately turned around to see who it was and no one was there, yet this large hand was still on my shoulder. I was not scared, only confused. After 15 to 30 seconds it let go of were over in 5 minutes and I shot out of there like a bullet. Then all of a sudden I felt like I was on cloud nine. Never had I felt peace like this, all my fears and worries were gone and I had a smile on myy face all day. My parents were even shocked as to how I acted all day.

2nd Contact: I am 38 years old....It is 2230 hours, pitch dark, living in a small town and I am driving home from work. I am listening to a Christian song, God is good all the time, and singing along when I notice a large man sitting in the passenger seat smiling as he looked out the front windshield. Again it did not scare me. I looked directly at him and I could see right through him. He was not a white ghost. I could see colors. He had brown hair, very muscular, like a weight lifter, had leather sandals laced up to his knees. He wore a brown leather looking kilt. I would say he was around 30 to 35 years old. He never looked at me nor did he speak. One minute he was there and the next minute he was gone...

3rd Contact: It is 4 July 2012, I am 51 years old, sitting on my terrace with family when I have a heart attack and die. The family said not only was my lips blue but also my face. I found myself immediately above the clouds, no cold air, no sounds, not even the wind. The sun was so bright I had to shield my eyes. What was strange was that the sun did not give off any heat. The I start moving in one direction. The sun was very annoying. It was on my left so I had my left hand shielding the sun as I moved, suddenly I see some type of a large building, definetly looked Greek/Roman. It had the standard pillars with numerous steps leading to the top of the buidling.... I could see below the building and it appeared to be floating....above the clouds. I was not cold or hot, perfect....just the sun was bothering me. Then I see a large man sitting at the bottom in a large chair. I could not make him out because I was still too far away from this building and it was taking way too long! Eventually I can see the guy as he rests his head on his hand looking bored while starring at the ground. I don't think he ever looked at me once. I am now maybe 100 feet from the platform and this guy is huge but he is not normal. He is liquid gold! A gold color that I have never seen and the gold was circulating throughout his body and I could see it. I touch down on the gray platform, steps leading up to these large pillars, to the left of me is this giant of a guy....still not looking at me...yet he constantly stares at the sun. I start to walk up the steps and when my foot hits the first step I wake up in the hospital. That annoying sun was God. He shone brighter than the sun and I could not look at it because it was way too bright.

I have had 4 head on car collisions. Pancreas and kidney cancer that doctors said I was lucky that I did not die because the tumors were next to my kidneys and not attached to one another....

Since 2012 I see all types of dark and light spirits but can not hear what they speak. I see demons attached to snakes and some type of skinny hound. Some rich people I know have a black demonic face with stars covering their faces and the demon has sparkly diamonds for eyes... These things don't scare me... I stopped walking downtown because I see more dark stuff attached to people. I go into other peoples home and see all types of insects walking on the walls and ceilings, some faces come out of the walls....find out these people have unstable relationships, hate, anger and bitterness a attracts what you speak... But anyway that is another story...

Tell me about your experience with God. He is alive and well...

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Does anything of this proof you met the one true God? I'm really at loss here, if I have such an experience and haven't been molded trough Christianity or any monotheistic religion and attribute my experience to another individual I get treated as an(insert religious derogatory term)

What proof have you that this wasn't the devil playing tricks on you?

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 08:24 AM
I've had one or two signs from God and a run in with a demon "Thoth" but I've never seen Him.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

This happened about 18 years ago. I was going through a rough patch in life and feeling pretty down on myself.

I was doing some stuff around the house and had turned the TV on just for some background noise. Didn't really pay attention to what channel, just for the sound, ya know ? A preacher named Casey Treat came on and he wasn't one of the Hellfire, Brimstone, send me a $1000 to save your soul type, he just talked. For some reason, I started paying attention and sat down to listen. Maybe because I was going through a tough time and needed a little encouragement.

To make a long story short, I said out loud," Lord, where are you 'cause I could use some help "
A voice in my head said "I'm right here".

Not the deep bass of James Earl Jones, just a voice.

Since that day, I've had Peace in a corner of my soul that is unshakeable. No matter how bad things get, I still have that bit of Peace. I'm not a church goer, I just talk to Him in my own way, just like I'd talk to a friend over coffee. I may be sitting in the back yard having a cigar and just start talking to Him in my head.

No, He doesn't talk back, but I know He's there and listening.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 08:47 AM
I dont need to prove to you anything.

This was between me and God.

I have met Satan and other demons, worked with exorcists as a demonologist, there is a difference once ou have been exposed to this.

And my dreams and visions I no longer release to the public because I no longer believe in apologetics.

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Does anything of this proof you met the one true God? I'm really at loss here, if I have such an experience and haven't been molded trough Christianity or any monotheistic religion and attribute my experience to another individual I get treated as an(insert religious derogatory term)

What proof have you that this wasn't the devil playing tricks on you?

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Twice. Near death. 1, a golden single hand seen in my a Nam Vet was pulling debris off me after falling from great heights. Broke my back, crushed skull....other things.

Another time ..almost killed a man w oxygen tank who suddenly appeared before my rig in the driver's side window.

Got out, bent to catch my breath...and saw a whited outline of God looking around a building at me and I saw a wave, heard "Almost time....not yet!"..

We all walk with "God" every single day.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 08:50 AM
My friend this is how God works.

He hates posers and knows when you speak from the heart.

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: DeathSlayer

This happened about 18 years ago. I was going through a rough patch in life and feeling pretty down on myself.

I was doing some stuff around the house and had turned the TV on just for some background noise. Didn't really pay attention to what channel, just for the sound, ya know ? A preacher named Casey Treat came on and he wasn't one of the Hellfire, Brimstone, send me a $1000 to save your soul type, he just talked. For some reason, I started paying attention and sat down to listen. Maybe because I was going through a tough time and needed a little encouragement.

To make a long story short, I said out loud," Lord, where are you 'cause I could use some help "
A voice in my head said "I'm right here".

Not the deep bass of James Earl Jones, just a voice.

Since that day, I've had Peace in a corner of my soul that is unshakeable. No matter how bad things get, I still have that bit of Peace. I'm not a church goer, I just talk to Him in my own way, just like I'd talk to a friend over coffee. I may be sitting in the back yard having a cigar and just start talking to Him in my head.

No, He doesn't talk back, but I know He's there and listening.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer
My friend? I share many of your truths here....

Never fail to....distinguish the difference(s).!!👍

God speaks in many ways ...yet we tend to listen to only 2...eyes and ears, what we see, read and hear, true or not. "Did you guys read this guy says they don't, aren't, won't ...".

Yet, there is another "truth", "God" if you will...that needs to be seen with the heart, not head ..nor recorded or printed word.

"God" lives in the eyes of a child.....and in the hearts of men and women...who discerns the difference...and for those that don't.

edit on 11214930America/ChicagoFri, 26 Nov 2021 09:00:49 -060000202100000049 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 08:56 AM
Another great story!

I know many believers think we are all God's children but unfortunately many have denounced him, rejected him, do not believe him, others excepted Satan as their God and these people are not God's children. Very clearly explained in Genesis.

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Twice. Near death. 1, a golden single hand seen in my a Nam Vet was pulling debris off me after falling from great heights. Broke my back, crushed skull....other things.

Another time ..almost killed a man w oxygen tank who suddenly appeared before my rig in the driver's side window.

Got out, bent to catch my breath...and saw a whited outline of God looking around a building at me and I saw a wave, heard "Almost time....not yet!"..

We all walk with "God" every single day.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Isn't it great? For all the deceivers, non believers, procrastinators, agitators, ..even enemies ...that ..

God loves you all ..anyways.

Even, perhaps our stupid selves.

God Bless

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 09:11 AM
You are correct.

The Father will not judge us.....his son will.

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Isn't it great? For all the deceivers, non believers, procrastinators, agitators, ..even enemies ...that ..

God loves you all ..anyways.

Even, perhaps our stupid selves.

God Bless

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 09:39 AM
I'm still working on my "contact" with God.

Just keep listening to the light.

I'd say that if I were to try interpreting any details of my life as direct evidence of God, then I would attribute a few specific paranormal events I experienced.

All beings of this world can experience a little contact with God, just look in a mirror.
edit on 26-11-2021 by Archivalist because: Just a wave to 2109

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 09:58 AM
A while back my niece took her own life. She was a sweet kid with a good heart. Her death screwed a lot of us in the family up. She had just spent a week with us, and I talked to her directly about her suicide attempts. I told her that when someone tried to kill themselves, a lot of time it's that person crying out for attention to something. I assured her that everyone in the family loved her and if she ever thought she needed to escape her situation, to go the airport and I would get her a ticket to come to me, and we would fix all the mad folks after she was safe. Well, not long after that she drank some type of cleaner that was in the house, and was rushed to the ER. She died, and I still feel like she wasn't really "trying" but made a poor choice.

Fast forward a few years and my financial world collapsed. Selfish reason to be upset, but it affected my family directly and I started thinking my life insurance would do better than me being around. I was in a pretty dark place and to the point of deciding how to exit. A stupid pop song came on the radio, and I felt like rather than the song I was hearing, I was hearing my niece speaking to me directly. She told me God loved me, and everyone still needed me. I didn't just hear the words, I felt that this was the truth, and there was no questions about the future after that.

For me that did two things. First, it humbled me greatly to think that with all that happens every second of every day, and everyone who needs to hear the kind of message I heard, God took the time to give me that message. And secondly, it make me realize that I would see Tina again, and that gave me the comfort to know my tiny problems of today, would disappear soon, I would understand what needed to be done when the time came.

That's not the kind of thing you can convey to others, it's much more of a feeling than it is a tangible thing. Those who have felt it, know. The question of "is there a God" is answered, without doubt. I only wish I could find a way to make others know this, and feel the love that exists, but I think it's something we all need to experience at our own pace, and at the right time. But I'm as far away from a "preachy" person as you fill find. I don't like organized religion, and get irritated with fake Christians. But when you meet a person who truly is good, it seems it's much easier for me to see them now. And I think those people exists to give people like me examples of how to live. I finally know who to listen to and why. What an amazing gift.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

I very seldom post on ATS, I am often quite busy.
Never the less I will add to this post.
Contact? Yes. But Faith must come first so you must not leave that out. Deep things of God cannot be separated. I will give you four instances of both miracles and contact. All of which requires faith prior to any contact.
1. I am a retired Registered Nurse, and also studied ministry several years in the Christian church. I often skipped church to go riding my bike which was long distances which I should not have done. And.. One morning, on a moderately long trail something hit me in the head, [I never determined what it was] and knocked me off or my bike. I hit the pavement head first, ripping off my helmet, breaking my nose and some ribs when the bike landed on top of me. It truly hurt. Lots of blood. The bike was rid-able but not in the best of shape and I was three miles away from home. that was a hard return ride.
That night in prayer I complained to God that I was supposed to be under his protection, so "where were you when I needed you?" Just then, a very loud voice that could not be ignored said....
"I was protecting you....You have no idea what was about to happen". Now without doubt I keep my mouth shut about all things. I do believe I was supposed to be seriously injured or even die. I was indeed protected. O the evil that men do.
2. Regarding demons: They go where they are needed most.
One Sunday morning I was in church, up higher in a balcony with my wife. We sang along with a few chorus and listened to some prayer with heads bowed. But that morning something didn't feel right.
I understood that some church members are indeed not what they appear or claim to be, and the church is not the building but the people. [ I know we all are imperfect, but this was beyond the pale. Some churches are in real trouble], So I found out
Anyway, they pray and pass the loaf and the cup through the audience. [communion] In the catholic church I believe it is called sacraments. Anyway the bread was passed, I took it without incident.
Then the wine was passed. Uggh! I nearly threw up. I asked my wife if that wine tasted odd to here and she said no. Then a very loud voice spoke to me in my head. So loud it could not be ignored.
"THEY HAVE TURNED MY BLOOD BITTER". No other message but I got the point.
Then before lowering my head once again to pray I looked up to the top of the church. [a very big tall building for sure]. There, mingling above me were a large number of demons. They were waiting....
Preparing. Demons do not congregate in bars. They aren't needed there.
3. Regarding dreams and visions. My wife and I one afternoon were taking a short trip to go up to Beardstown IL to get some melon. [best in the world], and I could tell something was really bothering her. She just blurted out. "you can interpret dreams can't you? I know you can" I wondered what this was all about, and asking her she simply said she didn't understand the following:
" A very tall flag pole with a totally white flag, blowing in the wind."
I said, is "that it? that's all there is?" "Yep she says...I just don't get it."
I was driving so I decided to drive and pray, asking God what it meant. I wasn't really expecting to actually hear a loud voice tell me the following.
The Flag is America:
The flag pole is tall because America is tall, But soon will bow its knees.
The flag was found to be white because America has lost its colors.
The wind was forceful, and would not stop because mercy has been removed from the nation.
Nothing more, nothing less. We both understood. America will soon be brought to it's knees.
4 Finally: Two years ago I went to the Urologist because of urinary problems. Enlarged prostate was the diagnosis, followed by TURP surgery. [trans urethral resection] Yes, it hurt, and no I didn't like it. But afterward the Dr came in and told me I had ... he hesitated then blurted out...
Gleason 9 stage 4 prostate cancer and will die. He told me that if it were he, he would do nothing...
But being a Christian and an RN, I went to another surgeon who agreed with the first Dr.
Except, he thought perhaps a full body scan was in order. that would determine any metastasis.
Then the scan. The Dr was stunned. No metastasis. He was sure it would have been advanced. My DX was advanced. then Surgery. Now all subsequent PSA tests are below zero. No cancer. I should not be here writing this right now. Prayer changes things: Proof? I am still alive. That is enough for me.

So I think if anyone wants verification of God? Is he real? Does he speak to us? Do these things happen? I have seen multiple miracles in my life. Yes God has spoken to me. I have both seen miracles and had them happen to me. Proof of God lay in your own heart. I have learned to test the spirits whether they be of God. I am only fearful of any of this when I ask of God, and He does NOT respond.
O the evil that men do: And demons? There are some lurking about seeking whom they may devour. God spoke to me in all 4 of these cases, and there are more in my life. Many more.
Keep in mind, God speaks to us in many ways, not just vocal, or in our heads. So very real.
dave s

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:22 AM
One adult in a relationship with imaginary friend who has magical powers is called a psychosis. 20 adults in a relationship with that imaginary friend is called a cult. 20 million adults in a relationship with that imaginary friend is called a religion.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: TzarChasm

You are the imaginary friend of the Universe.

Mostly empty space with minor interactions at some scales that can only be described in terms of that empty space's rate of transfer of an echo.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:48 AM
I told God that "TzarChasm has everything figured out" He laughed. a reply to: TzarChasm

edit on 26-11-2021 by Lebanon808 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 11:05 AM
You can talk to God, and he will answer you back. He’s a teacher, let him show you the mysteries of the universe, just shut up and listen, like you are in school. And it will all pop in your head.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: Archivalist

Thank you. Thank you very much. Right on the money


posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: TzarChasm

And then, please? What/which...are you? Thanks...
edit on 11214630America/ChicagoFri, 26 Nov 2021 11:10:46 -060010202100000046 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

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