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New zealand government might be passing draconian laws

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posted on Nov, 24 2021 @ 02:32 PM
Reading the last part of your post I must regretfully inform you this pandemic has twisted your mind into some strange modern pandemic based nazism. I know that word gets tossed around a bit. Those with opposing views to yours are traitors in this time of “war”.

There is no end to your ability to justify in the name of a perceived greater good. That can be very dangerous.

New Zealand must work together as one or not at all! The Gleichschaltung is upon you.

a reply to: chr0naut

posted on Nov, 24 2021 @ 02:40 PM
To be a good liberal you have to get the shot, so they share their “power” with you. Women run the liberal party, or they think so, they are more like the pussy liberal men’s attack dog. They send them to bark and get in your face counting on the stiff penalties that would happen if you even yell at them back. They call the police and it’s either a mental hospital or jail for 60 days with a rapist as your cell mate.

It’s pretty much over. Now it’s Christ turn. he was born in 6 bc, he said he will rise again on the 3rd day, a day for God is 1000 years. Since his rebirth, in the year 1994, it became the beginning of third day, after 2 days (2,000 years), 6 bc to 1994 is 2,000 years, of Satans rule, Christ is 27 years old after being reborn in himself, like he said everyone must do, he did it literally as a Catholic. It’s amazing. Jesus came to earth the first time thru birth, logic dictates it will be the same way he returns.

He came to earth again, thru birth again, being reborn, to be human, exactly right after the 2 days he had to wait in Heaven as God gave Satan 2 days in Heaven to rule earth. But he was killed and went to Heaven risen from the dead when he was 33. He has had to grow up, and he is in his prime of his life. Right now, 27 years old, when actually he is 27 years old plus 33 years and 2 days in Heaven. So he will appear to be he late 20’s as he is only 27, unless he waits a few years until he matches his heavenly age, 33 years old. So it’s either really soon, or within 5 years. Only the Father knows when, as he will send him to Judge the Living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end, God willing. Always. Amen.

If he did t do this people won’t believe that a 33 yr old looking man claiming to be Jesus, is over 2,000 years old. It appears to be the way God wants it to seal no doubt who he is. People will say, he’s not Jesus, he’s only 33 he doesn’t look over 2,000 years old and bs like that.

All will know without doubt, who he is and there will lots of gnashing of the teeth, like he said there will be. He is not a liar.

So his official second coming is very, very, very near. Amen.
edit on 24-11-2021 by Randomname2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2021 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: Athetos

People are starting to realize this is mostly BS you take the precautions that you would for the flue. The only question remaining is how culpable is the Government for continuing this farce with the vaccine rollout and how much they are getting paid for it, Jacinda's net worth is now 24 million, on a salary of half a mill per year. The only people dying are obese people with comorbidities that would probably have copped it with a good cold anyway.
The aftermath of this jab is yet to come, I am looking forward to the trials.

posted on Nov, 24 2021 @ 04:12 PM

originally posted by: Athetos
Reading the last part of your post I must regretfully inform you this pandemic has twisted your mind into some strange modern pandemic based nazism. I know that word gets tossed around a bit. Those with opposing views to yours are traitors in this time of “war”.

There is no end to your ability to justify in the name of a perceived greater good. That can be very dangerous.

New Zealand must work together as one or not at all! The Gleichschaltung is upon you.

a reply to: chr0naut

The people protesting, are protesting against inconveniences, and temporary ones, at that.

Yet the protestors, and people not 'putting-up' with those temporary inconveniences, will kill people (by spreading the disease), and not just the protestors, but others around them, too.

It's fairly simple.

posted on Nov, 24 2021 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

This is the New Zealand prime minister, chatting with Bill Gates and smoking a crack pipe, Not together I might add,i had the suspicion that this was endemic in Parliament, the rules and bizarre laws being promulgated which lack reason and here we have a clue, I would imaging the scourge is in the Australian government as well. They all need to go to rehab ASAP.

posted on Nov, 25 2021 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

sars-cov-2 is not a flu virus.
Why are you referencing 1918 -1921? 100 years ago they didn't have computers to realize the particles are being blown thru in smaller water droplets that float in the air for longer periods.
Still no therapeutic though, seems like there is something wrong with the collective medical system if after 100 years they don't know how to reduce an over reaction to a viral particle - or do they?

The 40 deaths yesterday included your 6 Please remember the official count of 40 are not all DUE to covid.
The count includes all cases that died who were classified as an active case of COVID-19 at the time of death. In some of these cases, the underlying cause of death may have been unrelated to COVID-19.

Are Cases people with a viral particle of a coronavirus proven via a PCR test? or just assumed?

Currently in NZ hospital you have 55 sick people with a positive test result - not 100% sure if the underlying cause of hospitalization is related to COVID-19. They may have a broken leg or blood clots common everyday things.

posted on Nov, 25 2021 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

The people protesting, are protesting against inconveniences, and temporary ones, at that.

Civil rights violations by the government are not your "inconveniences".
People who have no rights have no issue with the government taking them.
Good luck getting them back.

posted on Nov, 25 2021 @ 01:29 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
I got this one in my mailbox saying that the NZ government is sitting in Urgency to pass tighter laws, which is alarming many,They seem to be worried as the protest are around the same size as Australia, and if they lose power will be heading to a bad place. It is usually what one might expect from a government that like the Aussie one has gone rogue. Sorry, it's a Facebook

In full agreement. Some suggested actions in this thread:

posted on Nov, 25 2021 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

This is the New Zealand prime minister, chatting with Bill Gates and smoking a crack pipe, Not together I might add,i had the suspicion that this was endemic in Parliament, the rules and bizarre laws being promulgated which lack reason and here we have a clue, I would imaging the scourge is in the Australian government as well. They all need to go to rehab ASAP.

The video is a deepfake created by "Genuine Fake". Here's a link to their YouTube channel. Additionally, if you notice that in the source video, there is no audio that matches whatever is being said, and yet a cough is audible and synced to the video. Why?

But this deepfake has been known for some time. Apparently you didn't get the memo.

You have to stop relying on dodgy and unattributed 'sources', and do a bit of investigation before falling for, and republishing, someone else's lies.

posted on Nov, 25 2021 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: chr0naut

The people protesting, are protesting against inconveniences, and temporary ones, at that.

Civil rights violations by the government are not your "inconveniences".
People who have no rights have no issue with the government taking them.
Good luck getting them back.

You have totally drunk the cool-aid.

This kind of thing has happened multiple times in the past and has been resolved over time. Even in the USA.

posted on Nov, 25 2021 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

You will notice that the deep fake video is where she is smoking cannabis. This one is using what looks like a crack pipe from a security camera. nice try.

posted on Nov, 25 2021 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: puzzled2
a reply to: chr0naut

sars-cov-2 is not a flu virus.
Why are you referencing 1918 -1921?

Because they were protesting against the government mandate that masks were to be worn during the pandemic. Their reason for protest was that they said it was taking away their 'civil rights'. History shows, they were very wrong, on all counts.

Just like history will look back on the protestors during the COVID-19 pandemic, and will see them as just as wrong, and just as stupid.

100 years ago they didn't have computers to realize the particles are being blown thru in smaller water droplets that float in the air for longer periods.

You need a computer for that?

They have had compound microscopes for 412 years, and germ theory for 365 years. I think they had a good idea of microparticles that spread disease through the air for more than 100 years.

Still no therapeutic though, seems like there is something wrong with the collective medical system if after 100 years they don't know how to reduce an over reaction to a viral particle - or do they?

There are numbers of approved therapeutics used against COVID-19. None of them is perfect.

The 40 deaths yesterday included your 6 Please remember the official count of 40 are not all DUE to covid.
The count includes all cases that died who were classified as an active case of COVID-19 at the time of death. In some of these cases, the underlying cause of death may have been unrelated to COVID-19.

Very few COVID-deaths do not involve very obvious pneumonic symptoms and ARDS. Your argument is very weak. If COVID-19 is cause of death on a death certificate, it is a cause of death.

Also, there has been another COVID-19 death in New Zealand.

Are Cases people with a viral particle of a coronavirus proven via a PCR test? or just assumed?

All cases of COVID-19 are now confirmed via PCR test. Definitely for people hospitalized with COVID-19 like symptoms. It's been that way for nearly two years.

Currently in NZ hospital you have 55 sick people with a positive test result - not 100% sure if the underlying cause of hospitalization is related to COVID-19. They may have a broken leg or blood clots common everyday things.

Again, if they have COVID-19 bad enough to die, chances are that it is very obvious, symptomatically. The number of people who die of another cause while they are hospitalized for COVID-19 must be fairly small. Your argument from the very outset is unreasonable because it ignores the obviousness of the disease progression in almost all cases where someone dies as a result.

posted on Nov, 25 2021 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

You will notice that the deep fake video is where she is smoking cannabis. This one is using what looks like a crack pipe from a security camera. nice try.

The one clipped from Facebook is the same video - cropped, shorter, and at really low resolution.

If you watch all of the original, you will see that the deepfake puts the joint in the end of a pipe to smoke it.


posted on Nov, 25 2021 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

how can it be the angle is wrong, the One with the crack pipe isn't the one with the joint, The crack one looks like it is from some sort of high up hidden camera. Probably to get something on future leaders. The Fake website was set up to debunk. It would not be running on narrative following Utube, they would pull anything like this unless it was for that reason.

posted on Nov, 25 2021 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: chr0naut

The people protesting, are protesting against inconveniences, and temporary ones, at that.

Civil rights violations by the government are not your "inconveniences".
People who have no rights have no issue with the government taking them.
Good luck getting them back.

You have totally drunk the cool-aid.

This kind of thing has happened multiple times in the past and has been resolved over time. Even in the USA.

What is cool-aid?

No it has not liar.

posted on Nov, 25 2021 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

how can it be the angle is wrong, the One with the crack pipe isn't the one with the joint, The crack one looks like it is from some sort of high up hidden camera. Probably to get something on future leaders. The Fake website was set up to debunk. It would not be running on narrative following Utube, they would pull anything like this unless it was for that reason.

A security camera would not be focussed on a tiny corner of what is clearly a bathroom (identifiable from the ceramic tiles on the right-hand side of the picture visible in the clearer video). Security video would cover as much of a room as is possible. Focussed in to a corner like that, the 'security footage' would miss everything pertinent for security of the premises. So rationally, this is not from a security camera, no matter what you might imagine.

Similarly, both videos are from the same angle, of the same person, doing the same thing, with the same shirt on, with the same weird ball-type microphone (a microphone. Why would a 'secure area' have a microphone, like one would use of doing a podcast)?

Also, you stated that this is a "crack pipe", however it looks like a joint 'bubbler' pipe with a joint at the end. For reference, here is an image search on "crack pipe" and here is an image search on "joint bubbler". Although they are similar, despite what the text on the video said, it is obvious that what the video showed wasn't a crack pipe.

Amyway, the lower inset video of the BullChute video, starts at 39 seconds in to the 'Genuine Fake' YouTube video:
And the 'Genuine Fake' deepfake was constructed from about the 9 minutes mark in this YouTube video:
All in all, your inability to see what is as plain as day, even when the inset text description disagrees with what is shown in the video, and with a rational evaluation of the situation, and when clear and unambiguous evidence is presented that clearly debunks it, speaks to your suggestibility and inability to evaluate things critically.


edit on 25/11/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2021 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: chr0naut

The people protesting, are protesting against inconveniences, and temporary ones, at that.

Civil rights violations by the government are not your "inconveniences".
People who have no rights have no issue with the government taking them.
Good luck getting them back.

You have totally drunk the cool-aid.

This kind of thing has happened multiple times in the past and has been resolved over time. Even in the USA.

What is cool-aid?

Sorry, like a silly non-American, I spelled it with an initial "C". It is Kool-Aid.

No it has not liar.

Sure, history never repeats. You'd know that from your deep studies of history.

posted on Nov, 25 2021 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

So do you think it wise, to have an untested substance that does not end its trial until 2023, put in the arms of your fellow citizens? Which is being pushed by a known salesman and eugenicist, and by someone who has a raft of failed experiments behind him. This alone should tell you when the media has been paid off by the salesman, that things will not end well. Does not this cause you to question your suggestibility and deductive reasoning as well?

posted on Nov, 25 2021 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

So do you think it wise, to have an untested substance that does not end its trial until 2023

The Pfizer vaccine has completed its trial phase and has been approved for use against COVID-19. That was the point of all those government schemes to fast-track and remove inefficiencies in the approvals process, while maintaining the rigorousness of the compliance and testing for those approvals.

, put in the arms of your fellow citizens? Which is being pushed by a known salesman and eugenicist, and by someone who has a raft of failed experiments behind him.

Do you think this has been all the work of one person?

This alone should tell you when the media has been paid off by the salesman, that things will not end well. Does not this cause you to question your suggestibility and deductive reasoning as well?


I am also fairly sure that I don't trust the media to accurately even report on basic information. But not because they are part of some giant conspiracy, rather, it is because they are fairly stupid.

And by media, I also mean people who clearly spend hours making up fakes and knowingly lie, as well as the ideological extremist media sites who disagree with everyone else (even their own), as well as the more moderate 'news' sites which pump out content 24 x 7, and yet don't actually have much in the way of actual news - you know, American 'news', where they have panels of 'talking heads' and 'news anchors' commenting at all hours on the unsupported and unreasoned opinions of other panels of 'talking heads' and 'news anchors'.

Generally, I actually try and ascertain if what someone tells me is true. I don't immediately and gullibly jump on everything I hear or see that tries to push 'emotional buttons'. In fact, I am especially suspicious of things presented with an emotional appeal.

I mean, consider the unfeasibility of the giant conspiracy of millions of health workers all on board with some evil cabal of elites trying to kill us all off. I mean, no rational person is going to risk themselves and their loved ones just to support such a stupid and self-destructive thing, and for no realizable personal gain. It is ludicrous.

posted on Nov, 25 2021 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

If COVID-19 is cause of death on a death certificate, it is a cause of death.

Well have you seen the death certificates?

The count includes all cases that died who were classified as an active case of COVID-19 at the time of death. In some of these cases, the underlying cause of death may have been unrelated to COVID-19.

is from the NZ government not me. The Covid19 death counter includes people who didnot die from covid19.

Not me fudging the numbers, it's them.
So why do you trust them?

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