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Inside the ABC News UFO Documentary Hoax

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posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 03:27 PM


By Steven M. Greer MD

Director, The Disclosure Project

March 2005


Of course, the title of the show was ‘Peter Jennings Reporting…’ [see] – if only that were so. This is the story of how, once again, the corrupt Big Media has defrauded the American people, from one who had a front row seat to the spectacle.

In the summer of 2004, as founder and director of The Disclosure Project ( I was approached by Jennings Productions producer Jordan Kronick. He explained how ABC News was going to make history by doing a serious expose of the UFO matter – for the first time on network news.

Initially skeptical – we have seen and heard this song and dance before – I agreed to meet with Kronick at our offices in Washington DC. Over the course of several hours, we discussed the subject and how The Disclosure Project had identified several hundred top secret military and government witnesses to UFO events and projects.

[edit on 30-3-2005 by TheBandit795]

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 03:46 PM
It sounds like Dr. Greer is at his wits end and understandably frustrated. I don't know if I agree with him completely though. Maybe he sees all of the great work that he's done in the past basically being mocked on national television and this was his only recourse, but I think he took the low road here. As I and others have stated before, disclosure is a slow process and ABC has a responsibility to slowly endoctrinate the masses to the reality of UFOs. This is not a subject that you can just dump on the people all the sudden. A lot of us would like that, myself included, but some might react adversely to the subject basically being given validation by a national TV network. As a whole the people aren't ready. We have to be conditioned, and that takes time. That's the reality that Dr. Greer has to embrace.


[edit on 28-3-2005 by Dr Love]

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 04:04 PM
Well I can also understand Dr. Greer's frustration. When you are interviewed and promises made to air the interview, ABC should have at least put a little bit in the Special. Same with Stanton Friedman. They only used about 30 seconds of him in the 2 hour special. He's probably the foremost authority on the subject. I think if they came around again asking for another interview in the future, I'm sure they would be rejected.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 04:10 PM
I for one, am glad someone else is pissed about that piece of crap Jennings aired last month...

As for this...

Write Peter Jennings and ABC News at: [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] and demand an honest investigative report.

I did that right after seeing the show...
(as most here know)...even providing links to my Roswell threads here on ATS (which I'll get around to finishing soon I hope, now that this holiday and my wife's surgery is behind us).

The FCC complaint is a good idea though...and will likewise be done.

Same with Stanton Friedman. They only used about 30 seconds of him in the 2 hour special. He's probably the foremost authority on the subject.

Stan was not happy. Don't forget, this "special" didn't even mention that he's a PHD, worked on government projects, and is a Rocket Scientist. Nope, not one hint of it....

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 09:32 PM
I wondered what Steven Greer's opinion would be after he went and made public statements about The Disclosure Project taking part in a special on ABC in early 2005 back in the middle of 2004. Only to have nothing shown in the very program they were aiming to be a part of. I know I would be mad too. The program was a fluff piece covering very little new ground for casual UFO/ET enthusiasts, but in my opinion it wasn't that destructive to the subject. Greer is right that they did leave out a lot considering that I had read ahead of time what was alleged to be included in the special. Its been apparent now for ages that the media has no backbone and kowtows to the government's every wish. This is as big a chink in the armor of government secrecy that I imagine any media company will ever be willing to go. Like throwing a snowball at a tank.

[edit on 28-3-2005 by Frith]

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 12:55 AM
The number of people who are calling your bluff is growing...

What can you accomplish without the faith of your viewers in your sencerity?

How long can your kingdom of control withstand our constant promotion of your genuine fraud, with this much evidence?

Will it become harder and harder for you to win back your respect?

When the public knows the truth, the only way to regain their trust is to tell the truth.
Disclosure Project has the evidence, they showed it to you, you ignored it and more and more
people are becomming aware of it.

Who will be the one left to hang? The ones who orchestrate the deception or the ones like yourself who act merely as their voice to the public? When the public realize you are the lier, will they come to your rescue or will they sacrifice you with a replacement? are you prepared to sacrifice yourself for their cause of deception? Is it your true purpose here on earth Mr. Jennings?

How late can you change your position?


Someone watching from abroad

[edit on 29-3-2005 by Cade]

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 01:29 AM
Peter Jennings' Group called me last summer. They did a telephone interview. The lady called back, and said that they would not have time to do an in-person interview.
When I heard the show was going to aired, I HOPED that it would be fair, and that we would see some NEW things. Instead, it was the same-old same-old stuff.
About Dr. Greer: while I realize that he is doing great work toward disclosure, he is leaving out an important part of the ET situation. Since the ETs deal with paranormal matters, researchers should also include that kind of information. As long as researchers do not communicate with people like me (transmigration of soul, genetic changes), they are MISSING a part of the puzzle.
I hope Mr. Jennings will do a more inclusive show about the paranormal aspects of ETs. (ETs go through walls, use telepathy, etc.)
There are more people like me. I am not the only one. However, I may be ONE OF THE FEW DOCUMENTED contactees.
Here's hoping that ABC will do a "part 2" and a "part 3" in the near future.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 01:45 AM
How can the gov 'counter' the UFO-ologist's information and deductions without being privy to his information in entirety....

... Unless they of course are 'given' the information via a conduit such as Jennings news office.

The documentary didnt matter much in content in retrospect,... but it may be possible we will hear of more gov disclaimer's and 'counter' information in the future, now that they have something to base 'their' claims on with new insights to the UFO-ologist's data.

[edit on 29-3-2005 by smirkley]

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 01:53 AM
I've said it before... I'll say it again...

Jenning's report -- though unfair when it came to roswell -- was pretty balanced, overall. The people who are bitching about it cannot comprehend that a few "anecdotal" pilots are far better evidence than even the longest of speeches from guys running self-described UFO groups. Seriously... Are you guys stupid? Jenning's gave the UFO issue a sense of respectability by even mentioning it. I hate to break it to you... but people who have been abducted are usually treated as freaks and nut jobs. It REALLY HURTS abductees when ufo-hobbyists send bizarre emails to a reporter that bitch about how their particular version of events wasn't covered by his special...

And... sorry... but sending angry emails to jennings will just hurt the REAL UFO/ABDUCTION experiencers. It will scare serious researchers/scientists away from the subject.

So... please... if you have not experienced this stuff directly than STAY THE HECK AWAY from sending crazy emails to news organizations!!! You are hurting real abductees/witnesses by sending nutty-sounding letters to broadcasters.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 03:53 AM
Mark my words, when the truth is finally revealed, and not by anyone trying to clog up the process like the biased media and the US Government, they shall all be put in their place. I can guarentee it. Short sighted, small minded people have no place in the cosmic scheme of things.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 04:11 AM

Jenning's report -- though unfair when it came to roswell -- was pretty balanced, overall. The people who are bitching about it cannot comprehend that a few "anecdotal" pilots are far better evidence than even the longest of speeches from guys running self-described UFO groups.

It depends on your opinion as to how well balanced it was. The anecdotal pilots and the few police officers were the only credible sources regarding their UFO sightings. But from a critics stand point, what does a police officer know about UFOs? I'm sure the case they mentioned with the UFO being chased by that cop has been debunked or the lights have been explained for. So that only leaves one group(the pilots) as truly credible sources. But what about many of the credible witnesses of the disclosure project? There is also evidence out side of the disclosure project that could have been mentioned, such as implants, and that one doctor(Leer) who obtained a strange piece of metal with isotopic ratios out of this world. ABC could have put a big spin on this story if they wanted the UFO issue to be well known, but didnt becuase they had to preserve their credibility in the end by debunking it all, while cashing in on the ratings. If were to talley the score it was 5 for the debunkers and 2 for the existence of UFOs(only becuase those pilots were mentioned).

Seriously... Are you guys stupid? Jenning's gave the UFO issue a sense of respectability by even mentioning it.

Thats a great way to start out with name calling. I respect your opinion that you think he gave the UFO issue respectability, but as stated before his documentary was aimed at shooting down the issue than by getting the public to raise questions about the phenomenon. Bottom line is, by now the public is fully aware of this phenomenon. We had so many UFO marathons on the Learning and Discovery Channel by now that it gets boring.

I've seen alot of people also say that the video was meant to get the public accustomed for future disclosure. I appreciate the optimism, but I think were already ready for disclosure. I mean that ABC video even showed footage of two guys on Larry King Live claim that the US govt. captured 2 alien bodies at Roswell. Now thats more then enough hype to get the public rolling on UFOs. I think the public was more rolling on UFOs 10-20 years ago than they are now. Thats why the army had to give a press release of what "truly" happened at roswell(Project Mogul) so that they can shut everyone up.

And... sorry... but sending angry emails to jennings will just hurt the REAL UFO/ABDUCTION experiencers. It will scare serious researchers/scientists away from the subject.

Many serious scientist and researchers have already abondoned the subject. The ABC documentary provided quite a few as an example and only showed one scientist that said something like "keep yourself open to the possibility." I wouldnt be suprised if that video would cause more scientist to seriously abondon the subject.

I hate to break it to you... but people who have been abducted are usually treated as freaks and nut jobs. It REALLY HURTS abductees when ufo-hobbyists send bizarre emails to a reporter that bitch about how their particular version of events wasn't covered by his special...

I think we all agree with you here, but I also think reporters SHOULDNT make documentaries that dedicate the second hour to highly uncredible witnesses(abductees) and debunk them, and then put some scientist on that says, "Keep yourself open to the possibility." Thats not evidence for anything.

I think if Jennings wanted to debunk UFOs and aliens, then he has a lot of research to do.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 06:33 AM
This is what I just sent.

To whom it may concern,

I would like to express to you my disappointment with the ABC Special with Peter Jennings, UFO’s: Seeing is Believing, which aired on February 24th. After reading the statement by Dr Steven Greer, which I have attached, it was clear that he was mislead in what would be “reported” in the special. He provided government documents and as well as documented testimony from many credible witnesses, and none of this was followed up. The witnesses were not interviewed, nor any government documents shown. In my opinion, this is nothing short of withholding information from the American public.
I understand that this was a Special and was not the Evening News, but when a news anchorman narrated it, you would expect that some serious investigative journalism be done. It is clear to me that this didn’t happen, and would like to request a follow up program be broadcast with more relevant information on the subject.
After watching the program, I was disappointed when skeptics were given more airtime than a person like Stanton Friedman who holds a PHD in nuclear physics and is author to many books, and is probably the foremost authority on the subject.
For the life of me, I don’t understand why journalists do not take the subject of UFO’s more seriously, when there is an abundance of evidence available on some of the most historic events that “did happen”. All they would have to do is approach the subject with an open mind, and weigh the evidence and they will become as convinced as I am that they do exist.

Thank you for your attention.

I kept it on the lighter side, so maybe it won't be deleted immediately. If I get a response, I will post it as well.

[edit on 3/29/2005 by rwatkins]

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 07:55 AM
Mine wasn't angry, my e-mail simply pointed out journalistic errors.

Jenning's gave the UFO issue a sense of respectability by even mentioning it. I hate to break it to you... but people who have been abducted are usually treated as freaks and nut jobs. It REALLY HURTS abductees when ufo-hobbyists send bizarre emails to a reporter that bitch about how their particular version of events wasn't covered by his special...

You call showing the carnival atmosphere of Roswell, and dismissing Roswell as a myth a sense of respectability? Had nothing to do with the abductees imho. The fact that they blatantly accepted the Air Force explanation though it even contradicts their own information, is a serious breach of journalistic is the ommission of researcher credentials, which often were far above those of the debunkers featured. For example, I'd put Stan Friedman's credentials against Karl Pflock's anyday...

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 08:28 AM
Over the past 12 months myself and I am sure many others have come to respect your views as almost gospel on the subject of UFO's etc.

Please can remind me and maybe some other members who are new to ATS what your background is.

How come you seem to know so much?

If you can't say much, please be vague but keep up the good work / posts as we all respect and look up to you!

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 08:55 AM
What Dr. Greer, Dr. Friedman, and others that have posted in this thread seem not to want to realize is the fact that the TV ratings for the special were putrid. The blame lies with the public as a whole. The chance of Peter Jennings even touching this subject again in the near future is infinitesimal. Don't be mad at ABC, be mad at those who chose to watch Survivor or some other piece of crap show instead. You people continue to fail to see the bigger picture. All these people going off the deep end over this are just one of the reasons why we will continue to be screwed over by our government. We have to find another way.


[edit on 29-3-2005 by Dr Love]

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 09:06 AM

Hey Gazrock ....

Over the past 12 months myself and I am sure many others have come to respect your views as almost gospel on the subject of UFO's etc.

Please can remind me and maybe some other members who are new to ATS what your background is.

How come you seem to know so much?

If you can't say much, please be vague but keep up the good work / posts as we all respect and look up to you!

Well, thanks for that... Kinda humbled now...

To be honest, the "background" I have in this isn't a bunch of degrees or anything of the sort.

It's an interest born of my one and only sighting as a child, and then a desire to learn more. Ever since then, I've tried to read/own every book on the subject, any papers in school (from gradeschool thru college) that I could do on the subject I did (and so early on learned to research the subject). I've tried to watch every special, every documentary, etc. over and over (much to the chagrin of those around me), read those books over and over.... Poured through FOIA releases (freedom of information act), alleged documents, etc.

I've grown up as a military brat, with my father being first in the Army, then the Coast Guard, and then working for a military contractor, Lockheed. He now works on the Raptor project for them in the GA facility. Growing up in that environment, I of course knew several other kids of the same kinds of guys, and of course, we talked. I also have friends in pretty much every branch of the service...just a matter of circumstance really. So, I'm pretty familiar with the way the military works (or as well as one can be without actually being enlisted). I've lived in the snow of Alaska, to the heat of Saudi Arabia, all the while travelling here and there, London, Amsterdam, etc. Pretty neat to a kid, and I'd like to think it gave me an interesting perspective on things at a young age.

I did once sign on to a student trainee program at my local college, for the CIA, to start in the FBIS division (Foreign Broadcast Information Service) for a half semester at a time, and then go to school the other half. There were only two other students in the program at the school (each of us had contacted the local recruiter, a chore in and of itself mind you). Unfortunately, this program was terminated due to budget cuts during Clinton's early administration (at least for that college, still ongoing in others). It was a neat program, school for a semester, then a semester in Langley... I never got to go to Langley though, it didn't last that long.

Not that it has much to do with knowledge of UFOs (nor did I express any such interest to them), but it did give me a unique perspective on the way the Intelligence services work (as most of the early classes of the program were about the CIA's history, as well as other intelligence services). This insight has helped me look at things from a different angle, and their (whomever is hiding it) perspective as well.

Sorry for the mini bio, but I should stress, that any knowledge I have is a combination of my own experiences, mindset, etc. and ultimately, the same information available to anyone. I'd like to think I have a knack for separating some of the wheat from the chaff of what's out there, but really, for me, it's all in the details, and with the thousands of documents, photos, videos, witnesses (from Joe on the street, to Generals, world leaders, etc.) it just all points to alien visitation. The evidence is out there. There's a lot of crap out there too, but remember, if even ONE thing is true, then well, you're left with the most important discovery man has ever made...that he isn't alone in the Universe. That's a pretty big deal. So when I see respected journalists trivialize it, one might understand a bit of hostility, hehe...

[edit on 29-3-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 09:35 AM

You hit the nail on the head:

"...the Big Media and their corporate masters are the central problem blocking the truth from coming out."

You can even take this one step further:

Big Media = group of people who are an "organisation" in their own right and who can, at any moment, "direct" the content and/or supression of information/stories to the main media outlets via editors/reporters/investigative units/contacts in media. Think of this group as a secret "secret society".

Corporate Masters = puppets who are linked to the organisation above to provide a "double edged sword" assault using the media.

Very powerful combination.

If you can promote the stories that you want and supress the stories you don't like then you pretty well have control of the "populace".

Throw the military/pharma link into this soup and add some senators/lobbyists/politicians who like to legislate for the benefit of the "corporate masters" to abuse the standard media via the "big media" and you can see why it's such a sad world...



posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 09:36 AM
I agree with Dr. Greer. This 2 hour documentary was very "watered down" and it seemed like it was made this way on purpose. I think the CIA had something to do with how it turned out! I mean he could have devoted 1 hour to interviewing Government insiders with first hand knowledge! Instead he rehashed the same stories over and over with computer generated graphics and ran a bounch of high paying commercials because he knew this subject would bring a lot of viewers. I just hope he makes another UFO documentary, but this time Mr. Jennings please make sure it's worth watching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
I've said it before... I'll say it again...

Jenning's report -- though unfair when it came to roswell -- was pretty balanced, overall. The people who are bitching about it cannot comprehend that a few "anecdotal" pilots are far better evidence than even the longest of speeches from guys running self-described UFO groups.

Greer didn't want long speeches on the program by himself. He wanted the special to focus on the former military and government aligned scientific personnel that are in the group along with some of the documents they have found over the years. It states as much right in the original post that created this thread.

Seriously... Are you guys stupid? Jenning's gave the UFO issue a sense of respectability by even mentioning it. I hate to break it to you... but people who have been abducted are usually treated as freaks and nut jobs. It REALLY HURTS abductees when ufo-hobbyists send bizarre emails to a reporter that bitch about how their particular version of events wasn't covered by his special...

And... sorry... but sending angry emails to jennings will just hurt the REAL UFO/ABDUCTION experiencers. It will scare serious researchers/scientists away from the subject.

So... please... if you have not experienced this stuff directly than STAY THE HECK AWAY from sending crazy emails to news organizations!!! You are hurting real abductees/witnesses by sending nutty-sounding letters to broadcasters.

Its the media and the government behind them that have created the circus atmosphere of much of this subject because they refuse to treat it like the political criminality scandal it really is. Don't blame the targets of the disinformation and bullcrap that has led to this, blame those responsible for letting it turn into this. If our media and government were actually honest and forthwright regarding the subject, there would be no cover up and we would know exactly what is going on. Your anger towards the purposefully decieved public is misplaced. The curtain of secrecy isn't going to be lowered further from the speculation brought forth by some of the more fringe enthusiasts. The media deserves all the whacked out pounding they get for continuing this charade and I hope they choke on the bile they have made.

[edit on 29-3-2005 by Frith]

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 11:40 AM
I have read Dr. Greers response with great interest concerning the UFO show that ABC aired.... My question is considering the atmosphere in the US now about UFO's-- did he really expect the show to be any differant than this???? Personally before the show aired I didnt trust any media service to give what would be considered the truth about anything anymore.... I think in reality the "big three" are nothing more than government propraganda agency's. Dr Greer even points this out in the memo refering back to the CIA memo of I believe 91. My point is the show was a farce but did he honestly expect anything else despite the promises?

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