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What about the other 90% of the brain?

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posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 03:12 PM
Ive read before that the average adult human uses only 10% of their brain. Which leaves us the question "What could be accomplished with the other 90%?!"

Does anyone believe its possible that the other 90% could control things that we label as being paranormal? Such as telepathic abilities, prophetic abilities, remote viewing, healing...etc. What do ya'll think?

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 03:19 PM
I heard once that if we used our entire brain we could do any of those things and control EVERYTHING with our minds. I dunno if its true or not but its fun to think about.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 03:20 PM
here is what I think"

The other 90% could tap into a realm that does'nt exists in our physical realm....the brain is sooo awesome and powerful, the most complex thing ever known..more than space. And somehow I think It can channel different waves and fabrics of time and maybe even spritual realm...

sounds crazy, I know

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 03:22 PM
antigovFZ777, check this out

Brain power

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 03:22 PM
That myth has been used by mystics and quacks and spoonbenders and motivational speakers and the like to add mystery to what they do, claiming that the reason almost no one has the ability to read minds or levitate or move things with their thoughts is because we have long ago lost the use of 90% or more of our brain power. "Can you imagine what miracles you could perform, how successful you could be, if only you were able to regain the use of all of your brain's abilities?" they'd say. Hooey.

The origin of the myth is supposedly that early studies indicated that not all of the brain's functions occur at once, at any given time. If you're focusing hard on a math problem, for example, your right brain wouldn't be writing poetry on the side. The "math section" of your brain would be active. Later on your "poetry section" may be active. However, the time lapses between switching from one to the other may be only milliseconds. So, in effect, you do use most of your brain, most of the time.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Lenina
That myth has been used by mystics and quacks and spoonbenders and motivational speakers and the like to add mystery to what they do, claiming that the reason almost no one has the ability to read minds or levitate or move things with their thoughts is because we have long ago lost the use of 90% or more of our brain power. "Can you imagine what miracles you could perform, how successful you could be, if only you were able to regain the use of all of your brain's abilities?" they'd say. Hooey.

The origin of the myth is supposedly that early studies indicated that not all of the brain's functions occur at once, at any given time. If you're focusing hard on a math problem, for example, your right brain wouldn't be writing poetry on the side. The "math section" of your brain would be active. Later on your "poetry section" may be active. However, the time lapses between switching from one to the other may be only milliseconds. So, in effect, you do use most of your brain, most of the time.

Very well said, is this your own choice of words? just wondering

Risky B

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 03:45 PM
Ok, Now Im stuck on this subject...dam

What about the autistic people that seem to be "dumb" (poor choice of words) but excell exceptionally high in areas like math...

I saw this one little man on TV that could multiply anything by was they use more than the normal % so that causes them to be "autistic"

spelling is bad...I know

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 04:06 PM
Risky: It was a google search

I also just talked to a friend of mine who happens to be a psych major, and he seems to think that if people used 100% of their brain, it would cause massive hemmoraging. sp?

[edit on 28-3-2005 by Lenina]

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 04:31 PM
"and he seems to think that if people used 100% of their brain, it would cause massive hemmoraging. sp? "

Hmm, maybe thier brain using 100% or some other high %age would be used to the 100%ness and not hemmorage....thats sounds dumb

Like they would be used to it from child hood...I dont think it's an acquired trait, someone would have to be born that way and naturally even in the mothers womb would adapt to it.

yeah thats what I tried to say

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 04:38 PM

Is it possible that article could have been written by someone who doesnt want people to access the other 90%? Somewhere in the article, i cant remember where, the author mentioned something like "why would we be created with an organ and only use 10% of it?" Well, this is simple... We arent just supposed to use 10%. Thats just all we have learned to use... But we are meant to use much much more.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by antigovFZ777

Is it possible that article could have been written by someone who doesnt want people to access the other 90%? Somewhere in the article, i cant remember where, the author mentioned something like "why would we be created with an organ and only use 10% of it?" Well, this is simple... We arent just supposed to use 10%. Thats just all we have learned to use... But we are meant to use much much more.

I agree man, Just throwing it out there for thought.....
Maybe oneday we will evolve into using more than 10%.

I think Autism is caused by the brain using more than the norm....
cause test show that people with that have very high brain activity and sometimes they cannot process it all and thats why certain functions shut down

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 04:59 PM
Lenina, great job.

Here, here.

Yes, it is a myth, from long ago, it has no basis whatsoever. In fact when you hook people to brain machines, they use all the different parts. When they shock parts of the brain to temporary disuse, they lose very import functions Like sight.
In fact if anybody, really believes that, I'll pay to have 90% of your brain removed, since you are not using it.

Secondly, it is to trick young people in to listening to Occultists, so they can place demons on you and you think your brain is expanding, but really you just have a smart spirit friend in your head

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 05:28 PM
You use 10% at roughly any given time. It's just spread out. As was all stated.

A good example for brain power is Einstein. He actualy had a slightly underweight brain, he just hade a huge excess of specialized 'cleaner cells' that kept his brain very, very clean. That seems to be the best reasoning for his genius.

Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean...

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 09:14 AM
How i under stand it you really can't use all of your brain at once.
Your brain controls things that you do like talking, walking etc.
I think it would be imposable to use all of your brain at once it could calse an over load, like a seizer or strock.
im not sure if you can see what im saying but because we use different parts of the brain for different reasons itd be to much.

Itd be like talking on the phone, watching tv, typeing constantly on the pc, and walking. Its to complacated to focus on all these tasks

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 10:53 AM
Personally I believe that its a myth that we dont use most of our brain. EMI scans clearly shows that there is activity in every part of the brain at normal uses.

And neurons would tend to die out if they werent used for long periods of time..

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 03:31 AM
I heard that acid makes your brain freak, using more than 10%, hence causing hallucinations.

Am I right or misguided?

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 12:04 AM
Psychic abilities get pseudo-explained by a lot of different things that seem plausible because the people providing the explanation don't know very much about them. Unused brain capacity is one of those peudo-explanations. Some people also think these abilities are electrical in nature, or refer to such well-established (but misunderstood) scientific ideas as "everything is energy," or some stuff from quantum mechanics (which is actually closer than the other crap, but still wrong).

People employing psychic abilities aren't using any more of their brains than people doing any other tasks more mentally strenuous than sitting in a chair vegetating. The key is in how the brain is used, not how much.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 06:34 PM

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