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takes years to make a drug but now we have the magic pill in no time

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posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 02:00 PM
Benevolent non-earth overseer entities providing a quantum leap in our species perhaps? Sorry you must be GMO and no longer old earth species.

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

I am sure its Safe and Effective as the Pfizer 95% effective vax.

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

I can see it now,

The transcript of secret recording of a phone conversation between Albert Bourla CEO of Pfizer and Little Fuaci before the rona in 2019.

Phone ringing Albert Bourla in broken english with a greek accent answers: Hello.

Little Fuaci: Hey Albert how it's been hangin? Haven't talked to you in a long time. Wasn't it on Jeffs Island during that wild party with all the nubiles.

Albert Bourla in broken english with a greek accent: Fuaci my little friend, how life treating you? They hang a bit to the left and down to my knees, and Yes,Yes, it was on Jeff's island last time, had some ah ah ah big fun that night. Poor bastard should keep mouth shut. Now no more nubiles. Wasn't both Bills there for party, and put panties on head?

Little Fuaci: Ha Ha, yeah i forgot about that, don't worry we got a new place now where we can party. Even got a puppy mill where we can torture them and laugh. I'll text you the location.

Albert Bourla in broken english with a greek accent: Kool! look foward to it.

Little Fuaci: Listen, remember that bat virus thing that we got going on in Wuhan that Collins and I set up, well their ready to test for gain of function. We've talked to Bill, Gates not Clinton and he's all for it. Their wanting to release it in the wet market across the street, so they can claim it wasn't them.
What we need from you and that agroant bastard over at Moderna Bancel is to get ready to start running trails for the mRNA vaccines and then mass production, with all the BS studies. We're thinking about requiring at least a booster every six months. Can you do that?

Albert Bourla in broken english with a greek accent: Sure, Sure, fact we already have billions of doses ready for release on your say, don't know if Bancel does.

Little Fuaci: Oh while I've got you on the line, Francis and I have been talking and want you to get with the folks over at Merck and get them to help you find a way to copy Ivermectin properties that doesn't look like a genertic, we've already talked to them and they were a little pissed saying they wanted to release their own version. We told ok but we need to make it look like a competition and free market, more money to be made that way. Think you guys can do it?

Albert Bourla in broken english with a greek accent: I'm most sure we can. Ah Ah how are the worlds other countries and pharmaceutical companies doing?

Little Fuaci: Other than that everybody else seems to be coming into line, so maybe in the next six months to a year we'll be in high gear. Well that's all for now, I'll contact you later when i have more details. In the mean time, give me a call and we'll shoot the sh@@.

Albert Bourla in broken english with a greek accent: Ok Fuaci my little freind I'll talk to you later, oh don't forget to text me the location of new party island. I'm ready for some nubiles and some panty head wearing, ( laughs out loud )

Little Fuaci: No doubt, talk to you later.

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: UpThenDown

Are you a douche for fun, or for profit?

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: UpThenDown

Are you a douche for fun, or for profit?

Maybe, he just is a guy that disagrees with you?

Is that OK with you?

Or not?

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