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None of this makes sense

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posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 07:46 AM
We have several members who are in the Healthcare industry and they can attest there is a shortage of workers. As I've told you, my wife is an R.N. with over 25 years experience and a very long list of qualifications. There is a thing called a "Traveling Nurse" which is sort of like a a temp agency. You go to a hospital, work for a certain time [ usually about 90 days depending on the contract ] and then on to the next. She keeps turning them down because she doesn't want to quit where she is working. She likes it there and the people she works with, but she gets emails all the time offering to pay big bucks.
They keep you in a radius of home, so for example since we live in Central Illinois, my wife could be in St Louis, Chicago, Indianapolis, or Evansville Indiana.
Now, these companies offer truly insane amounts of money. She recently got an offer to go to St Louis for $ 5,000 a week.
No, that is not a typo. Five. Thousand. A. Week.

During the height of the plandemic, she had an offer to go to Chicago for $ 8,000 a week.

I told you that, to ask you this : If the Healthcare industry is so short handed that they can pay my wife stupid amounts of money, why are they firing people ? Wouldn't it be logical to keep your current staff or hire people in at a regular salary, instead of bleeding money ?

Is this plandemic so severe that you can fire your regular workers and then pay out the nose for others ? It's the same for Police, Firefighters and other First Responders.

None of this makes sense......until you think about it.

This is all about control.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 07:55 AM
It is very puzzling indeed

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Not just healthcare workers, but workers in many industries.
Why aren’t the companies fighting?

Seems weird right?

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 08:27 AM
Maybe. Those areas however aren't exactly safe like Chicago. I got an offer by the military before I retired about 7 years ago. They wanted me to run a swat team basically to arrest AWOL Soldiers in Philly. Apparently there are a lot of them. Extremely dangerous because they will absolutely shoot at you or ambush you. Think the offer was right at 150K. I declined and ended up finding a better job but sometimes the money is not all it's cracked up to be.

Chicago, the ER's are so bad the US Military uses them to train doctors and medics for combat wounds. She likely would be making round in some bad areas IMO. I could be wrong but I would have to make serious bank to go in those areas. Way more than a safer area...meh.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 08:32 AM
I actually think the title of this thread everyday. as soon as my brain starts thinking in fact. I've tried to kill it in many ways but it still thinks stuff...

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

There is a Facebook group called "The Last Pizza Party" is for nurses....but anyone can join it. I found it from a link on Twitter where people were saying you have GOT to go see this group because the posts are shocking. I joined. The shocking part was the nurses trashes patients. I mean it was a non-stop bitch fest of how horrible patients were - especially the non-injected.

Most of the posts are nurses complaining of horrible working conditions: low pay, horrible nurse to patient ratio, horrible bosses....and yes, the amount of traveling nurses in their units making a ton of pay and treated far better than the employees of xx hospital they are visiting.

These same nurses are ones who believe that everyone should be injected and they bitch about patients not being injected.
I began to not feel sorry for any of these nurses. I think they have cut down on these type of posts....I am not positive though.

See, the traveling nurses are not mandated to be injected - from what I have learned (correct me if I am wrong).
I also read, that the traveling nurses have to pay for their own health insurance, so that is one less cost that hospitals have to cover which is probably why they are paying nurses so little forcing so many to chose this option.

Curious if your wife agrees with what I have seen in this group.
edit on 2021 by shaemac because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 08:38 AM
I edited my last post to add a link to the FB group.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 08:42 AM
Another thought.........
This is all hard for me to read, because my daughter who is a Sr in HS wants to eventually go to nursing school and quite frankly, I read nothing but BAD things about the nursing industry - on top of the injection mandates. I have not told her yet about all the bad things I read as she has not even entered college yet. It used to be that it was a great career to be in. And I guess if you are single and like to travel, the traveling nurse gig is a great one.....if you dont have to get injected.

There is a crisis and I fear their solution will be to import foreigners who do not have the training that our American healthcare workers do. Im not talking about highly trained foreign workers either. Cheap labor.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 08:44 AM
Isn’t it obvious? They only went the COMPLIANT, actual robot, brain dead zombie workers who will say yes to the rest of their crazy demands.

And those crazy demands are coming.

You think vaccine mandates are nuts? Wait until they have government controlled socialized medicine and actually own your entire body.

Enjoy the show.
edit on 16-11-2021 by PurpleFox because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-11-2021 by PurpleFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 09:12 AM
Wipe out their resources, support them, make them dependent, then threaten to take away that support if they disobey.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

At $29,000.00+ per day for a covid positive patient, $5,000.00 per week is a bargain.
In order to make the US a socialist nation they need to bankrupt the country and middle class America needs to be eliminated. That seems to be happening at an ever-increasing pace.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: Stupidsecrets
I got an offer by the military before I retired about 7 years ago. They wanted me to run a swat team basically to arrest AWOL Soldiers in Philly. Apparently there are a lot of them. Extremely dangerous because they will absolutely shoot at you or ambush you.

HA HA HA HA HA!!! Smart man. You would have probably died. I live in Philly, and there are parts of this city the police dont go, and it was like that way before any plandemic. They are the same areas with 99% voter turnout that never get audited and all vote Democrat every year.

If more people realized the truth, they would realize these areas are horrible by design. Its like some open air prison where people can leave if they want, but so many get into drugs and crime they never do, and all the help people try to give through taxes or programs are squandered intentionally so the helpers can ask for larger sums of money to help next year.

Its a whole corrupt system here I used to think were just from bad circumstances, but the older I get, it seems more like design. Too many people benefit too much financially for it to be accidental. Side effects just so happen to be federal grants to help these parts of the city that never get better, prison complex filled to the max, and such poverty that you end up with cheap labor in the cites right where you need it. So convenient. Could you imagine if no Americans were so poor they would work for garbage? Im not saying they keep people in the ghetto, I am saying that they make it really hard for people to get out.

They dont see the way they are treated like cattle, way before COVID

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: infiniteMeow
I actually think the title of this thread everyday. as soon as my brain starts thinking in fact. I've tried to kill it in many ways but it still thinks stuff... funny...

There is an off switch...that doubles as an on switch...


posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Anytime anyone refuses to take "no" for an answer, it's about control.

That's always the first clue!

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

I told you that, to ask you this : If the Healthcare industry is so short handed that they can pay my wife stupid amounts of money, why are they firing people ? Wouldn't it be logical to keep your current staff or hire people in at a regular salary, instead of bleeding money ?

Put this in the even more stupid category:

Hospitals fired workers for refusing to vax, then hired replacements from temp agencies to replace them.
The temp agency workers were not vaccinated!

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 01:08 PM
it ONLY makes sense as a gigantic con-job, which is exactly what the 'pandemic' is. a bunch of BS.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

Making sense is so 1960's.

Things have changed.

Nobody told us though.
They don't teach about it in School™.

It's one of those things we have to figure-out mostly on our own, or by listening to weirdos on ATS, that the majority will harumph.

But nobody is right all of the time, including our wise and wacky weirdos.

But maybe, sometimes, they might be on-to something.

Not me though.
Am always weird, and never right.
Always wrong.
If you don't believe me : just ask me !! LoL !!

But it seems to this wacky weirdo, that those dogs sniffing around the Control™ bush, and signaling : might be on-to something.

Not that Control™ is new, but the players, games, and tools may be newish.
And it appears that Making-Sense™ has been cast-aside, for now at least.
They don't even try much anymore.
The game has moved-on.
Perhaps we should as well ?

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 10:59 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64

None of this makes sense......until you think about it.

This is all about control.

Some of us have been saying that since March of last year. It has never been about health or mitigating any pandemic: since the first mass house arrest and muzzle mandate it has always been about control.

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Working as a travel nurse was very lucrative for me, and I was blessed to work for an awesome company.

The downfall comes from the places you are sent to work.

First thing you learn is that they would not be paying the kind of money they do, if the working conditions were favorable. If they were treating their staff well, and paying them well, they would not need travel nurses.

They need travel nurses because they can't keep staff, and the travel nurse has the advantage, because they can put up with the crap in small doses.

I remember a many time I started my day by looking at the countdown. "Just 80 more days." "Just 75 more days".

Another advantage you have as a travel nurse, is that the contract works both ways. They can break the contract or replace you any time they want, if they are not pleased with you. But you have that same option. You can break the contract, or ask to be reassigned in the hospital, or to another hospital, if you feel the working conditions are untenable. And the company I worked for was very smart. They stuck by and supported their staff to the nth degree. I used that leverage once, and requested a transfer, because I could not stand working where I was assigned much longer.

My contract was cut to 30 days, and I transferred to another hospital. I found out I was not the first to do that at that hospital. It is not all bad. I have had places I worked where when my contract was over, I agreed to have my contract extended. That happens more often than the other.

I loved travel nursing. One advantage is that you don't have to deal with office politics or loyalties. You are the necessary evil, the outsider. Trust me, as a travel nurse that is a welcome place to be. You are immune from some of the requirements that the regular staff have to adhere to. That is why a travel nurse in some places may not be "mandated or "required" to be vaccinated. They do not work directly for the hospital, so that do not fall under the mandate rules. And the company they do work for can keep their staff well below 100 because they are usually broken down into divisions, usually based on area and by specialties.

Hospitals get paid for compliance. I fell into that trap once before back in 2014. I was working for a hospital that was determined to get their tidy bonus for having 100% of their staff vaccinated. I was keeping them from their goal. I was not being rebellious. I have had a proven, legitimate, identified, and diagnosed, vaccine allergy, since 2009. The VA has it well documented, and a report was sent to the hospital. It did not matter to them. They didn't want to fire me, because it would have been bad optics. So they just made my work environment so miserable, I opted to leave.

I didn't make it home before I was contacted, and later recruited by a travel agency. The grapevine is hot in a small area, when you have worked in the industry for over 20 years, and are well known.

I was hired into a hospital less than an hour from my home, and still got paid a travel stipend, and qualified for lodging if I wanted it. So it may be possible for your wife to be a travel nurse and continue to work at the same hospital she works now.

It is all about the numbers and the money. Travel nurses as I said are viewed as a necessary evil, because all they want is a warm body, and complete control of their staff. Travel nurses are not counted as employees of the hospital.

edit on 17-11-2021 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Accidentally posted early.


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