a reply to:
dude, we are so on the same page. Iah was the moon god in Egypt. Much of the cultus is built around the lunar cycle. They travelled through the
wilderness of Sin, aka the moon God. Abram's uncle Laban means white and is the same as the word moon. Lebanon means the same.
I'm not sure moses was a priest of the moon god though. I don't think moses was real first off, its an origin myth that takes many truths and makes a
narrative which is fine with me. I think there is a constant fight for dominance in the OT, by different tribes of people who eventually banded
together to form a nation.
Moses is the deuteronomists guy. He was added later to cement the priest class. The nation was supposed to be a nation of priests but that didn't
pan out.
I just try to look at each aspect of the cultus, the names, the words used etc. to try and sift through and figure out what was going on.
For instance. When Israel is leaving Egypt who leads them out? The priestesses, with cymbals led by Miriam. Hathor's name is Hathor-Mari. Then the
golden calf which is most likely Hathor. The ark is almost an exact representation of a hathorite ark. The mountain of God is likely Serabit El
Khadim which was a Hathor temple. Moses' two brothers are named Har or Hor. Harun, and Hor (horus). Not much hiding it there. The story of moses
in the basket is probably a reversal on Osiris, at least an allusion to it, with Isis being the more modern hathor. As an aside, Osiris' body ended
up in Byblos (lebanon-moon), where we get our word for bible.
Two hathor tabernacles were found in Israel from the time the exodus was supposed to take place. They had almost the exact same layout and design as
that of the Israelite Tabernacle, in the holy of holies they found a bronze serpent. And of course the horites were the people who lived in Israel
before the Israelites. They are seen as ancestors, and are in the family line of esau. The notes in most bibles say horites are cave dwellers, or
troglodytes. And hor does mean mountain. But that word derives from Horus (or they are related in antiquity). Horites were of course those who
worshipped horus.
Moses and the bronze serpent. That is a symbol of ashera, and in fact may be what was termed the ashera pole. Ashera is also syncretized with??????
Hathor. What is the other semetic name for this high goddess? Qodesh. Qodesh means holy. And in fact the tabernacle was called the qodesh. The
holy of holies, the qodesh qodesh.
Originally God had a wife in Israel. It wasn't until the deuteronomist purge and the retconning of their origin story, that Ashera was made evil.
She was worshipped throughout the levant, and the very first image we have depicting YHWH has Ashera there.
Of course Ashera was the consort of Bull-El. El being the father god of the levant. He is associated Saturn aka Shabbati where the word Saabath
comes from. Saturn/El used circumcision.
It is my opinion that they eliminated Asherah and replaced her with Israel. Both are God's wife. This being part of the transition from henotheism
to monotheism. The tabernacle being the grand representation of the woman. The veils of the tabernacle are likened to the veil of a bride. Again
The representation looks like this, and is sun worship oriented: The tabernacle faces east, it is like a woman lying on her back. (this is the
standard in sun temples) The entry to the tabernacle being the vagina (the first veil). The entry to the Holy of Holies is into the uterus, where
conception takes place. The idea of marriage, and procreation is well represented in the tabernacle, later shown more in solomons temple.
Pomegranates for instance are a symbol of fertility. The two pillars represent her legs. The sun traverses from East to West, and "enters" the
temple. There the royal consummation takes place in the holy of holies, aka the bridal chamber (see song of solomon).
The 12 tribes surround the sun/moon (see Josephs dream) as the zodiac. Just as the 12 disciples surrounded the sun/moon Jesus and Mary M. What was
Hathor's full name again? Hathor-MARY. Jesus said he was like the serpent on the pole, which is a sun symbol, the serpent being the sun, and the
pole being the cross or the ecliptic plane. This is the symbol of Chi-Rho. The chi is the cross, and the Rho is the head, or the firstborn sun/son.
You mention the name of Israel being isis, ra, el. While that may be true, IDK. I've come up with another view based on this concept of Husband
The word israel is Y-Sh-R-A-L. Y is a prefix, possibly relating to sun staff, the clan leader symbol. Sh-R = Prince, and is where the word Czar
comes from. Sh-R-H is Sarah. It was Sh-R-Y as Sarai. Y, H, A, V are matre lectionis, meaning they act as vowels. They are also often interchanged
esoterically. So Sh-R-A would also be pronounced Sarai. Ashera is A-Sh-R-H. A was often not spoken.
What I see is a strong connection between Abraham/Sarah and El/Asherah. The name Israel being a conjunction of Asherah/El or Sarah/El with the sun
staff Y as the prefix. Meaning Jacob was now the clan leader and their Gods were El-Asherah. Yahweh possibly being their child, and what the Y
stands for. Or its Yah-Asherah-El. Which is almost identical to Isis-Rah-El. Also Isis is a cognate of the word wife in Hebrew which is Isha. And
is used in the naming of Israel.
Of course this took place at Beth-El. The house of El. The house was the woman. The letter B is Beth or Beyt, and is a tent or tabernacle. This
is the same as Hathor, which is Hath-Hor. Hath is house and is a cognate of Bath or Beth. So the tabernacle houses the God, aka she takes him inside
her, where a child is born. Benjamin was born there his meaning is son of my right hand, and the temple was situated in Benjamin's territory (an
allusion to Jesus).
The name of God given to Moses at the burning bush was not yhwh but Hayah Asher Hayah. It is spelled H-Y-H, A-Sh-R, H-Y-H.
Asher is the eponymous Assyria. He is represented by the tree of life (Jesus is the tree of life), and the winged sun-disc. This disc was found
throughout Israel into the captivity and beyond. It is on Hezekiahs royal seal, who was supposed to be one of the righteous ones.
Asher is of course one of the twelve tribes and his brother Gad is also the name of a god, and possibly where we get the word God from.
Joseph is egyptian IMO. Or represents the egyptian faction among the tribes. I think a lot of the division between solar and lunar worship is also a
division between east and west. Abram was from Mesopotamia, Moses/Joseph/Levi were from Egypt. They may have all been semites, but came from
different cultures.
He married the daughter of the high priest of On, aka heliopolis.
Now moses, IMO represents Nabu/Nebo, to his Marduk, who eventually replaced Asher, and you don't have to look far for the comparisons between YHWH and
Marduk or Zeus. . He even gets a dragon totem like Nebo, or at least a baby dragon, in the serpent on the pole. He is the scribe god. He is the
psychopomp. He died on Mt. Nebo. Just as Aaron died on Mt. Hor.
I could go on, but this has already been pretty long