posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 03:04 PM
So my fellow fun loving ATS'rs, I took a picture of something today, nothing out of the ordinary................. or is it???
I am not sure exactly how I am going to go about this thread, mainly because I thought it would be fun to have some guessing as to what I took a
picture of first, before revealing what it actually is, assuming I can still come back in here and edit my post, or may have to make a reply to my own
post later on or is there a way to hide a picture so you don't see it unless you click on it??? (if so pls tell me quick).
All I have done is balanced the levels, cut it out and put in a plain background in photoshop (so as not to give the game away).
Now I don't want this thread to be all about my one pic/game, I would also like other members to join in the fun, and post pictures of ordinary stuff,
that could be looked at in a different way, and then tell us what it actually is (after we all have a guess). So here goes........ What is this?
And the answer is......................??? but don't click unless you give
up!edit on 13-11-2021 by CthulhuMythos because: figured out how to add a link but not give the game away, I hope!
on 13-11-2021 by CthulhuMythos because: oops put in the wrong url............. Im such a noob!
Written explanation of how it came aboutedit on 13-11-2021 by
CthulhuMythos because: added written explanation