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What do Women Want, it's not Money!

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posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: JAGStorm

To be honest.
Men today probably shouldn't get married.
They are better off unattached

I find it so sad that so many men think like this. Unfortunately I understand why they feel that way.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

pretty simple really... they want a guy that gets them hot...

whatever that might be... could be money, good looks...some women need a specific height more then anything

but Most will settle with a man that can fulfil their basic needs IF they can't get their Hot button man

Alpha Vs Beta

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: JAGStorm

To be honest.
Men today probably shouldn't get married.
They are better off unattached

I find it so sad that so many men think like this. Unfortunately I understand why they feel that way.

Marriage is a horrible legal contract for any man... that is just the reality. I say this as someone who has been happily married 20 years. I can see why men these days rather not get married. It isn't worth the risk.

edit on 12-11-2021 by Edumakated because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: JAGStorm

To be honest.
Men today probably shouldn't get married.
They are better off unattached

I find it so sad that so many men think like this. Unfortunately I understand why they feel that way.

I agree and I've been married for 27years.

But things have changed.
For one thing the court system rapes men

Another problem is that women are waiting till their 30s to find husbands after they've had their fill of the party life.
Why would a man want to commit to that?

There is an old saying

Women date who they want
They marry who they can.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Yup... there is a disconnect in terms of market place value.

Women are their hottest and in demand in their 20s. At that stage, women get their pick.

Men on the other hand don't really hit their stride until late 30s early 40s financially. So when guys start making bank, they start dating younger women. Unfortunately for women, they are starting to "hit the wall" in their 30s and the guys they want to settle down with no longer want them.... they want the new cohort of 20 somethings.

A man can be ruined financially marrying the wrong woman. It simply isn't worth the financial risk. A guy can be successful, marry a chick who had nothing to do with your success. SHE CAN DIVORCE YOU and then still demand half your assets. Don't let there be kids involved. Only a fool would sign up for that kind of predatory deal.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 12:36 PM
After a few revolutions around the sun, I think I would go with; Most women don't seem to even KNOW what they want themselves.

It's like women choose a guy because he kinda fits a mold, and then once in a relationship, try to remold the man to what they think will be to their liking, leading to either resistance from the man, or disinterestment from the woman before what now looks to be a mallaeable beta male...

Yes it happened to me, but I've also seen it happen to others.

The couples I have seen that really seem to be well together are too few. The veneer is often thin and transparent despite what people think, and soon enough, you can see the real dynamic in action.

I guess I come from a very #ty environnment, haha.

And as said by a previous poster, yeah, dating in 2021... I've had propositions in the last few years, but after dating or being in couple for most of my life, being a celibate is a delight no one understands, haha.
And anyways, every women I said no too in the last few years got a boyfriend in less than a day after my refusal. It feels like I dodged more than one bullets, so I can't see anything good in the foreseeable future when I see women acting that way.
Even sex propositions that I refused were satisfied very quickly by someone else, and they ALL ended up sad as hell...

Yeah, I'm horny, but I tell people that ask me what I do about it that I have 2 hands... and proceed to tell them lots of silly stuff about the joy of masturbating, haha.

That's my sad take on the question.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm
According to a story which found its way into the Arthurian Cycle (so it must be authoritative), what women want is "their own way".

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: ColeYounger
OK, time for some truth. I'm not trying to be sexist or misogynistic, but here we go.
(These are facts, by the way.)
Women will moan endlessly about how men are shallow. "Men are pigs!" "There aren't any nice guys out there!"
Yet studies and surveys have proven conclusively that women are turned on and attracted to "bad boy" types.
They don't even want one of these elusive "nice guys". Apparently, in reality, they want "a pig". Hypocrisy?

It's also common knowledge in psychology that men discuss things, while women discuss people. One example is music.
Surveys have shown overwhelmingly that men will like a musical group for the music. Women will like a group because "the singer is hot", or "the band members are sexy".

You are either living in the dark ages or you are talking about the teenage demographic with a lot of this, especially the music comments.

These "women" you quote... your "facts" sound like your personal, bitter experience and represents just a tiny fraction of women as a group. Same as if one were to say all men want younger women. It just isn't the case and is disparaging to make it seem so.

I think there is an element of truth to what you said rooted in nature that ensured our survival in the past as men choosing younger women helps ensure his children are produced over a longer range of time and women choosing a wilder or go getter man helped ensure her children got fed and were protected. These are primitive urges that are underlying but you make it seems as if it's the over riding way of being, for everyone. If we are to be an evolved society we can be aware of this but not let it run our lives. If you don't like the type of woman or man who is at the whim of this nature, find a more evolved one.

There was rampant misogyny throughout history which women fought and a lot of the dissing of men was a pendulum swing from the women's equality movement and it was probably at its worst in the 70' to 90's. I always avoid women who spoke petty like that because it simply wasn't true and I'm female. It's much more rare to hear it nowadays. Pretty fair exchange for the rights man had over woman since the beginning of time. Why would women not be angry? Lucky it is phasing out pretty quick. Imagine if it lasted centuries or millennia? The irony.

You may not be "trying" to be sexist or misogynist but you are "being" sexist and misogynist.

Please link your studies and surveys, so that I may correct my Eve-ill ways.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: JAGStorm

To be honest.
Men today probably shouldn't get married.
They are better off unattached

I find it so sad that so many men think like this. Unfortunately I understand why they feel that way.

Marriage is a horrible legal contract for any man... that is just the reality. I say this as someone who has been happily married 20 years. I can see why men these days rather not get married. It isn't worth the risk.

Fortunately there are lifestyle alternatives. I'm still friends and lovers with my ex. partners/wives. Sometimes I wonder what they see in a balding, myopic, paunchy, barely average looking fellow like myself. I just count my blessings.
edit on 12-11-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: coamanach

The couples I have seen that really seem to be well together are too few.

My husband and I have been married a long time, and not only do I love him, I actually still like him.
That is a very rare thing these day. I know people married a long time, but they hate each other, have lost respect for each other. Some just stay married because the've been together so long. That's pretty sad. I think Bezo might be one of them. He sure did drop his wife like a hot potato once Ms. Smiles came along, see how that is working out for him.

Too many people get with people that they are not compatible with personality wise.
Looks will go, money can go, but to be with someone who is your ride or die is not something money can buy.

edit on 12-11-2021 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 01:26 PM
It depends a good woman wants a good honest man she can trust and who shows her affection and kindness, respect and appreciation. For us it goes both ways. No matter how many years we will always say thank you for every help and kindness and please not a demand.

How you speak and respect one another every day is the key to a stable happy relationship.
edit on 12-11-2021 by SeaWorthy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

How you speak and respect one another every day is the key to a stable happy relationship.

That's worth quoting!! As an exdrunk I can attest to that.

It's ironic how drugs and alcohol can keep some relationships together while tearing them apart at the same time.
edit on 12-11-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

I doubt I'll ever get married.

That doesn't have anything to do with women though. I just like independence, and I don't think it would be fair for me to waste someone's time if I don't intend on being "emotionally available".

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: ColeYounger
OK, time for some truth. I'm not trying to be sexist or misogynistic, but here we go.
(These are facts, by the way.)
Women will moan endlessly about how men are shallow. "Men are pigs!" "There aren't any nice guys out there!"
Yet studies and surveys have proven conclusively that women are turned on and attracted to "bad boy" types.
They don't even want one of these elusive "nice guys". Apparently, in reality, they want "a pig". Hypocrisy?

It's also common knowledge in psychology that men discuss things, while women discuss people. One example is music.
Surveys have shown overwhelmingly that men will like a musical group for the music. Women will like a group because "the singer is hot", or "the band members are sexy".

You are either living in the dark ages or you are talking about the teenage demographic with a lot of this, especially the music comments.

These "women" you quote... your "facts" sound like your personal, bitter experience and represents just a tiny fraction of women as a group. Same as if one were to say all men want younger women. It just isn't the case and is disparaging to make it seem so.

I think there is an element of truth to what you said rooted in nature that ensured our survival in the past as men choosing younger women helps ensure his children are produced over a longer range of time and women choosing a wilder or go getter man helped ensure her children got fed and were protected. These are primitive urges that are underlying but you make it seems as if it's the over riding way of being, for everyone. If we are to be an evolved society we can be aware of this but not let it run our lives. If you don't like the type of woman or man who is at the whim of this nature, find a more evolved one.

There was rampant misogyny throughout history which women fought and a lot of the dissing of men was a pendulum swing from the women's equality movement and it was probably at its worst in the 70' to 90's. I always avoid women who spoke petty like that because it simply wasn't true and I'm female. It's much more rare to hear it nowadays. Pretty fair exchange for the rights man had over woman since the beginning of time. Why would women not be angry? Lucky it is phasing out pretty quick. Imagine if it lasted centuries or millennia? The irony.

You may not be "trying" to be sexist or misogynist but you are "being" sexist and misogynist.

Please link your studies and surveys, so that I may correct my Eve-ill ways.

You just aren't being honest about women.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

I just like independence, and I don't think it would be fair for me to waste someone's time if I don't intend on being "emotionally available".

That was my brother. His relationship ended in a bitter divorce.
He now has his "playthings".

I told him to becareful because one day the most perfect person might be there and he will be so wrapped up in what he thinks he believes he just might miss out on the love of his life...

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 02:39 PM
I'm going to run with the question of "What Women Want?" is beyond stereotypical twaddle.

Every Woman is individual so any blanket statement will only apply to a segment of Women ensuring those over reaching statements are inadequate to the bulk of the population. It's more fair to say that men and women aren't always clear on what they want but are VERY clear on what they don't want.

Which is a backwards way of going about connecting with that "special someone".

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

My mind isn't completely closed off to the idea... I just doubt it will happen.

I'm still social and get exposure to women my age, I just don't date or get involved because I think it would be selfish given my stance.

I'm in my young 30s and realize the women who are single but want a family are at a cross roads. I'm not gonna be the one to alter the course of their lives.

I'm pretty dead set on not having kids, so maybe in a few years I'll be OK with casual dating with an open mind. At that point I'm not robbing someone.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 04:06 PM
What do women want? They want to rule the world of course! they want to have their own power and their own money and they don't want to give out any pity Fs.

As a previous poster observed "they just want men who make them hot!"

They would still allow imperfect men - short, bald, brute-faced to exist. Just as simply objects that they could boss around, ridicule and be petty with. Gay men to design their clothes and fix their hair, some beta females to shave their legs.

But no man would be a permanent fixture in their lives.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

As an internet expert on women ( also known as babes or dames) I can safely say that;

A) They smell nice
B) They yell at me a bunch (especially my wife)
C) They fart glitter. This is true. Hobby Lobby has thousands of women just eating Taco Bell and "tooting" into jars.
D) They have boobs.


posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I completely agree. Confidence, leadership, good sense, chivalry.

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