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Is it not strange the world economic forum simulated all this?

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posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 04:00 AM
Yes folks they ran simulations to see exactly what would happen to the world economically. Quite a few simulations. One had the code word Dark Winter a meme being pushed by our masters. One even predicted a war between two states. so it does rather look like the Gates foundation is up to its neck as well. It looks like this will kill quite a few birds with one stone.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Is it not strange the world economic forum simulated all this


The only thing that's strange is being exposed to so many sociopathic psychopaths all at the same time ..... oh, and those weirdos that walk among us, you know, the ones that used to wear masks alone in their cars, and now they've blended back into "society", whatever that is. They're still out there somewhere ...........

And there are also the ones who still support the experiment ..........

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 06:41 AM
Dark Winter is a go.

Let's see how Readiness Excercise 1984 holds up under real world conditions shall we?

Surely the Dotard in Chief isn't *that* senile.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 07:04 AM
Impossible to simulate something this complex. Too many variables. Did they predict "Let's Go Brandon" blowing up? No they did not. Did they predict mothers becoming warriors to take on school boards and start winning? No. What about the Gates foundation blowing up and their marriage.

The only thing strange IMO is they didn't see it's impossible to plan and predict the outcome of a war on this scale. All their plans failed and now they do not know what to do. They don't know what is going to happen and neither does anybody else in the middle of a war. It's called the chaos of warfare and we are in it.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: myselfaswell

It is more strange that you have yet to learn that you are just speaking from perspective. Your own, very very limited perspective. So sure you are ‘right’. When you’re just a part. Those people that are so wrong in your eyes think you are equally insane. Maybe you guys can fight a war with each other and kill each other to prove you are the most sane and evolved one. It has worked in the past, look where we are today.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: Stupidsecrets

i echo your post.
the WEF ran computer projections with the idea the WEF could gain leverage by positioning itself in a 70-30 offense-defense stance...

the ''wild card' factor, played too big of a role

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 02:46 PM
R dark winter is go Wilco +

a reply to: GenerationGap

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Stupidsecrets

I have been pondering the law of opposing forces and wonder if they are relevent in this situation as an inevitable outcome. Where a fairly liberal laid back society just gets the occasional random nutter But when you see National Socialism getting endemic in Government. You then have to counteract the secret police spying, the snitches, etc which would cause the opposing force to go dark and be untraceable. which would only leave various options, or niches available. This would be lots of small groups armed with sophisticated weaponry, not in contact with other groups, virtually a load of secret societies intent upon the destruction of the main secret society playing for the high stakes. In fact a nightmare scenario for the ruling government. As at some stage assassination plots will get through to the gilded cages that the front men live in, Their security will also be taken out which will be like "Joy killer" virtually untraceable unless blanket surveillance is instituted along with. Door-to-door searches for weapons will be the equal and opposite response.
As the scenario unfolds, basic security organizations of the state will have to have virtually everyone under watch.This requires a constant electric supply, dicey in a world with energy shortages looming.
This is a fairly modern concept, in archaic times this was impossible, as the army could only conduct summer warfare when the crops were plentiful and had to get back to base to keep order, to stop slave revolts over the winter. Has the Great reset taken into account that, the food supply issues will create the same problems, in the dark winter scenario? Where it will severely affect the ruling Governments ability to maintain its security. There are reports of underground warehouses full of food stored already. So mabey they have if you were the ruling government, wouldn't it be safer to go back to a safe liberal open system. Probably, but when you have gone too far there, are always consequences they would rather avoid.


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