posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 11:28 PM
If you are interested in finding your way into Area 51, don't know that I can help you, but I could point you in a direction that might be of even
more interest, and in a way that would be hard to prevent....
Area 51 is well known, and now totally isolated, thanks to an illegal military land grab... however, the Dulce facility in New Mexico is totally
underground, under the Archuleta Mesa... Its main entry points are well guarded, but there is no stopping anyone from getting onto the Mesa....
My recommendation: Find yourself a geologist experienced in seismic reflection surveys. You will need a high performance laptop, correct software
(GeoFlect is one package, although there are probably much more advanced packages now) at least 8 geophones, and a case of legally obtained
If you array the geophones in the correct orientation, and employ your explosives correctly, and have good imaging software, you will get
astonishingly good subsurface 3D images. Most of these software packages are designed to find oil and gas resevoirs underground, and pick up the
change in lithology between one rock unit and another, as well as the presense of any void space. Although I have never used any of these software
packages in an effort to find an underground structure, I would imagine that the reflection wave would interact very well with any kind of concrete or
other reinforced building structure underground. At the very least, it would certainly pick up on any large empty voids underground, as that is one of
things they are programmed to look for.
I can't guarantee that you wont attract attention doing this bit, but it would be interesting to hear them explain why you cannot peform seismic
reflection surveys out in the desert if nothing is out there....
Also, I have heard stories of a large underground connection between Dulce and Area 51... find a map, plot out the most likely path for such a
connector and see if you can image that...