posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 09:48 AM
"So there we were." When he started off like that I knew it was going to be entertaining. The Ho Bo Woods..Used to be a vast area of rubber farms
and 'two step' infested woods..Not to mention VC. Now its just another occupied war zone. A lot of tunnels still left. 0030..twelve hours before my
next guard shift, needed to air my head, a drive and a smoke should help. Hop in a jeep and crawl toward the treeline. "Wait dad, what did you do in
the Army again?" "My MOS was 11 BRAVO son, that means I was infantry, and I worked on tanks." "oh, yea." So I get out of the jeep and walk into
the brush a little ways, and fire up a lucky. Im not too worried about the cherry on my smoke, this areas been clear for a while. So Im just
listening, trying to make everything 'white' in my head, that's supposed to be the first part of zen meditation, anyway, its a humid (as usual)
night, full moon...can hear monkeys talking, not the biggest fan of all the monkeys here..I hear something above the forest..air being