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An Alternative Covid origin

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posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 05:11 PM

I’d like to share with you a thought, because my life has actually changed in several ways since and before the beginning of the Covid pandemic situation.
I realize that I’ve been mind controlled for a long time and in few occasions, most of them concentrated during the last 4 years, and I will explain to you how.

I live in Italy and half-a-year before the Covid outbreak I’ve been gang stalked by my family and the people around me. They started to listen to my thoughts through electronic devices and they shared it with other people, and it became famous. They started to send me subliminal messages through social media and online games, til they started to become always about killing somebody.
I’m not a delusional, I’m not a dangerous person and I’ve never start to even think to kill somebody, but they started to following me, recording me and I found several instagram pages online that described my life with memes about what I was doing or thinking.
I was afraid and I left my country to go abroad one year, and the situation got bigger.
The people around me continued to stalked me sending even persons to know me controlling this “game”.

Now, there’s a possibility that the people around me reached the government to control the mind of the people reaching defense about the plan they’ve lost hand because it became viral listening to my thoughts and they continued the plan of the elites want?

I’m writing this because when I was abroad in Australia, during the lockdown, I had another mind control experience when I was founding that some of my friends in Italy were creating fast solution about the pandemic, like they knew what to do first. After while I was looking for informations my phone got hacked and I had an MK Ultra project by my former flatmates in Bondi Beach. A lot of people in Bondi Beach, Australia know in how evil ways they’ve tortured me through electronic harassment, sensory inibition, hypnosis and drugs, sleep deprivation, dream control and voice to skulls till passing out and had no breathe while I was asking help to the people (a lot) who were listening to my stream of thoughts.
Before the tortures they drugged me giving me the 100% of my brain and with mind control they explained me all of the plan they created through decades with Covid as a way to depopulate the world in a controlled way. I said no, through the person I am and I’ve always been I found other solutions against the plan to kill innocent people and they asked me to be part of their plan with the possibility to reset the mind of whoever was listening.
I think it was a Project Monarch, they explained me through mind control all the plan about 5G and LOT of things in few days before I knew anything about those things. It was like they told me what to look for to find informations after informations.

After I said no to them they’ve started to torture me no stop days and nights every minute, every second, for an year and an half.

I’m sure that lot of people now are listening to my live stream of thoughts and they communicate with me in several ways, through Twitch blinking the eyes, through online games reacting not what I’m thinking, with electronic impulses and beats of different part of my body to communicate with what I’m thinking with the sequence as one beat to say yes, two to say no, three to say stop. In logical part of the body following the human sense to send meanings. My organs don’t communicate with me, people who connected me to a computer device and control my mind and body can.

Now, I’m from the north of Italy and I think the people around me started controlling the mind there as a secret agency to the people in Italy, and they blamed China because it was the country that sold the equipment to them. The Covid outbreak started near I’m from, and I’m sure they sold my story to US for other defense.

My life situation and reading mind viral thing got bigger within the Covid situation, it’s like they want to control the people mind all around the world with Covid and controlling who’s continuing this thing and they’ve created probably secret agencies and they work for the government to continue this Matrix thing with me as a protagonist.
Covid is just a way to control people minds with decives and tools that we’re surrounded by, and my life really became a Matrix during these years.

Have you ever heard anything like this before? Do you think that an huge gangstalking program started in Italy got bigger and bigger to reach the government creating Covid with the governments?

Italy got huge benefits during this year, and I’m sure that somebody as the control of the world now.

I have lot of informations about this and everything matches, please don’t think I’m a delusional because I’ve been always awake and strong, and before I think about something I wait till several and many times to prove it.

Thank you for the attention, hope to hear what we can do to find out what’s really happening.

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: InternationalTruth

No offense friend but nothing you say makes any sense . You need some help buddy

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 05:20 PM
I’m still unclear about the “alternative origin” part.

Care to illuminate us with regards to the title?

Sorry for your plight btw.

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: Thenail

What doesn’t make any sense? Please argument yourself.

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: InternationalTruth

I have lot of informations about this and everything matches, please don’t think I’m a delusional because I’ve been always awake and strong, and before I think about something I wait till several and many times to prove it.

Perhaps the information you claim to possess would go a long way to legitimize your incredible testimony.

At this point I'm not convinced, but am open to the idea.

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: InternationalTruth

please don’t think I’m a delusional

Well ........ you haven't made that easy.

I've been trying to listen to the live stream of your thoughts and I'm not picking it up. I've been trying to send you mine, and just in case you don't receive the message here it is written down.

You need professional help.

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: slatesteam

I think the secret organization against and around me that has been created since 2019 created Covid with the government. The north Italian people around me went to them following the elites belief to control everyone who listen to my stream of thoughts through the electronic devices they make.

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: myselfaswell

You would have found the real solution of the world and a real person ready to save the world. I found solutions and I fought without thinking to even touch anybody with strength and ethical belief.

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 05:32 PM
Remember way back when when people though that there TVs were watching them. They sometimes got locked up but guess what ? They were right. It is 2021 and there is no telling how far mind control teck has come.

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: InternationalTruth
a reply to: slatesteam

I think the secret organization against and around me that has been created since 2019 created Covid with the government. The north Italian people around me went to them following the elites belief to control everyone who listen to my stream of thoughts through the electronic devices they make.
Is it H.Y.D.R.A? Please let it be H.Y.D.R.A.

Because then it implies S.H.I.E.L.D.’s existence.

Wishing you the best all the same. GL and Godspeed.

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: InternationalTruth

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. It sounds horrifying.

I have a few questions if you don't mind. How did you decide to move to Bondi? You knew people there or a job pre-arranged?

Do your parents or grandparents have any connections with high level government, military, big business, The Church, anything similar?

I hope things get better for you and you can find peace of mind.

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: slatesteam

What is H.Y.D.R.A? And what’s S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Thanks mate

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: REDMORGAN

I decided to move there because I wanted to enjoy the seaside life, but when there has been the lockdown the situation got worse, I found the first informations and they made me the experiment.

Yes, my father in law has been major of my town, part of the army in the weather military services and during these years I had lot of times that they controlled the magnetic camp through me. My brother once, when the situation begin in 2019, told me that it was my father in law that it was doing to me. I don’t know how long the mind manipulation has been directed by him but I had several occasions that I remember that I received voice to skulls when I was a child.

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: InternationalTruth

Why don't you get some brain-listening and voice-to-skull devices and prank them back?

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Because I’m really aware about how bad they are, I would never do anything like that. I’m living in peace with them even if they clearly did something huge to me, and now they escape from the truth. The truth is that I’m a good person and we all have to start thinking about how to stop using these things as torture, first. And then asking if we really need them or it’s just a over usage of the power they have

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: InternationalTruth


You are not alone
Think positive.

The technology you are telling exists, and had been existing for decades.

There are patented DARPA's nanochip technologies able to kill at will, damage person at will, or just control the thoughts and emotions of a person.

The brian of any person is easy to hack.
Since decades there are devices to transmit information or torture to the bones of any persons.
There are mobile carrier patents to capture the thoughts of any person, without talking.

You must realize that all this technology has been tested and optimized in real humans, without they knowing.

It is like when half of the US population received cancer in vaccines during their vaccines in the 70's for a decade, without the people knowing.
In the same way they have saw you behind the walls, with vision across walls, and microwave weapons that cross the walls and go directly to your body.
the same principles for amplification of infrasound at large distances.

you must realize something:
Yes, the agencies can hear your inner voices, your thoughts.
But the can not decide for you.
The choice is yours.

Those black operatives can include physical people near you, and talking in real time about killing you
Remember: those people receives money everytime they torture you!
They enjoy when they make their weapons torture your body and torture you day and night.

It is not from Italy.
the technology comes from the USA.
An yes, it has been deployed in several countries.
it could be exported to italy via, and with agreement of the CIA or higher level.

Also there are mind controlling programs, also tested.

Decades ago it was shown that wireless milivolts near the hands can make a woman to get marry to an unkown person, or a people want to change their sex orientation.

you can not have access to any agency for human rights, because they are controlled by the agencies.
you cannot have access to the government because they are active part of it, and it is a black operative.

If at this moment you are alive, remain in calm.
read and avoid any emotion of tought of hate,

restore your normal sleeping hours (that they have altered)

remain in calm.

everything passes
nothing is eternal.

most of you body is made of water. be grateful with the water and sun everyday.

read things that nourish your soul, control your thoughts, and ignore all of the information they are transmiting to your ears, brain and skull.

you have an advantage: you are aware!

lot of people are blind, not seeing what is going next.

there is an stage in this New World Order scenary that is called The soul.
and it comes after in a few years.
that stage is a lot harder than this covid scenary.

you have another advantage: your senses are awaken.

in Israel, the torture definition, is the same applied in the covid times for the world population: make pressure, then release , and repeat.

just remain in calm
ignore what is happening.
growth spiritually.
you can read from buddhism, dzogchen, bon, hunduism, or any of the spiritual paths you want.

people likes to torture.

but the operatives, use the same your words you use or think, to torture you, in their repeating machines.
they play your words edited creating false statements trying that you complete the words, or putting false edited sentences with your own voice recorded.
Ignore them!

obviously, they are tracking all your communications and calls.

then just continue your life.

in the eternal span of life, this is just an instant.
go forward , enjoy the life, the nature, the green.

ignore all the messages, spam transmitted daily around the world.

ignore the buzz in your ears.

dont feed those who behave like daemons.
dont feed their ego each time you think about them.

keep your mind focused in you, all your attention in you.
eat healthy.

dont go to hospitals or doctors, they are now the world machinary to kill the people.

remember your faith.

it is real

buy you can choose a better life.

enjoy the happy things of the life.
enjoy the creation,

be HAPPY!!!!!!

yes, it exist,
and remember that the world reality is part of the machinary to depopulate first the weak, sick and the stupids.
it is a world slaughter.

be smart, eat, be in calm, be strong.
and enjoy that you are aware in your spirit.

be in calm.

part of the world this decade is busy in killing the people, others in dominating it, and others in trying to survive.

but nothing is eternal.

nourish your soul and body.

over the time you will begin to heal.

one exercise: every day with you wake up give thanks for 100 things in your life... the sun, the light,the life, the tree,etc

continue with your senses in being positive.

make bon's sleeping yoga, grow spiritually.
canalize your energy ,thoughts and soul in something positive.

if possible, not use wireless. use wire headphones, and ignore them, ignore the overlapping voices.

ignore the vibrations of their weapons over your body, objects and pets.
do not fear, do not terror, do not think in them.
they nourish of your fear. it is their pleasure and income.

remember: be happy. they want to remove the hapines in your life.

...and they are planting the seeds of depolutation worldwide by all means.

be grateful to god,
try to be happy all the time.

they try to destroy your beliefs, hapiness, certainty.
it have been done worldwide,
your perception is wider, but you are part of an experiment, an exercise.

ignore them, be happy, reinforce your beliefs, and live with certainty in your thoughts and life.

edit on 11111111 by lux666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: InternationalTruth

I'm confused because usually people with an unbelievable account
like this. Don't come off as rational as you seem to be. They always
give themselves away right in the OP. So as wild as your story is I
can't say you're being completely irrational. And if what you're saying
is true well then that might account for what does seem irrational.

Who wouldn't be a bit un nerved if this were happening?

Have you ever heard anything like this before?

No I haven't but I do have one probing question.

I may have missed it but have you questioned your own sanity
during this whole time? If so was it many times or not at all or

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: lux666

Thanks for the message man, it’s good to have a person who understand. I’ve always been careful to understand the right things and before 2019 I knew nothing about any of these things. I’ve always been calm and since the tortures begun I was understanding and surviving everything they were doing to me, they literally connected my mind to a computer while I was alive. They know I’m not a threat, I always used the tortures as a way to understand what was happening finding other truths and connecting the points, I’m very aware and I would never do anything bad. I wanted to find solutions for good, in a human way and I created three projects to respond to their evil plan they explained to me through mind control.

I tried to ask for help to Human Rights Commisions during the tortures when I remained without any food in Australia and they called the police to take me to the hospital without checking anything I couldn’t even say for the rush, I know they’re involved, like the governments. But I’m more than sure that they know me and they know I’ve passed the last two years of my life communicating with who controls my life and what I’m surrounded by and trying to make the people aware of their power and belief. I discovered so many things connecting the points, I transformed the evil tortures as a way to understand lot of things about humanity, history, psychology, human nature, their nowadays technology and finding real solutions to stop this plan to reduce and kill so many innocent. I’m sure I got the respect of who’s listening to my stream of thoughts and by the elites, probably they drugged me asking to become one of the elites because I’m one of the people who’s honest, with brave heart and unsteady.
I think that it’s too early to go to the police, my family act very weird and they pushed me into hospital in gaslighting ways. Now I’m finally off meds because I’m more than fine mentally, I explained to you just a few of the tons of informations and things they did to me, it all matches.
I believe the secret gangstalking created to say that I’m a devil justifying this situation reached the government, and after the interrogation during the MK Ultra, when they realized I’ve always been honest and I’m not a criminal, they ran away from the truth and now it’s too late to comeback. What should I do?

edit on 3-11-2021 by InternationalTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: InternationalTruth

This might help... kids book by Maurice Sendak "Where the Wild Things Are". Sometimes simple things can go a long way.

You've come this far, stay frosty

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: Randyvine2

I hold the situation with calm and strength, I’ve never been that nervous. I’ve never thought to touch anyone that was part or torturing me even if I could understood anything they did, I’ve always tried just to breathe, ask for help to the people who where listening to me and communicating with me in several ways (mind control, human body beats with sequence coordinated, human reactions with the same sequence: one beat to say yes, two to say no, three to say stop; electromagnetic field around me, beating with the same sequence to create conversations with my thoughts and their environmental reactions, using even electronic birds).
The mind control experiences begun and became bigger since I started to find informations about what my gangstalkers were doing to me, it was like (and they factually can) see through my own eyes.

I think the Illuminati wanted to recruit me and they started suggesting me through mind control all the evil plan my family and my closer ones started against me believing something crazy against me, they became bigger and they continued to say lies about me to justify what they started. After the elites were controlling my mind they’ve started torturing me when I said that I didn’t want to be part of the death of so many innocents, I suggested to stop being racist and use this power and technology to help and save Africa, to create a new continent where the people can go to de center the population and to regive everything that ages and ages have taken away from Africa just with old and no more understandable belief that the color of our skin has something to do with who we grow as humans. There are a lot of possibilities if we stop to think to have the supremacy of the most, we can still create a better place where we all live in a common sense of respect and social behavior.
After I said no to their offer to reset the mind of who was listening they tortured me and they did me an MK Ultra. I understood everything about it.

Now, using the tortures as advantage I found out lots of informations and realities just connecting the points, I discovered all before reading or looking for in internet. Internet has just been the final proof of what I was previously thinking and discovering connecting the points. I’ve always been smart, curios and trying to emphasize in a natural way with the people who are torturing me. They don’t stop, but there has been very appreciate moments of humanity and reciprocal human respect. They’re person and I am too, I am aware of everything and they know it, I want to find solutions without ruining anyone’s life and they respect me, even if it could sound strange. I know they do this because they are paid and they’ve been told bs about me, I don’t humanly respect it because I would never treat a human being like they treated me, especially because I’m innocent and I proof it with every breathe.

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