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The Covid 19 virus does not exist

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+12 more 
posted on Nov, 1 2021 @ 11:11 PM
So what happens now, they cant give a sample of the Covid 19 virus. Have we all been conned? After a freedom information act in Ireland, they dilly-dallied . But in the end, had to admit they had no sample isolated. Then the question has to be asked. What the hell is actually going on? This tends to confirm that the flu disappearing might indeed have been the

+7 more 
posted on Nov, 1 2021 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: anonentity

I have yet to hear a logical reason why FLU disappeared during the 2020/2021 (Oct 2020 thru May 2021) flu season.

FLU being intentionally rebranded as "Covid-19" makes more sense than the psycho-babble coming from traditional "experts".

posted on Nov, 1 2021 @ 11:31 PM
a reply to: anonentity

This whole chinese virus bs is nothing but a sham....all designed to gain population control...gain of function..tell me this isn't straight out of 1984.

posted on Nov, 1 2021 @ 11:32 PM
Certain lots of the so called vaccine are responsible for all most all of the deaths and adverse reactions. Which states are they primarily sending those lots to? ighdeSxELe47P78OE

posted on Nov, 1 2021 @ 11:39 PM
That just means that they do not have in their possession any proof of the existance of the virus. They were never supplied the proof to give. This is kind of disturbing because there should have been some double checking of the evidence in Europe and here in America, but I have a feeling they just got some information and failed to actually check if it was true. It would seem that if you wanted to find a cure or vaccine you would need a positive identification of the virus to work with to make medicines or vaccines. Now, covid 19 is the disease, sort of a sepsis specific to the virus, and it is important to know if the sepsis came from the SARS-CoV2 virus or from another disease or condition.....which they do not test for as far as I know. You can have sepsis with or without covid. Yes, some of the sepsis or covid 19 reactions are right from the virus, but you can have pneumonia or even any other pathogen that can cause sepsis when you have this virus. What causes this sepsis reaction, is it the SARS-CoV2 virus or something else, you need some way to identify what is causing the sepsis, you cannot just blame it on Covid-19, that is not science.

posted on Nov, 1 2021 @ 11:46 PM
Good article, look at what it says.

posted on Nov, 1 2021 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: anonentity

I've had flu before, recently tested positive for Covid, to me similar symptoms but whatever it was i caught recently was by far the worst respiratory illness i've ever had.

Still, at no point did i feel like it was a life threatening illness, coughed so hard and much i was bringing up blood, probably the worst of the symptoms. Also, fever for around 24 hours in which i was gone, totally delirious.
edit on 1/11/21 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: anonentityI'll tell you the truth. I am a Son Of God. I have come back to ATS after a 10 year heiatus for personal training. Now what I want to say you may or may not agree with. The proof is in the pudding, so they say. The virus was released by China, in an effort for the nation to wage war against the USA. Of course all this stuff is hidden from the average citizen, as the policy is to maintain status quo and not have the US populace become fearful of unfolding events. Now, we are on the verge of WW3 because of the preempted attack on the USA from China. Instead of putting crap out into the media of gossip, and propaganda, the DOD decided to keep it quiet and spend a year writing the script for WW3. Unfortunately, this war will involve all nations. Sucks to be us,but the way out is with Jesus Christ. You athiests, can PM me if you want. You aren't nearly as bad as the asshats in charge who lord and rule over humanity.

My advice; the shelter is Paraguay, South America, for all God's children. Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.

Peace be with all of you on this forum. Do your best, and seek Christ.
edit on 2-11-2021 by IAM316 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 12:35 AM

originally posted by: Area66
a reply to: anonentity

This whole chinese virus bs is nothing but a sham....all designed to gain population control...gain of function..tell me this isn't straight out of 1984.

People who say "population control" are being to generalized in their assessment.

Answer this question and you'll be right over target; What segment(s) of society would leaders of government prefer to see removed from the land of the living?

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 01:09 AM
I dont know if covid 19 is the regular flu renamed or a new corona virus (family covid comes from).

I do find it more than a tad suspicious that overall (outside of taste and smell altered) the symptoms are almost IDENTICAL to the influenza flu and a whole host of other diseases.

I give little value to the claims "its worse than any flu"
because i have had the "flu" more than a few times over my 50+ years on this planet .
along with strep, influenza a and B.

all of it i had mild to downright debilitating symptoms.

hell influenza B left me staying at home sick for about 5 days and not feeling fully recovered for about two weeks
influenza A (i believe the worse one but could have them switched) put me to bed (and unable to work) for two weeks and took over two months to get up to full speed..
all with "covid" type symptoms (yes could not taste much or smell due to my sinuses being totally screwed and part of the time could not eat solid foods) .

so the claims "i was out for weeks and took long to recover" is native to LOTS OF DISEASES.

but overall the biggest thing that has me give the OP claim some "legs" is this

the CDC ITSELF ADMITS (listed on their web site to those that claim "faux news") that ONLY SIX PERCENT of reported covid deaths had as only /main cause covid. the rest had two or more other factors.

that would put the covid deaths on a YEARLY total (unlike what covid mandates supporters and press list total deads starting at 2020) less than half (even lower depending on year) of "common flu deaths"

along with the two damning facts of
a. 80 percent NEVER KNEW THEY HAD IT due to NO SYMPTOMS or such low symptoms that (unless you are tested in the hospital then they go "zombie panic" protocol no matter if asymptomatic, have some symptoms or deaths door) hospitalization/extra ordinary medical care is needed.

b. survival rate runs 97 (at risk ) to 99.97 (children and those of average health) .

ive said this before and will say it again.

nature (leaving out bio weapon , thats another issue for another discussion) has given us ANOTHER "flu" type virus that WILL NEVER GO AWAY.

Yes it WILL KILL SOME PEOPLE (sadly), but overall to be treated and dealt with NOT FEARED.
not to DESTROY our economies, our mental and physical health due to draconian mandates that dont have any REAL EFFECT, and give POWER TO THE GOVERNMENT OVER THE LAW/CONSTITUTION AND COMMON DAMN SENSE


posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Turned down $6000.00 worth of work crew tonight because they weren't authorized to enter cuz know...microbes. Bad for business is what covid/flu is. I liked em better before they became political bludgeons. It's all insanity. We've been screening folks where I work 3-5 times a day. This is a big tech global entity and they have made covid management the highest priority in every department. They're not requiring anyone to show vaccination records. We'll still all ask and be asked intrusive questions by strangers that really are as worthless as the masks. Anyone could lie on any of the screening questions so it's a bit of a waste as are the eforms & texts etc. Not requiring vaccination checks here is a surprise but as we know that data is tabulated/regulated by the government. Only one person refused to be vaccinated a 2nd time after a bad reaction to the 1st. He wasn't fired but will be working from home until a six month planned leave of absense. They're a lot nicer to him than they were me. lol

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 01:45 AM
a reply to: ConcernedCanadian

i agree the "covid questions" they ask about everywhere are TOTALLY ASSININE.

like "have you been exposed to someone with covid"

lets see.. I go out to shop all types of stores, eat at a restaurant, am outside , touch things like shopping carts/door knobs/ect, and people at work.

covid has people who are asymptomatic / have no symptoms or such low ones that medically they dont need to go to the hospital.

the vaccine DOES NOT PREVENT catching it or passing it on.

so taking this into account that one question alone EVERYONE EVERYDAY (unless in an ICU ward under "zombie/outbreak" protocols) can/should be logically saying YES to HOW THE HELL DO I KNOW, maybe.

along with why take my temp.. asymptomatic means NO SYMPTOMS TO INCLUDE FEVER.



posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Yes you have. You just choose to not believe it.

Social distancing, lock downs, kids being home schooled, masks.

You've got that covid is the flu narrative to push after all.

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 01:58 AM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: carewemust

Yes you have. You just choose to not believe it.

Social distancing, lock downs, kids being home schooled, masks.

You've got that covid is the flu narrative to push after all.


he "choose not to believe it"?

im sorry but by what logic that the "flu" TOTALLY DISAPPEARED due to "Social distancing, lock downs, kids being home schooled, masks" but covid (THE REASON THESE WERE PUT IN PLACE TO STOP) it has no effect.

i dont know what you use for logic but were i come from that is what we call BS.


posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 02:04 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Area66
a reply to: anonentity

This whole chinese virus bs is nothing but a sham....all designed to gain population control...gain of function..tell me this isn't straight out of 1984.

People who say "population control" are being to generalized in their assessment.

Answer this question and you'll be right over target; What segment(s) of society would leaders of government prefer to see removed from the land of the living?

None particularly if they wish to ascend to god hood status and do what they want to whomever they want for whatever reason.

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: anonentity

There's another thread that says 5G wireless technology can modify your DNA to create coronavirus so one of you is wrong. 🤔

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 03:19 AM
I guess the takeaway lesson from all this lately is that if you practice reasonable hygiene, then no, you likely won't catch the flu virus neither. Personally, both the wife and I have been pretty much germ-o-phobes for a long time. This COVID stuff gives us a perfect excuse to be more overt about it. I never liked people being right up in my face talking to me. Many people do not cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze. People talking loudly are pushing more microbe laden air from their lungs and through their mouths. Pointed in my direction. I was always queasy about handling the nozzles pumping gasoline into the vehicle gas tanks, so now I wear disposable gloves and don't feel like a whacko doing it. Sorry, no offense, but I really don't want to shake your hand. I don't know where that hand has been in the last half hour.

The wife and I used to do shows around the country, and invariably we used to catch some bug and brought it back home with us. And for about two weeks were just miserable. So we wised up and started using hand sanitizer frequently and nearly religiously. That problem went away as a result.

I don't see any real sense to wearing a mask, although I happened to have a couple of boxes of the N95 stuff long before this COVID raised it's ugly head. I use them all of the time when I am sanding, polishing, and painting things. So it is not like I feel I have to conserve them, just that I don't think they will do a darn thing about blocking small virus particles freely blowing in the wind from reaching my mouth or nasal cavities.

Heck, if at the very least this COVID avoidance awareness would get everyone to wash their damn hands before coming out of the bathroom, I think that would be a notable boon to a more healthy society right there. IMHO.

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 03:26 AM
a reply to: scrounger

Here's one you may not have heard; surviving staff members deemed essential were issued tongs. Because of the microbes, you understand. We pass our coworkers items with tong. Not me. I've only ever sexually harassed mine but there really s no end to the craziness.

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 03:31 AM

originally posted by: FryingSquirrel
a reply to: anonentity

There's another thread that says 5G wireless technology can modify your DNA to create coronavirus so one of you is wrong. 🤔
or both

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 03:43 AM
Been saying this since they shut down the country to start rigging the election. I’d have to admit, when I got the “coronavirus”, it was suspiciously exactly like the flu felt.

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