posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 12:52 AM
Only got four wives, Lady Grey being the best! lol. But my character is a homophobe, when ever he sees a guy with a heart he kills them. Sorry, but
ladies only. Great game. I knew about the credits thing already, been going around Hook Coast killing guards so i can rob the stores all I want with
steal.Now I wish I would have chosen the sword, I killed the Avo Temples douchebags which got me evil points, and love to slaughter the idiots of Hook
Coast with mastered lightning. Also fun to kick chikens, best kick was something like 21.451 or something, not exactly sure. Also, I got all but two
of the demon doors, the last two pissing me off, but got the rest.
Well, gonna play again and keep the sword.