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Covid: Michael Yeadon - ex Pfizer speaks out - again

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posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 04:23 AM
I am not pleased to read that renowned scientists who seem to feel a moral obligation to warn us, contradict each other. Michael Yeadon is saying here that we don't have to be afraid of variants. Others, who also apparently feel a moral obligation to warn us, say we should absolutely be afraid of variants. Okay, the "troublemakers" agree that mRNA vaccines pose a threat to our health. They say: Those coronapasses will lead to mass control. And (much worse) the vaccines will lead to mass depopulation. I know Michael Yeadon has a reputation as an anti-vaxer, but to me he seems an honnest man and whatever he says, I have to admit I feel like this pandemic is being used to fulfill a hidden agenda.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: zandra
Great post. Big fan of Yeadon. In an interview with THE HIGHWIRE, Yeaden said that you could theoretically put a gene in the COVID vaccine that does someone short-term or long-term harm. Yeadon said about the dangers of the COVID vaccine: “If I wanted to set up a system where I could have complete control and with plausible deniability administer over months to years to billions of people something that would injure or kill them, I couldn’t think of a better plot than this one”. He seems to think that there is a depopulation agenda going on.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 07:13 AM
It seemed like the vid wont zucking start playing for me but it did after a minute.
Maybe 10% of people will wait for so long.
It seems like there's nothing new for me that I havent heard before. Maybe a year ago I'd be able to watch it for more than 10 minutes. It's easier to turn on the Infowars live and get the whole picture

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: zandra

Of course it’s being used to fulfill a hidden agenda, though I haven’t heard anyone speaking out against this say that we should be afraid of variants, other than to say that those with the mRNA jabs won’t produce the T cells which are needed to fight the virus which could potentially cause the virus to mutate into something more deadly. It’s just one scenario though. I think they all agree the mRNA jabs aren’t necessary and are being used for more nefarious reasons.

It’s either a huge money making scam for the pharmaceutical industry.
A method to bring about totalitarian control and the agenda 21/30 bilderberg back better, great reset etc...
A depopulation program.

Or a combination of all three. I don’t think the jabs are the means to kill people off though, I think that’s to usher in the vax passports which will be tied to CBDC and UBI once the world economy tanks. A gradual depopulation program through infertility and limited disease outbreaks would be more favourable than a mass die off.
The idea is to to keep people in constant fear and under constant control.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ
If a 'herd spirit' emerges, and every major link in the system is in the hands of those in power, those with a different meaning are preaching in the desert. But giving up is for losers. So ...
You say there is nothing new in the video. I'm oke with that. But what is new to me is that, according to Yeadon, variants do not pose any danger. Who to believe??
Concerning the vid: Here in Belgium it works fine.
By the way: those who don't do a little effort (to try) to find out the truth, are not the kind of people I am looking for.
I don't know you, please don't take it personally.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: zandra

"Hidden agenda?"

No. I think their agenda is right out in the open for anyone not completely vested in their own cognitive dissonance see. There's nothing secret or hidden about it.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 09:21 AM
Good video. These are my notes, they may help for those that don't want to watch the whole video.

  • Introduction - credentials, who he is, why he's doing what he's doing

    • 25 minutes - Immunity response; T-cells are to viruses what antibodies are to bacteria yet all we ever hear about are antibodies, no conversation about T-cell response

    • 33 minutes - Variants; SARS was 80% identical to the original SARS some 10 years later and after multiple mutations and t-cell memory was still very good; SARS-COV2 variants now are 99.7% identical to the original SAR=COV2 strain so there is no need whatsoever to take a booster; additionally COVID is less lethal than SARS.

    • 40 minutes - Vaccine passports and what will happen once accepted

    edit on 30/10/2021 by Iamonlyhuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: zandra

After the soo call Delta infecting right after the jabs were started for covid, I came to the conclusion that this was all created to push the darn jab.

Covid would have been gone down naturally, the darn jabs make it worst for a while, but as usual virus do not mean to stay strong for long, now we are back to the stage we were before the jabs, I am sure that big pharma will come out with something else to infect people again to push for more jabs and boosters.

This is not even close to the flu virus infections at all.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 06:49 PM
It would appear to me there are somewhere between 10 and 20% who refuse the mandates for the vaccine ? I would have thought it would have been more but alas people have to work right or

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: zandra

I admire him for going against the grain however as he states himself there just isn't enough voices or a platform with enough reach to make a difference.

The awakening will come when the bodies start piling up.

I've tried to help people, they don't want to listen. Liberty isn't a priority to those who pander to authority. You have to admire just how effective the propaganda has been, people jeopardising their health in order to provide health security. It's almost like they're laughing at the stupidity of the masses.
edit on 31/10/21 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 01:54 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

If you don't take it you don't eat. Did anyone vote for a government like that? Taking the shot is like a sniper taking shots at you out of range, one will get you in the end.

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