posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to:
I hate to say this, but the publications which discuss these topics give me a chuckle. In my world, for a while, during a phase, boots were important
(to me). However, since then I've learned a few things which were kind of a surprise to me. Ironically, it wasn't shoes which proved it to me, but
something (but that's another story).
The truth is, people seldom even notice what kind of shoes a person wears...unless...the person wearing them brings the subject up. In fact, 9 out of
10 people wouldn't even notice if you had shoes on at all. sure, if a gal wears a super-mini skirt and shiny black boots up over her knees, people are
going to notice, but short of that they won't.
One time my wife called me from work, and she was mortified. She has two pair of shoes which are the exact same except one pair is black and the
other is dark blue. The morning in question she accidentally put on one blue and one black shoe in the dark before going to work. You couldn't even
hardly tell the difference, even in the bright sunlight, but she could (oh boy could she!). We were both over 100 miles from the house so going back
to get the correct shoe was not an option. Poor girl was all upset and on the brink of crying, begging me to do something, anything. I jumped in the
truck and went and found the nearest store which sold shoes (a pair of black winter Crocs) and headed to the rescue. Not a single soul had even
noticed the two different colored shoes. She felt better though, so I guess that's all that mattered.
Anyway, what shoes people wear means far more to the people wearing them than they ever will to someone else.