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NIH Silently Removes 'Gain of Function' From Website.

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posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: karl 12

I was being sarc... Oh nevermind

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Not today, but maybe one day.

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Thanks for the reply in the other post.

My take on oddscreenname's post, was that the name-changing and obfuscation is a version of the the old paper-chase, or the Bankster's™ Gibraltar-Shuffle™, or whatever it's called when they launder billions through multiple countries and banks, until it becomes untraceable.

So by changing the names, descriptions, and definitions of words and expressions : this provides a tool to the Shills™, and
Professional-Debunkers™ to ask for a link to prove allegations : boom !!
No more link !!
Cause the descriptors have changed, so they have supposedly created doubt of the once solid proof.

Many criminals make efforts to hide their crimes.
It's confusing to us, and would become a big challenge to any type of potential formal legal action.

But some researchers, attorneys, or smart-curious folks like Dr. David Martin will need great efforts to make a case, and the results are :
Reduced chances of being seen ;
Reduced chances of being caught ;
More and more difficult to get anyone to consider it, let alone the blind stumbling masses.

So my take on their comment was that the action of obfuscating, it makes it extremely difficult to prove.
Criminals hiding their tracks from the unquestioning masses.

Also : the Mandellla-Effect™ reference is interpreted by me as a tad of a metaphor, in that when a fool like me tries to explain the first part to anyone : the the difficulty in finding the proof, and the change of names and definitions, results in the Normies™, Squares™, Shills™, and Professional-Debunkers™ , all agree that it is YOU who is misremembering, and are nothing but a delusional Conspiracy-Theorist™, Flat-Earther™, Anti-Vaxxer™ Miscreant™.

So that's my take on their post, and am sticking with it until this post is posted.
Might be different tomorrow... LoL !!

( Nothin : you put waaaaayyyyyy too much tangential thought into one-liner posts... LoL !!! )

( Enter oddscreenname to tell me to stick to one-liners myself... LoL !! )

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk

originally posted by: Edumakated
Slowly trying to cover up that this is a man made pandemic...

The sad part though is most people aren't paying attention even when it is right in their face. Where are the journalist covering this?

No, the sad, and really shocking part is, sure the covid pandemic is manmade, BUT the 'vaccine' is a colossal mistake, a grave error on mankind. Worse still, 'they' (the PTB) didn't realize it until it was too late. Now, they've possibly damaged the populace's immune system, AND as long as there are 'unvaccinated' (i.e. 'undamaged') persons out there, they pose a serious risk. Therefore....they MUST be 'vaccinated'. There can NOT be large numbers of people in the population who are unvaxxed and can resist. This can NOT be allowed to happen!

Hence the vax push!
Hold the Line.


Make it Make Sense.

Keep on trucking ATS. This is what we are here for!

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: Nothin

That's why I took images from archives and uploaded them here. We can and should stockpile a crumb trail so all their crimes can't be obscured through digital pedantry. I keep reposting and building up for that reason. Users who have further damning evidence feel free to add to what I have shared, and I will continue to put it front and center until mad scientist criminals and their financers have been charged.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 12:00 AM
We need to preserve the history as it was first reported. We all knew this was coming, actually I'm surprised it lasted so long really. There is the WayBack Machine, but how long will that last?

Dead Drop Zero

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: Nothin

Pretty spot on, actually. I give you a star and cookie. Couldn't have said it better myself.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: TzarChasm

There may be a simple answer so forgive the dumb question but how do you prove you took a picture of the site rather than manipulated an image of something that doesn't exist anymore?

You can take all the screenshots you want but if you can't undeniably prove their source, and sometimes in 150 characters or less, what's the point?

I don't see the way back machine being taken down so much as it's accused/proven to be not 100% truthful. Then what?

Can you prove a screen capture even if it show up on a no list site?

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 11:49 AM
I've been saving source material off line and on a cloud server by downing pages. I save on two hard drives and the cloud. It's a pain, but it isn't a screen shot so all the information including the links and page codes are there.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Yes !
Did notice that you had done that, and want to thank you for a solid contribution, to a cause that we seem to have in common now.

If we can help one iota, is separating the science, from the Scientism™ : then every good step helps us all.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: oddscreenname

Awesome !
That's possibly the only thing that have gotten right all year then... LoL !!

Must be us one-liner artists recognize a little something in the other ?
Nah : probably just a lucky guess by crazy ole Nothin... LoL !!

See ya around the boards.
( Psssst : It'll go better for you if you pretend to not know me... LoL !! )

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

Direct link to NIH gain of function summary page

Thanks for posting that and the story does seem to be getting coverage - some relevant comments here from Senator Rand Paul where he describes it as 'clear as mud and just as slimy'.

Also got to love how the NIH deleted the material on a Friday hoping it wouldn't be noticed over the weekend.

originally posted by: Nothin

So by changing the names, descriptions, and definitions of words and expressions : this provides a tool to the Shills™, and
Professional-Debunkers™ to ask for a link to prove allegations : boom !!
No more link !!

Cause the descriptors have changed, so they have supposedly created doubt of the once solid proof.

Ah yes mate well said, it's like trying to have an adult conversation with lying children - absolutely no objectivity or sincerity.


posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: Nothin

well put and i agree

posted on Nov, 1 2021 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: oddscreenname

The true Mandela effect

That's an insulting thing to say to people that have done nothing to you. Why would you do that?

There is no 'true Mandela Effect' or 'untrue Mandela Effect'. There's just Mandela Effect, and people that _SUFFER_ from it.

It's not a choice, it's not a belief, it's not a theory, it's not a conspiracy, it's an unexplainable phenomenon that many people _SUFFER_ from, that would rather go back to never having experienced it in the first place. It's also not a memory thing (I wish it was), but it's frustrating, because those that have not experienced it and thus don't suffer from it, have an easy rationalization so they don't have to think about it and what it tells about reality and the Universe.

BE EXTREMELY GLAD if you have never suffered from Mandela Effect, and HOPE you never will. You will then never understand the LUXURY of being able to laugh about it and insult people this way, but some day you will realize how wrong you were, and you will be shocked.

Until then, just please be a bit less insulting, ok?

posted on Nov, 1 2021 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: karl 12

and changed doctor, to healthcare professional..
and unarmed civillians to collateral damage.
the doctors use a diagnostic checklist anyways.
maybe we will get migrants
just getting paid makes you professional.
they will get handheld computers using artificial intelligence
just so long they worked all the bugs out, we will be fine.
and no 12 year olds hack your medical records

posted on Nov, 1 2021 @ 04:45 PM
Citizen: "Can I add a part to my gun to make it a machine gun?"
Government: "Heavens no! You could injure a lot of people that way."
Citizen: "Can you please not try to make deadly viruses more deadly?"
Government: "No promises."

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

I can't tell if you're being serious or not. People misremember the same things because of brain shorthanding. Or the "books" are burned and the majority agrees they never existed because no "sources" remain.

Not really sure how that comment would leave someone mentally devastated but if it's that bad, a conspiracy website may not be the best place for you. I am concerned that you can't hold it together and I personally don't want to see any mentally unstable person harm themselves because of being unable to function in a field of ideas. Do you need help need help logging out?

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: Edumakated

Im reminded of the Anthrax attack on the US Postal service, how nobody remembers or talks about how that was never solved either.

Ive believed from the beginning that they lied about the source. In HIV also. Man has been eating ‘bush meat’ and basically anything we could catch since man began.

Its very frustrating to know we will never know the truth.

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: BrujaRebooted

Im reminded of the Anthrax attack on the US Postal service, how nobody remembers or talks about how that was never solved either.

Some relevant info here about that BrujaRebooted - also some new revelations about Fauci below.

Joining us today to talk about his new bestselling book, The Real Anthony Fauci, is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Show links

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Thanks for that link on the anthrax attack. The center of that farce investigation was none other than Mueller.

My theory was that since Bush the Elder had provided Saddam with anthrax to use on Iraq, before our puppet went rogue, this is why it matched Ames. Bush Jr. knew Saddam hit us with our own stuff, and thus we HAD to go to Iraq, but he couldnt tell us he was cleaning up after his father.

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