posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 01:53 PM
originally posted by: EA006
a reply to: Nathan-D
Im a little surprised that this is the only post that speaks to "sacred geometry" in this thread, including the OP. Though, arguably, talking about
the Kabbalah goes in that direction too.
The "of life" shape constructions are certainly quite interesting (seed of life, tree of life, flower of life, fruit of life, etc. In that order, of
), along with "metatrons cube."
Its pretty easy to fall into the thinking of distinct lines between "good" and "evil" too, as our entire history has shown. I would argue its
significantly more nuanced than that and simply because something is "physical" or "material" it isnt automatically rendered "bad" or "evil" any more
than something is "good" simply because it is "spiritual."
When it comes down to it, we are talking about one of the most basic shapes in existence after all. Then again, I define "good" in a way that differs
from typical perspectives, wherein it is "that which partakes or provides beneficial, symbiotic growth between connected systems."
When we view it that way, nuance is introduced in the form of the idea of transcending entropy.
As information hits human perception, it goes through a transformation process from the void (or chaos, or simply the unknown) to a field of
possibilities to a field of probabilities to distinct constructs and then slowly dissolves away again. Thats simplified, obviously, but it is a
process where the human mind and behavior takes direct part in participation in a way that introduces choice.. as well as the ability to transform the
phase of ebb and flow inherent to the material world.