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Technology save Nazi Germany?

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posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 10:54 AM
Who knows what the outcome of the war would've been if Germany had conquered England from the beginning.
Starting a war with the russians, Big mistake!
Yep, Hitler was a good politician but a bad strategist.
If he would have left the military aspect of the war to more capable people, wel who knows....
A major factor that helped to decide the war in favor of the allies was the air dominance they had.
Thanks to a major aircraft carrier called Great Brittain.
Germany had build or was in the process of building 100 launch sites near the Englisch channel to blast the hell out of London.
Thanks to the air superiority all of these launch sites were destroyed.
Yep, Germany definitally had a tech edge but it wasnt enough to win the war.
In 1936 they had the most advanced research centre in the world named: Peenem�nde with more then 12000 people working for Von Braun.
The Jets, the XXI submarine, the rockets, guided bombs,...
All of them were to late introduced during the war to make a difference.

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by jetsetter
They may have IF they have enough resorces, which they did not, the production capacity, which they did not, also they may have won if they did not have some crazy man like Hitler running things.

Jetsetter is absolutely right. The Nazis didn't find a balance between technological superiority, and production capability. They lost because the Allies adopted machines of beautiful simplicity, like the British Mosquito, and the Russian T-34. Ingenuity on the production lines, like the use of of any recoverable parts of shot down Spitfires by the British to make new planes, helped win the war too.

German tanks and planes were just too complex for mass production. They had too many different types of machine and calibers of gun. The Allies relied on weight of numbers, and simple, affordable machines, and it paid off.

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 01:18 PM
Because good is dumb....

"Dark Helmet"-Spaceballs....

Seriously though, had some of his scientists NOT lied to Hitler, about how soon they could ready an atomic bomb...part of the US would have been nuked, and we'd all be speaking German right now.... Of that, I have no doubt. Thankfully, we got to those scientists before Hitler was aware of the ruse...

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 05:11 PM

German tanks and planes were just too complex for mass production. They had too many different types of machine and calibers of gun. The Allies relied on weight of numbers, and simple, affordable machines, and it paid off.

It continues to this day. Look at the expense of repairing a BMW compared to ANY American or most Japanese cars

German engineering is probably some of the best in the world but sometimes you need to give up a little high tech for overall reliability and repairability.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 09:34 PM
Hitler supported the free energy scientists like Willy Ley
and von Braun and passed them on to America as the
oil companies backed the US in a war to save their lively hood.
In a way the US is under internazi control.
Yeah, Tesla technology saved Nazi Germany by bringing both to America.
Both are hiding behind UFO and ET and Space Control and alternate
energy suppression propaganda.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Pyros

I have to agree.... it was strategy that did the Nazi's in. While grasping how to use technology early in the war, they failed to do that after 1940. Things would have turned out much different if:

Hitler had taken care of England.

Taken over Egypt, Malta and Gibraltar.

Drove through the Caucasus Mountains to the Middle East.

Mass produced some of the more noteworthy weapons ie ME262, Panthers.

Thankfully, Hitler, after his early wins, made HUGE strategic blunders.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by maynardsthirdeye

But as I mentioned earlier, if the war had
lasted into 1946 they could have had their underground factories and synthetic fuel plants running.

And they would have been bombed and rendered useless, just like the U-boat pens were

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by shadow1

In 1936 they had the most advanced research centre in the world named: Peenem�nde with more then 12000 people working for Von Braun.

Wrong, the Army Research Center Peenemünde (German: Heeresversuchsanstalt Peenemünde,‡ HVP) was founded in 1937

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by shadow1

In 1936 they had the most advanced research centre in the world named: Peenem�nde with more then 12000 people working for Von Braun.

Wrong, the Army Research Center Peenemünde (German: Heeresversuchsanstalt Peenemünde,‡ HVP) was founded in 1937

Imagine if the center was the source of the ghost rockets that were
launched in that part of the world.
I consider them the triangle craft of today yet they were most likely
saucers of some type.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 12:23 AM
Even if Germany had kept using the ME-262 as an interceptor, built the Komet in any numbers, finished developing the SAM and Air To Air missiles, it would have at best stretched things a couple more years. By the end of 1943, Nazi Germany was losing it`s most important asset in large numbers. Veterans. By 1944 they were putting less experienced pilots on the front lines to stop the Allies. One HUGE advantage the Allies had was that after a certain time, their pilots and soldiers went home, where they could teach others. German pilots had to fight the entire war and eventually the odds caught up to them. Same with their soldiers.


posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 12:33 AM
Also...if you look at most of the posts, you'll find they are from 2003!

So, they had all this cool tech and all the public ever got was this!

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by XL5
Also...if you look at most of the posts, you'll find they are from 2003!

So, they had all this cool tech and all the public ever got was this!

I have a theory: the VW Bug became the Foo.
Now Foos rule the UFO world.
Hitler supported the gas free technology of Tesla and his main
project was the free energy fliers.
The incompetent developers only managed the Foo in 1943 to
expose Tesla and have him killed.

Well according to Bill Lyne there was a saucer large enough
to land atop a building and rescue Eva and Hitler.
So who knows what form German Nazi technology took on.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by XL5

Also...if you look at most of the posts, you'll find they are from 2003! So, they had all this cool tech and all the public ever got was this!

DISINFO: the VW beetle design was copied from tatra, do search on google.

on topic: if germany won, with hitler in charge, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

[edit on 12.10.09 by toreishi]


posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 04:54 PM
Stolen or not, the VW beatle wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for hitlers pressure. However, looking at patents and making something similar has been going on forever, but only after the cars were made.

Cars through the ages looked similar for a given period. You never saw the current styling of cars today anywhere else in history. Now, alot of cars are starting to look the same in shape as imagination is too risky (for some reason).

(edited for link)

[edit on 10-12-2009 by XL5]

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by XL5

The VW Bug was sort of air tight.
You slam the door shut and it bounced out of your had.

So any of these VW Bug like cars airtight.
Also the Foo appeared over the China see.
Any cars in Japan like the VW Bug during the 40s?

With an airtight airframe for aircraft mobility and air cooled
engine and a pressure wave generator (anti gravity) hookup
a perfect openly advanced vehicle might have been possible
in the 40s and taking out the generator look like a regular car.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by XL5
Also...if you look at most of the posts, you'll find they are from 2003!

So, they had all this cool tech and all the public ever got was this!

And all that Truman and all the presidents after Truman and
perhaps into the future do is hide the technology Hitler had developed.

The VW Bug is not the technology developed by Hitler.
As far as we know the Illuminati paid Hitler to develop a free energy
new world order based on Tesla technologies and now the same
Illuminati hides the technology.

I think the Illuminati (13 families or more) could hide anything like
UFOs and Hitler if need be.

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