posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to:
Based on your name and interests I have a couple suggestions.
The Tao Te Ching, my preferred translation is from
LaFargue, is worthwhile for anybody
seeking answers to questions about enlightenment. If you find yourself reading and are looking to discuss the ideas feel free to reach out via private
message. I've been studying it for quite some time and have written a fair bit about it over the years.
Another book that had significant impacts on me, one that also provides a backdrop of other topics to dig into, is
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. It's fiction, but presents very real concepts that are
forgotten, as lost to us as is our metaphorical innocence after eating that first apple.
I'm very interested in what I would call liminal spaces in our consciousness. I'd consider them the places we pass through, but do not remain.
Somewhere between hairy upright ape and early "human" some hairy ape grew aware of itself in a unique way and eventually all humans as we know them
would undergo that change. I wonder what that space, or process, looked like and what was the catalyst for it. Was it strictly a function of improved
brain capacity or were there sociological factors that also contributed? I'm also very curious how domestication of animals first started and how that
interaction shaped our development, with a bit of chicken and egg mystery tied in it. Did we begin domesticating consciously, post-consciousness, or
had we cohabitated in such a way naturally that we started the process inadvertently. Ownership and mastery became concepts, but how? How did we first
usurp "order" as individuals and then, willing or not, as a species?
If we understand how we got here then maybe we can understand how to get past here. What is our next step? It's incredibly complicated. Even with
millions of historical records it's difficult to understand how a person in 1950 thought. It becomes exponentially harder as we go back 100 or 500
years and beyond today millennia. How did hairy ape think and what caused him or her to start thinking differently?
Happy hunting. Remain relentlessly inquisitive and eventually you'll be making your own rabbit holes.