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What is gang stalking and targeted individuals?

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posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 09:01 AM
The phenomena of “Gang Stalking” is a type of conscious sync

As you become aware of the world, the world becomes aware of you

It is usually repressed fear, pain (and anger/rage) surfacing

It happens in psychological catharsis

People start looking for answers to things that don't make sense in the world and the world starts drawing out things within the person that don't make sense

“When you are at odds with the world, the world seems odd”

Think of it like walking through a crowd of people

If you walk with the crowd in the same direction, you move fairly seamlessly, without running into people or bumping them

But if you walk against the crowd, you will constantly be running into people and bumping them

The world works the same way

If you start thinking outside of the mainstream, especially if you are vocal about it, you will notice that you start bumping into those walking in the mainstream. Hence “mainstream”

It is not imagined. It is happening. But, the world isn't out to get you like you think. It is just a process of you re-syncing against convention

The problem most people experience is that they don't understand this, and so they believe the establishment is consciously against them, instead of the truth of it being unwittingly against them

But it can also self-perpetuate. If you paranoid, you find reason to be. Real reason, not imagined. If you expect to have (more) problems with the Government, you probably will

The conscious entity that seems to be attacking you, is usually yourself (though it can be pervaded)

If you understand this, you can manage it

Recognise it and you'll see I am correct

Example: The person raging at you while you're driving isn't part of a group against you, they are just someone who has had a bad day, crossing your path

Why do they cross your path? Because you are the “black cat” or “black sheep” moving against convention

To them, they have run into you and sense you are part of whatever problems they are experiencing. It is very likely they get angrier at you than they normally would, without even knowing why

To you, you run into them and sense they are a part of the problem you are experiencing

The difference is that you are aware of it, where they are very likely not

It is simple polarisation

Recognise this and appreciate it, as I said, and you will find that you understand things as they are happening to you. So you can manage them, or at least reason them to whatever it is you are struggling upstream against

The best advice I can give you with phenomenon like this, is try not to resist things you don't have to, while you are struggling to make sense of the things that don't make sense in this world

I am not saying submit. Just choose your battles. Don't fight the unnecessary battles, just to oppose establishment, because swimming directly against the steam is guaranteed to hurt you more than is necessary

Instead of swimming against the current to get to shore, try swimming sideways while it carries you. This way you'll make it where you want to go without drowning or exhausting yourself

Accept what you must, so you can exist to fight the good fight against that which you just can't accept. The things that shouldn't be accepted


While Atlas carries the world on his back, it is hard for him to live in it

Don't carry a bigger load than you are able to bare
edit on 24 10 21 by Compendium because: Corrections

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: Compendium

Cause and effect

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 09:38 AM
I'd bet that almost all of us have some diagnosable mental illness. Most have adapted to deal with their problems, some have deeper issues, and some just can't cope with the cards they are dealt. But the gang stalking thing seems too amazing to be true. schizophrenia seems to be the most likely reason for the belief that others are stalking you. There are temporary treatments, but they rely on the patient recognizing the problem, and actively searching for a solution.

I hope that all who suffer from this, take the time to speak with a professional about it. The stress of living with something like this must be unbearable. Our mental health system in the US is very badly broken. So many of today's issues could be helped by fixing this one aspect of our health care.
edit on 24-10-2021 by network dude because: Beto, what a stupid name.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: Compendium

One of the few things I picked up in religion class was this:

"Prophets mostly have been swimming against the (main)stream for eternity"

That does not say everyone going against mainstream is a prophet of what is to happen sooner or later. Similar to that every car is a vehicle, but not every vehicle is a car.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:20 AM
I'm diagnosed Schizoaffective.

I'm personally convinced it's a form of telepathy and psychic attack.

I experienced Gangstalking when I moved to my current locale twenty years ago.

It lasted for seven years while I was working some latent personal issues out.

I wasn't paranoid, but it was overwhelming and I tried to make the best of it through humor, deflection and conversation.

I rarely experience it now, other than synchronicity, but it's not as hostile as before.

It still surfaces on occassion over misunderstandings, but is quickly resolved through open psychic communication.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: network dude
I'd bet that almost all of us have some diagnosable mental illness. Most have adapted to deal with their problems, some have deeper issues, and some just can't cope with the cards they are dealt. But the gang stalking thing seems too amazing to be true. schizophrenia seems to be the most likely reason for the belief that others are stalking you. There are temporary treatments, but they rely on the patient recognizing the problem, and actively searching for a solution.

I hope that all who suffer from this, take the time to speak with a professional about it. The stress of living with something like this must be unbearable. Our mental health system in the US is very badly broken. So many of today's issues could be helped by fixing this one aspect of our health care.

I always wondered if the targeted individual stories (satellite targeting peoples and being shot at with exotic EM ray weapons) is some kind of mind virus that psychotic or shizophrenic prone individuals are susceptible to much more than people that are not prone to it.

Because I know someone that thinks this is happening, I try to approach the topic with the question "why would any state or organisation have interest in you" and the answer, across the board online and from her, is always some kind of spiritual war being fought.

Now, I am not dismissing the possibility completely but yet have not found any convincing evidence for it and what the goal would be for alleged the secret party involved.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

I've also experienced the DEW (Directed Energy Weapons).

They're incredibly painful.

I first was attacked shortly after my initial diagnosis and I felt as if it was because I was an undesirable or being tested to see how I would react. Would I run around raving like a lunatic and go into a paranoid state or would I simply dissociate or deal with the pain and submit to it nonviolently without trying to blame any agency or source.

It may have been because they viewed me as an undesirable.

I have no idea.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

I try not to be like that person that completely dismisses you experience or says you have psychological issues. I know though that psychosomatic relationships are a thing.

Have you heard of

Some people are very sensitive, especially the ones strong with empathy. It's natural for us that we look for explanations, there is no judgement from my side about your viewpoints.

However I can tell from own experience that soul and mind related issues really can unravel lot's of things in the physical body. All cards on the table from my side, I suffered from stress related stomach issues after revisiting some trauma but I got a handle on it quickly with therapy to understand the connections.

This alone helped tremendously. Again, not saying you are crazy, just trying to point out that things like Fibromyalgia exist. You writing about disasociating is a sign of deep trauma. And here I stop because it's not my right to talk you into anything.

All the best.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 11:30 AM
I believe those who believe they are victims of this suffer some type of schizophrenia. A sad reality many suffer from. I have known some...and even with help, still suffered.
edit on 2021 by shaemac because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
I'm diagnosed Schizoaffective.

I'm personally convinced it's a form of telepathy and psychic attack.

I experienced Gangstalking when I moved to my current locale twenty years ago.

It lasted for seven years while I was working some latent personal issues out.

I wasn't paranoid, but it was overwhelming and I tried to make the best of it through humor, deflection and conversation.

I rarely experience it now, other than synchronicity, but it's not as hostile as before.

It still surfaces on occassion over misunderstandings, but is quickly resolved through open psychic communication.

"It is usually repressed fear, pain (and anger/rage) surfacing

It happens in psychological catharsis"

I'm glad you worked through it, and it (mostly) cleared up

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: Compendium

Thank you.

I think I'm back on the right path again.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

The dissociation was from psychic abuse and the energy weapons.

One time I felt like I was being flayed alive by demons and I dissociated by making my conciousness the size of a single atom and entered into the quantum world where I couldn't feel the pain anymore.

It's been twenty years of horrible events, but it seems to ease with proper medications and constant tending to my psychological state and staying away from stressful environments.

Thank you for your concern.

I read the link you provided, but I do not think it is relevant to my case.

Thank you for your kindness and concern nonetheless.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 11:57 AM
They aren't directed energy weapons, through I personally understand why people think it feels like it

Your physical frequencies that are normally in harmony with the frequencies of the Earth around you, go out of alignment

This disharmony can manifest in all sorts of strange ways

When it happened to me, if I went near a radio, it would go static

I had a RF frequency detector (bug detector) that we were playing with in my room. It would go crazy whenever you put it against a mobile phone

If my friends touched it or put it against their head, it did nothing

If I touched it, it went off. If it put it against my head, it went nuts

I was also putting out 1.5v to a multimeter. When most people don't even put out half a volt

Again, this is simple polarisation

Like a frequency which hurts your ears

The world no longer makes sense to your mind, so the frequency of that world is no longer harmonious

You retune yourself to an alternate frequency and way of thinking

And that f@$king hurts

At least until you adapt to it, over time

Polarisation in catharsis is supposed to force you to purge repressed emotion and pain

If you do this, you essentially set yourself free from what is happening
edit on 24 10 21 by Compendium because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Compendium

I was also putting out 1.5v to a multimeter. When most people don't even put out half a volt

After reading this claim, I checked my trusted, yearly calibrated multimeters and the little pickup it had from the wires were complete shorted out when I touched it.

I really can't see how you could measure any "voltage output" with a multimeter. Can you explain to me how you measured your voltage? Because it reads like made up.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 03:13 PM
Insulate your body, like wearing rubber shoes. Earth the black wire. Hold the red wire

You may/might find this interesting too

I've tried a earthing bed underlay and there is definitely something to it

The coach of the NSW Rugby League (State level, equivalent to USA All Stars) swears by it, and makes his players "Earth"

It's a a documentary worth watching, for anyone who has experienced any type of electrosensativity, or EM interference in their life

A friend of mine swears by this. She had massive problems with swelling, while going through cancer treatment

An Earthing underlay in her bed, got rid of the swelling

edit on 24 10 21 by Compendium because: Added doco

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 07:05 PM
What is actually happening is very real. No-one would want to delude themselves in that way. Why? Just to feel special? Drugs such as Ice, Charles, and even daily use of MJ can stimulate paranoia even more so if there is a basic risk involved in the lifestyle of use, i.e. fear of robbery, torture or murder by other predators or fear of arrest and imprisonment. Naturally that fear will act as a foundation for the drug’s particular scope of effect on the imagination.

To evaluate the condition of those who testify as to experiencing an external attack of some kind upon themselves - gang stalking, or psychic attack or sudden sensitivity to E.M fields one has to determine the “normal condition” i.e. what defines the psychology of a human being who does not suffer these “attacks” ? Is it possible to stimulate such experiences in a “normally” well adjusted person? I do believe it is quite possible to do so, and by providing such documented evidence, any sceptic would be forced to admit that they were not properly informed in making their conclusions.

“But”, they would argue, “who would go to such trouble to target such a low profile individual? He or she is a person of no account and so, in their state of loneliness and isolation have projected an invisible enemy (or one that is very good at hiding) who is persecuting them and therefore conferred a special interest status upon them.”

This situation though, is always the case in any conspirational issue. One cannot easily identify the true perpetrator due to plausible deniability. What is implausible in this example is the existence of a dimension of psychic agencies which exist outside of the realm of the human mind.

It is accepted that there exists parasites which can invade the physical body because they can be separated and identified. It can even be accepted that there are some physical parasites such as Toxoplasma Gondi which can sometimes stimulate schizophrenia in an infected person.

But what I am alluding to is that psychology is still a very young science and has an understanding of mental illness which does not transcend the physical realm.

I don’t believe that there can be a proper understanding of this subject without taking into account a more ancient definition of the structure of the human being which extends back thousands of years, not just as far as Freud. It concerns the precept of the existence of seven bodies or in ancient Egypt, seven souls.

Sometimes one of the higher energy bodies can become injured for some reason (these days by not being properly informed about the possible psychic side effects of using powerful drugs . There are higher bodies than the physical which are each contained by a type of energy sheath which protects it from external antagonists. Any kind of trauma can injure such a sheath as the trauma occurs under a high energy impact. The injury to this sheath can allow the entry of psychic parasites into the individual which have a particular influence over said individual. I think this might be called in spiritualism - obsession.

Obsession could definitely be described as invasion, manipulation and also possess the power to affect the outside environment of the individual.

Actually I believe that the hidden human hands that are forming the great reset for the world are victims of obsession by alien agencies. When I say alien I mean non-human. These aliens wish to hack the human form. Why? To illegitimately access the energies which exist in the higher bodies.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: Compendium
So what your OP is about is not gang stalking or targeted individuals but people with Paranoia? There have been numerable cases of gang stalking with video evidence to prove it, but what you are alluding to is all these people have paranoia.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: Compendium
So what your OP is about is not gang stalking or targeted individuals but people with Paranoia? There have been numerable cases of gang stalking with video evidence to prove it, but what you are alluding to is all these people have paranoia.

I don't think that gang stalking is so prevalent in big cities, but rather in smaller country communities where the perpetrators all belong to either a church group or local freemasonry clique. To begin with, the target (usually new to the area) doesn't even realise he is being tailed as most drivers do not drive and repeatedly look in their rear view mirrors. Once you start to do that you see coincidence becoming conspiracy.

The strange thing is occult experiences seem to be par for the course alongside the stalking. There is some relationship. I believe that neighbours and locals that do this are members of local covens as well as presumed church-goers and local freemasonry members and even local cops.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: HilterDayon

I second your theory.

I never experienced Gang Stalking until I moved to this small town.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: HilterDayon

I second your theory.

I never experienced Gang Stalking until I moved to this small town.

When you get the chance to see the local councillor who denied your permit application, the post office manager who has been opening your mail, the mechanic who has ruined the engine of your car, the neighbour who shot your dog, The solicitor who would not properly defend you against the neighbour who shot your dog, the cop who has bugged your car, the real estate agent who has not made any effort to sell your home for a good price so you can the hell out of there all dancing naked in the light of the new moon, drunkenly dancing around a ceremonial fire and having drunken sex with each other, their awful misshapen bodies reflected in the flickering light - all taking place in a hidden location in the bush.....then you know the true value of paranoia.

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