a reply to:
Truth can't be analyzed in the way you are suggesting
There is one truth. You exist
Everything beyond this, is open for debate
People mistake "understanding" with truth
You cannot define your own existence outside a relation to self, therefore it can't be said to be "truth". It is only ever, at best, relation to
It can't even be said to be a relative truth, because the nature of the one defined truth, is that it can only be subjectively considered. It is not,
and cannot ever be considered related to truth
I'll simplify it:
I know I exist. This is the only truth
You know you exist. This to you, is the only truth
The primary truth
But, I cannot know for any certainty, that you actually exist, as I cannot know you as I know myself. At least not as anything more than a reflection
of my own, as truth, which is the only thing I can know as truth
Likewise, if I am to consider you to be real, and true in your own sense of such, then you as yourself, cannot know for any certainty that I, or
anyone else exists
Your truth, if such a thing exists, is, and can only be, yourself
Regardless, to both ends, you need consider and respect others, as if they to themselves are truth, as you are to your self
Whether or not they are real, is irrelevant
If they are, you need respect them as such
If they are not, they are still a reflection of the primary truth in self, in which case, once again, they need be respected, regarded and considered
in such a way as you would regard self
As it is yourself you are regarding
The only time I have tried, intentionally, to connect with someone, it was with a female Christian friend of mine
I told her exactly what I had/have been experiencing and very specifically asked her permission to try sync with her in such a way
I made a point of specifying, that I would be trying to see and experience the worst things that ever happened to her
I did this to make it clear exactly how "intimate" the connection was/would be. That I would intentionally be looking for the darkest types of pains,
she was likely not to share with many people, if any
My intention in doing this, was to see if I could somehow address any such pain I did find within her
I wasn't exactly sure at the time "how" I could take away, or lessen such pains. But something told me I could
I had literally mapped out a process of how the conscious and unconscious minds connected in cycles, trying to understand what was happening with me
"experiencing" others as if they are my self
I worked out a pattern by which an active conscious should be able to sync within another's unconscious mind, in a similar way to how light fills
A symmetrical pattern that aligns to both our number systems and how matter is formed
I tested this to various degrees, randomly in public, and it works
I could "fill the conscious slack" around strangers in public, to elicit reaction
Fill the negative around someone with your conscious attention towards them, then actively focus your conscious attention away from them, whilst still
paying attention peripherally to how they react
Almost every time, it would draw their attention and focus to me
Sometimes a little too well
I think how well they react can be broken down to specifics like the persons exact age and alignment (birthday etc)
So I know the the model of visualisation works
Really well
Sometimes it works so well, that I find myself doing it unintentionally
I think about how I was cheated out of something special from a store, and the manager then tells me about how they were supposed to offer "double" of
that special at the time, but he wasn't aware
It is as if he is apologising, for something "unfulfilled", that he is saying (without realising he is doing it) he would have fulfilled, if he could
It comes across very deliberately and perfectly, as if he is very literally, telling me he wishes he could have helped
It goes even further than this though
Because he is talking about something he doesn't even know as fact. Something "he heard"
Which means, he is going out of his conscious mind to deal in the realm of unknowns, or possibly even lies, to accommodate a conscious connection of
One that I didn't even mean to make
He ends up standing there uncomfortably trying to justify something he is saying, that he is unsure of, that he seems to regret bringing up while he
is talking. Like he doesn't know why he mentioned it
Which then makes me feel instantly bad for him, recognising what I triggered, unintentionally
I end up telling him what I was thinking about prior, and assuring him that I am happy, as if to close off the unintentional connection and put his
mind at ease
So the connection definitely works
I understand how it works. I just don't understand how to actively sync to view, feel, think and sense through another by choice, so that I am them,
in their body
This only ever seems to happen unintentionally. I can't choose it
So I asked my friend if I could try on her, with the intention of seeking out her darkest pains and hopefully help her somehow
Though I did not tell her I planned to try help. I made a point of not telling her my intentions whatsoever. So if she gave me permission, I knew it
would be because she trusts me
She gave me permission
But I couldn't connect with her
It was strange. Because not only couldn't I connect to her. I couldn't even sense her
It was like there was nobody there. Or she didn't actually exist
Normally, I think about people, I can sense them there
With her in this situation, I literally felt nothing
Though I could sense her at other times
I'm not sure what this means exactly, but I think it is because I'm trying to tap into something much bigger
There is a much deeper connection being afforded, in a longer sense, across time, relating to her, that I am yet to see
I don't think it is because she isn't there, or I can't connect
But because the mechanisms of how I'm coming to understand all these is temporarily "blocking" me
"The phone line is engaged", so to speak
I think the fact I could not feel her at all, means I will likely come to have the ability to sync with her as clearly as if I were her