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p4 - Introduction
p9 - Chapter 1 - Pseudopandemic
p22 - Chapter 2 - Global Public Private Partnerships
p37 - Chapter 3 - Who Cares About The Risk
p45 - Chapter 4 - Keeping Us Safe
p58 - Chapter 5 - A Testing Time
p74 - Chapter 6 - Pseudopandemic Lockdowns
p93 - Chapter 7 - Covid Catch 22
p104 - Chapter 8 - Unthinkable Happens
p121 - Chapter 9 - The Pseudopandemic Opportunity Realised
p136 - Chapter 10 - The Official Story
p151 - Chapter 11 - Hybrid War
p167 - Chapter 12 - Lockdown Mortality
p184 - Chapter 13 - Core Beliefs
p197 - Chapter 14 - Population Control Eugenics *
p211 - Chapter 15 - Sustainable Eugenics
p225 - Chapter 16 - Technocracy Rising
p236 - Chapter 17 - Constructing The Technate
p250 - Chapter 18 - Pseudopandemic Motive
p266 - Chapter 19 - Faith In The Eco-Dictatorship
p285 - Chapter 20 - Behaviour Change
p300 - Chapter 21 - Pseudopandemic Vaccines
p315 - Chapter 22 - Making An Extremist
p327 - Chapter 23 - The Biosecurity State
p340 - Chapter 24 - Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance
p358 - Chapter 25 - Money For Nothing
p367 - Chapter 26 - Private Wealth Transfer
p378 - Chapter 27 - Pseudopandemic Trigger Event
p388 - Chapter 28 - We Can Reset The World
We are living through a global transformation. Our society, culture, economy and even our humanity is undergoing a process of change at the behest of our leaders. This book attempts to explain who those leaders are, what the transition is propelling us towards and why our leaders are taking us there.
The policy response to the COVID 19 crisis has been opposed by a large minority but supported by the overwhelming majority. Among those who question what we are told about COVID 19 are a contingent who wish to exercise their inalienable rights and freedoms. Often described as anti-lockdown, anti-science, anti-vaxxers or conspiracy theorists, on the whole, they are not opposed to anything other than dictatorship and slavery. Rather they are pro-freedom, pro-science (pro-medical science) and pro-truth.
The people who have been marginalised, censored, berated by many, and physically attacked by the authorities, are the people who most vociferously advocate the freedoms our democratic societies are supposedly based upon. The freedoms which generations before us struggled, fought and died to protect. While government frequently exult us to honour this sacrifice it seems it is currently inconvenient for them to do so.
Those who appear to unquestioningly support the policy response to the COVID 19 pandemic claim that these freedoms and rights don't matter when we are faced with a global emergency. It is difficult to understand this argument.
In what way are freedom of speech, expression and thought dangerous? Dangerous to whom? How do they inhibit our ability to respond to a genuine emergency?
Governments around the world are determined that we will embrace the idea of human rights. They claim that everything they do is based upon these rights and their determination to keep us safe.
Human rights are permissions written down on pieces of paper by other human beings. A system of global human rights is a system of government issued permits which defines what we are or are not allowed to do.
As human rights are just words written on pieces of paper they can be changed, reinterpreted and ignored. They are neither immutable nor inalienable. This is why governments are so eager for us to place our faith in human rights. It enables them to tell us what is permitted.
Governments are pathologically allergic to the concept of inalienable rights. They are mentioned just once in the preamble to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human rights and are omitted entirely from the Declaration itself.
Article 2 states:
"Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration."
In other words, no one is entitled to any rights that are not stipulated in the Declaration. Unlike inalienable rights, which every human being is born with and no human being can legitimately deny, human rights are a political construct.
The Declaration then goes on to describe our rights to life, liberty, health, education and various freedoms. Who could disagree with these noble principles? The Universal Declaration of Human Rights employs a form of propaganda called Card Stacking. By presenting a lengthy list of righteous humanitarian goals, to which no reasonable person could object, it hides the insidious and unacceptable reality. Unless we are observant we are easily fooled by Card Stacking. The devil is always in the detail.
In this conversation Davis lays out the copious documentation demonstrating how the pseudopandemic was generated, identifies the larger agenda behind the push toward implementing the technocratic biosecurity state and talks about what we can do to stop this nightmare from becoming a reality
The time to educate people is over. Now is the time to start preparing and resisting, decoupling from society as best you can. There is no covert war happening here, it's open and they've conscripted your fellow citizens to help them. People in positions of power are actively calling for denial of medical services and removal of the unvaccinated from society. The sitting POTUS has indicated he is making an effort to forcibly vaccinate every American with an experimental drug that isn't approved for general use. Parents are labeled terrorists for wanting influence over their children's education and, very soon, will be called child abusers for not masking and vaccinating. It's already happening. The truth and facts are irrelevant to the people pushing this narrative and their devoted followers.
originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: karl 12
Yes, Karl thanks for including the Corbett Report link, indeed that's the source from which I became aware of Iain Davis' work on the subject.
Corbett as ever is a living legend whose work is invaluable in these challenging times...
originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment
I look forward to checking it out.
I have bad news though, nobody cares. The information can be put in front of people, but they don't care.
They get their emotional jollies and congratulatory asspats from the news, corporate interests, and their fake friends on socials. The truth is irrelevant to their wants and needs. The emphasis our society once put on being factually correct has been superceded by being politically correct and feelz. Others recognize that COVID is overblown, but don't see the harm in locking up innocent people or forcing them to take experimental injections. All in all we're screwed.
The people on here that say that want sources and data are mostly completely full of crap when it comes to COVID. They want you to be using unsourced data that you heard somewhere else, because that makes it easy for them and they can parrot the TV. Some very high profile accounts will hound you for sources and disappear when you provide them. The throwaways bring a stream of tangents and off-topic haranguing that eliminates any thoughtful discussion. The goal posts have been on a treadmill since the start and there was almost no pushback from the COVID fiends here as lie after lie has been discovered coming from "officials".
The time to educate people is over. Now is the time to start preparing and resisting, decoupling from society as best you can. There is no covert war happening here, it's open and they've conscripted your fellow citizens to help them. People in positions of power are actively calling for denial of medical services and removal of the unvaccinated from society. The sitting POTUS has indicated he is making an effort to forcibly vaccinate every American with an experimental drug that isn't approved for general use. Parents are labeled terrorists for wanting influence over their children's education and, very soon, will be called child abusers for not masking and vaccinating. It's already happening. The truth and facts are irrelevant to the people pushing this narrative and their devoted followers.