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Canada Has Nearly 1k Cases of Myocarditis, FDA delays decision on Moderna's COVID-19 For Kids.

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posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
When the average kid has a miniscule chance of ending up in the hospital (barring a secondary health issue) almost every side effect has a greater risk of damaging the kid than the virus, WHY would anyone take that risk with their kids with the information that is out there right now?

Age 10-19 (Australian Figures) Covid survival rates 99.99996%
With 1 or more co-morbidities female- 99.9639% male 99.9603%

So the risk of a child dying from COVID is damn all. Transmission of the virus is not stopped by the vaccine- if anything it is increased by it.
The serious adverse reactions and deaths from the vaccine are undeniable- in all age groups, so why persist with vaccinating children and adolescents. Even if there were no adverse reactions at all, the actual risk of harm from COVID is so miniscule in this group that there is no rational reason for recommending immunisation.

There i literally no valid reason for doing so not even the remote risk posed by co-morbidity. This, more than anything else demonstrates the total loss of rational thinking in our society.

posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: MaplePatriot

I always love this trash logic. These numbers are astronomical when you want them to be, and miniscule when you want them to be. Make up your mind? This is why no one takes you seriously. 25k died out of tens of of millions just 8n thebunited states? But that same ratio is too small to be taken seriously when you talk about the impact of the virus itself (though its actually worse, just pandering to your craziness).

posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
when the average kid has a miniscule chance of ending up in the hospital (barring a secondary health issue) almost every side effect has a greater risk of damaging the kid than the virus, WHY would anyone take that risk with their kids with the information that is out there right now?

Don't be talking common sense, the government will put you on some kind of list and take away your rights along with labeling you as a Terrorist.

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 07:11 AM

originally posted by: Fryguy
a reply to: MaplePatriot

I always love this trash logic. These numbers are astronomical when you want them to be, and miniscule when you want them to be. Make up your mind? This is why no one takes you seriously. 25k died out of tens of of millions just 8n thebunited states? But that same ratio is too small to be taken seriously when you talk about the impact of the virus itself (though its actually worse, just pandering to your craziness).

In 1971/72, they immunized 25 million americans for swine flu, 24 of them died and a further 500 developed a neurological disorder. The vaccine was pulled from being administered. Those numbers are also 'at minimum' since the vaers system is not used consistently and has been shown to only amount to between 1-10% of actual vaccine reports. The fact there has been a 2400% increase in vaccine related deaths this year, which combined is more than all vaccine related deaths for all vaccines for the last 30 years is alarming. And it should be, considering the vaccine doesn't even work as advertised. The yellowcard system in the EU is even worse.

"Take this vaccine! It will stop covid!" turns out it doesnt, now you need a booster every 6 months and risk one of the myriad of side effects every time you take the next booster and can still die from covid. There is zero long term safety data at all, and there's already been massive increases in miscarriages as well. The only reason these are still being forced down peoples throats is because our governments are actively suppressing cheap effective treatments that could have ended this pandemic a year ago. All for a virus that the overwhelming majority of people aren't going to die from and could easily be treated at home with early intervention treatments.

But there's no money to be made in that. Gotta pay Pfizer billions of dollars to cover their criminal fines for pushing drugs for diseases it wasn't approved for, faking test data, and being sued by people in africa for killing their kids. (Edit: Turns out, majority of people in congress hold a lot of stock in pfizer, funny that.)

Why in the sweet hell would anyone trust a vaccine company to give you accurate testing data when their number one goal is to sell vaccines (make money). Why would anyone trust the CDC or FDA who get hundreds of millions of dollars annually from the very businesses they're supposed to regulate.

I'm going to side with the scientists that have everything to lose that aren't the ones being paraded around on the TV because they'll tow the line.

My wifes aunt developed bells pallsy, had a stroke, and is now on her death bed from her shot. A young woman in a different part of the province from me had her shot, went to the hospital with chest pains and was sent home because 'she was having a panic attack', single mother died in her sleep that night. A good friend of mine in the US developed a debilitating migraine that persisted for 6 months. Because they don't want to give you a 10 dollar treatment that would eradicate covid in a month with little to no serious side effects.

And now they want to inject 5 year olds with something they absolutely do not need that provides no benefit to them and only induces more risk. This is what happens when politics plays medicine.
edit on 10/22/2021 by MaplePatriot because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/22/2021 by MaplePatriot because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 08:57 AM
I think all eligable adults should be vaccinated, however I don't see the point in kids getting vaccinated.

The risks are minimal even for kids when it comes to being vaccinated, but the virus doesn't really affect them as a whole.

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: DanZoller

The Manitoba push + Quebec's guaranteed to # everyone over for the profits....

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 08:32 PM
Only 1000+ messed up kids? Hmm, i guess the annual boosters will take care of the rest. Covid doesn't stand a chance.

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 09:37 PM
Anecdotal information incoming...

While driving across country I listened to an interview with a doctor, he said a healthy 18 yr old male with no major health issues has a 1 in 1 million chance of ending up hospitalized, same kid after the jab has a 5 in 1 million chance of the swollen heart side effect.

I am pushing 50 so there is an increased risk for me from covid, but no way in hades will I let my son get that jab, thats something worth going to prison over.

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