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Check out how the Amish handled it.

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posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: RazorV66

That’s the truth.

According to the CDC - less than 0.5% fatality for all under the age of 70 years old.

The Amish also don’t watch TV and listen to all the propaganda.

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 07:04 AM
I used to think good about the Amish, until I lived and worked around them. Most are good people but my view has changed greatly. It’s not as romantic as people want to believe. Plus it’s one big tax avoidance scam these hypocrites lead on.

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: 38181
I used to think good about the Amish, until I lived and worked around them. Most are good people but my view has changed greatly. It’s not as romantic as people want to believe. Plus it’s one big tax avoidance scam these hypocrites lead on.

Ummm...Show me one...just one...pure...pious...and perfect person...

All are hypocrites...even you...even me...

There is no perfection to be found...anywhere...ever...

We all carry our flaws close to the vest...hidden...secret...and preen our outward natures to reflect truths lack...

The Amish...are no closer to purity than you are...they've simply chosen to remain fixed in the lifestyle of centuries past...

There's an Amish family that I used to buy lumber from that use a diesel engine to power their saw mill...I asked them why ...they told me it was because the EPA wont let them use hydropower for their mill... that being hypocritical to their faith...?

Or is that merely conforming to an intrusive government agency that preaches that every drop of wetland is an endangered species preserve...

The Amish are hard people...who choose to live a tad closer to the earth than most...

There's no perfection to be found amongst their community...and none to be found in all the other communities...this whole world round...

There's an old saying from the Bible that it might do well to heed...paraphrasing..."what sense to pluck the splinter from another's eye...while ignoring the beam in your own"...

States the avowed hypocrite...


posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: YouSir

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: RazorV66

I think the Amish have common sense, plus they are healthy mostly work outside and have plenty of vitamin D in their bodies. Plus don't eat crap.

Have you had Amish food?
I have and healthy is not what I would call it.

not what you call healthy. which makes an interesting counterpoint to what we are being told about things like healthy/unhealthy foods and their connections to health problems. has to make one wonder about how truthful what we are being told about that actually is, and just how much certain types of foods actually are the problem. especially when taking into consideration that they don't just avoid things like many vaccines, but apparently a lot of modern medical intervention. and yet they also seem to live long and healthy lives. that says a lot about how wrong a lot of what we are told must be.

One thing that perplexed me about the Amish, why are certain forms of tech ok but not others.
They will buy fabric, obviously created on machinery, but think buttons are sinful.

their anti technology stems from both the time and reasons they broke themselves away from the mainstream world. it's like how they wear full beards, but shave their mustaches off. which is due to the time period they broke away, a mustache was a sign of martial prowess. at that time it was the manly thing. pretty much required in the military, and the bigger and showier the better. literally "separating the men from the boys". while at the same time, full beards were frowned upon by society. and so a full beard and no mustache not only set them apart, but also showed their disdain for both modern society and militarism. this is also true of their "plain clothing". again at the time of their separation society at large was all about flamboyant clothing. so it was both out of trying to be modest, separated them visually from that society, as well as again showing their disdain for the society they were leaving behind. a rather early show of some major passive aggressive behavior towards a society they felt was wrong.

as for modern fabric. they don't care how it was made. it existed at the time of their separation, and therefore not a concern of how someone else made it. they only shun modern things themselves, they don't damn other for using it. and as for technology they generally adopt and use. they pretty much as a group look at what it is, does and if they feel it will be a disruption to their way of life and religious values, and pretty much vote about it.

I really don’t like glamorization of the Amish because they are brutally abusive to animals and to women/girls as a way of life.

abusive to women/girls? how so? i'm sure there likely are some cases, just as with everyone else in society. but prove they are any more so. in fact those "women" fully know what they are getting into, long before they get married. just as the men do. they all even have the chance and are even encouraged to go out into the world, to experience it themselves, before being "baptized" into the religion, and held to it's values. they can even freely choose not to return and live that life without issue. it is only after actually becoming members of the community, that they are cut off if they leave. which is pretty much breaking with the religion they freely joined into.

in fact many Amish houses may even be seen with an electric hookup, even a TV antenna or satellite dish. because their strict way of life is not completely imposed on the children, who have not freely joined the community. they may even have computers and internet. sometimes they may even set up a small building separate for the kids and teens to use such things, since their homes are also their church building. many teens may even have cars or trucks, boats, even non Amish clothing, stored away from home they can freely use outside of the community. i have even heard sometimes even passed from generation, to generation. because they are not held to the same standards as those adults who have freely accepted their way of life. and that is the thing, no one is forced to be a part of the community. in fact it is hard for an outsider to be accepted in, because there is questions about both their beliefs and ultimate willingness to accept their way of life.

and as for animal abuse, again, just like the rest of society their could be some who abuse animals. but for the main, they are farmers, an an abused animal is worthless to them. but then their definition of "abuse" might be different than it is for some people. such as the waccos who think an animal such as a dog, can't handle things like "cold weather", or "warm weather" like any other animal. people who think a dog being "outdoors", is "abuse", (and in my opinion it is they who are the animal abusers).

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
There's an oft repeated (by me) story that may or may not be true of a news reporter who asked an Amish elder why there weren't more incidents of WuFlu deaths in his community. His reply was that they didn't have televisions.

It was a Facebork meme. I doubt that any Amish ever said that (mainly because the Amish aren't on any social media).

edit on 20/10/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: generik

not what you call healthy. which makes an interesting counterpoint to what we are being told about things like healthy/unhealthy foods and their connections to health problems. has to make one wonder about how truthful what we are being told about that actually is, and just how much certain types of foods actually are the problem. especially when taking into consideration that they don't just avoid things like many vaccines, but apparently a lot of modern medical intervention. and yet they also seem to live long and healthy lives. that says a lot about how wrong a lot of what we are told must be.

The lifespan for Amish people is LESS than non Amish.

abusive to women/girls? how so? i'm sure there likely are some cases, just as with everyone else in society. but prove they are any more so. in fact those "women" fully know what they are getting into, long before they get married. just as the men do. they all even have the chance and are even encouraged to go out into the world, to experience it themselves, before being "baptized" into the religion, and held to it's values. they can even freely choose not to return and live that life without issue. it is only after actually becoming members of the community, that they are cut off if they leave. which is pretty much breaking with the religion they freely joined into.

What in the no shoe wearing crack are you talking about.
They know what they are getting into? These girls/women are BORN into that community. IF they choose to leave they aren’t able to just come back like normal people. It is basically a religious cult.

It appears you really don’t know much about the Amish at all.

MCCLURE: Absolutely. There - these sources tell me that the forgiveness and repentance is much more of a priority for the abuser in place of any legal action. Once a community is made aware of an abuse case, there - little might be done beyond taking the issue to their bishop, their ministers and deacon. In that situation, what the church often does is has the abuser confess their sin in front of the church. They're given six weeks of shunning. There's no police report filed. There's no rape kit. There's no real follow-up treatment to these victims in this case. There's a really strong preference to keep the family together at all costs.

The issue of a “widespread, decentralized cover-up of child sexual assault by Amish clergy” was something that routinely came up in my conversations with Amish. It stunned me that everyone had an abuse story. I was alarmed by the heartbreaking stories of the victims, but I decided to pursue this investigation after hearing about the resistance that victims encountered from the church about reporting abuse.

edit on 20-10-2021 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-10-2021 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-10-2021 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: YouSir

Wow! What a mouth full. I have my opinions, a star for you!

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: 38181
a reply to: YouSir

Wow! What a mouth full. I have my opinions, a star for you! strict attention to that winking emoticon below...

And never take anything I say here seriously...

Edit to add...a star is born for you as well...

edit on 20-10-2021 by YouSir because: If I get anything right in life...hopefully it's the talent to always poke fun at myself...

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

So? Just hearsay like when people claim American Women in America are under sharia law when Muslim?

Funny there are lots of news entertainment sites that run certain stores that generate revenue but little or no legal action.

Are the Girl Scouts of America a hotbed of sexual abuse?
In an interview for AP News, former member of the Girl Scouts Alice Weiss-Russell discussed the sexual abuse she suffered in the 1980s.

Or is there a few bad apples where ever you look? Yes. There is always that 2 to 10 percent that makes life bad.

Amish Forgive School Shooter, Struggle with Grief

And what is truth.

Lurid myths about Catholic sexual slavery and infanticide spread through pamphlets and books such as Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, an 1834 supposed memoir about a Canadian convent.

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

The lifespan for Amish people is LESS than non Amish.

Amish Longevity May Be Due to Genetic ‘Fountain of Youth’

Amish People Stay Healthy in Old Age. Here's Their Secret


posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: anonentity

While I disagree with the Amish in many of their beliefs, and find some of their ways alien to me, they do have one thing going for them that forces me to have respect for them: they don't just talk the talk, they walk the walk.

As a general rule, the Amish do not live as long as other groups, that much that JAGStorm said is true... but what she failed to add is that the Amish live longer active lives. Many other people are pretty much disabled by the time they get into their 60s, but the typical Amish will remain active and vibrant pretty much until their death. I'm not sure that's a bad thing. Would I choose 20 years more in misery or ten years healthy? I think I would go with the latter.

But that's not what I really wanted to talk about here, and not the actual topic of the thread.

The Amish are more healthy that non-Amish on average. They do not use excessive medication, and what they use is often natural home remedies handed down through generations. They thus have very strong immune systems. IN addition, they work... hard! All the time. There is no such thing as a sedimentary Amish lifestyle. That as well keeps them in top physical shape. So when a disease like the Chinese virus comes along, it's just a cold. For others, who live a sedimentary lifestyle and are used to taking a pill every time they have a slight ache, it's dangerous.

Sure, they may eat what we call "junk," but the proof is in the pudding. They seem to do just fine on that "junk." A word of caution: I have met Amish folks... they are standoffish and tend to have a very long fuse on any temper, but do NOT provoke one into a fight. Them folks are strong! Maybe their lifestyle allows them to stay healthy on their diet; or maybe their diet isn't as "unhealthy" as we have been told.

In some of those ways I am closer to the Amish than most. I do not like medicine; I take a few things now because I busted up my heart, but I still take the minimum I can get by with. I'd literally rather hurt than use medicine. After open-heart surgery, I refused every pain pill that was offered to me, and that with three broken ribs. I still get outside whenever I can and do whatever I can... the other day I replaced a cedar post to put an old grapevine trellis back together. That's right, the old redneck with the bad heart dug a hole, set the pole up, and poured it full of Quikrete. Took all day, but I got it done. That keeps me healthy in ways that go beyond my heart. That's why my pain tolerance is so high, and why I have no reason to worry about the virus.

This just proves what I have been saying all along: the virus is just a way to control people. If someone has a weak immune system, take some common-sense measures. If someone gets a severe case, go to the doctor or the hospital. But there is no reason to ruin people's lives or destroy people's freedoms over it.


posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

A word of caution: I have met Amish folks... they are standoffish and tend to have a very long fuse on any temper, but do NOT provoke one into a fight. Them folks are strong! Maybe their lifestyle allows them to stay healthy on their diet; or maybe their diet isn't as "unhealthy" as we have been told.

Anyone that does daily long hour manual labor is usually strong as an ox. My son worked in a warehouse one summer. It was the smaller sized guys that seemed to be the strongest. We often talked about how we pity the people that mistakenly picked a fight with them.

Back to the Amish, Ok they may live more “vibrantly” in old age as you put it, but they do not live longer, so obviously whatever they are doing/not doing is not affording them a longer life, which is what I was responding to. Maybe the rest of society is hopped up on pills or whatnot, but that is their choice and it is obviously doing something as far as longevity goes. I think the difference is pretty significant too, almost a decade.

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

There's no question the Amish do not live as long as non-Amish. I'll concede that. What I was referring to was more "useful life," as in how long can one continue to function in life.

I am not a bit afraid of death. When it comes, it comes; I have had a good, long, busy life. I'm just not in a hurry to die either... you might say i am agnostic about death. But what I am not agnostic about, and what I intend to avoid with every breath of my being, is being the old guy slouched sideways in the wheelchair that smells like a truck stop bathroom, unable to dress himself or wipe his own rear. That would be continual torture to me.

That's just not living to me. It's not dying, and there's a difference.


posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm
Their diet is healthier thn you might think. The main thing in diet is to strictly eliminate omega 6 polyunsaturated fats (seed oils):
White flour and sugar are not ideal but are not such a big deal.

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 12:17 PM
Sorry I just have to post this completely off topic but still hilarious considering AMISH were brought up.

edit on 23-10-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 12:40 PM
They test less which results in fewer cases. Same is true in Afghanistan which has only a few cases per day due to low testing.

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